...Whether observed through the perspective of the media or within a historical context, women at a national premise have a greater awareness in the struggle of gender equality and female identification. Feminism looks at how the social, economic and political structures affect and shape women at the individual level. Accordingly, feminist theories analyze the relationship between gender differences, gender inequality and oppression. The idea of ‘waves’ in Canadian Feminist movements have been both diverse and dynamic in the act of coalition to obtain specific goals and broader changes in society. At the beginning of the 20th century, industrialization and nation-building came attached with a gender ideology that prescribed the public/private division between male and females. In modern-day Canada, issues concerning equal rights in the public and private sphere of women have become more relevant to the female community. In contemporary Canada, the discussion of sex work and the ‘entertainment industry’ is a controversial subject to many women. The traditional view is expressed to view these workers as individuals who have chosen this path as ‘immoral criminals’ or ‘victims’ of aggression. There is not much sympathy for these women as they are degraded to be invisible within Canadian society. Given the blind eye, these sexual deviants have historically served as an representation to regulate women of the public sphere. However, it is necessary to make distinctions of the ‘hierarchy’...
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...legislation states that the legal age in which children can participate in paid work is 16. This was to protect children from slave labour and exploitation within the workforce. The March of Progress perspective would argue that this has made childhood better. However Child Liberationists would argue that this has had a negative effect on children, making them dependent on adults for money, which makes them vulnerable to abuse from adults. The Child Liberationist view argues that children should be able to work and make money from themselves, separating them from adult control and liberate themselves away from those who are older. This is supported by Diane Gittens, who coined the term ‘Age Patriarchy’ meaning that adults just because they are older see themselves as more important than children and this needs to stop in order to children to be equal in society. The Equal Pay and Equality Act 2010 entitle a woman doing equal work with a man in the same employment to equality in pay and other terms and conditions. The Act implies a sex equality clause automatically into her contract of employment, ensuring that her contractual terms are no less favorable than his. This Act was supposedly supposed to close the pay gap between the genders and allow for equality. The gender pay gap is the...
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...of equal pay between genders is still a problem in today’s society. Not to mention the argument of equal pay between genders of different ethnicities and minorities. The unfairness in this is, no matter the age, a white man is paid much more than a black or Mexican man. A white woman is even paid more than both ethnic genders. A women of color is paid less than their male counterpart, not to mention the gaping wide wage gap between women of color and a white man. The many factors leading into why the wage gap exists or still exists is that men are stronger, and deserve bigger salaries. This is the main idea of sexism, and that women should earn less than then men. When in some cases, the women have...
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...International Capstone: Barriers to Higher Education – Gender Issue * Gender Issue in Higher Education – Russia Perspective * Increasing Level of Female Participation in Higher Education Over the last 10 years of economic reforms, the educational system, including higher education, has changed a great deal. The number of students at higher educational establishments rose by almost 40%, mainly because of the increase in women students. In 1992-2000, the number of male students rose by 327,000 or 25%, while the number of female students, by 763,000 or 50%. * Lack of Gender Awareness In access to education gender discrimination is less apparent than in other fields. 77% of women and 82% of men noted equal access to education in general, though 20% thought that women have fewer opportunities to receive education. In addition, the lack of gender awareness among decision makers in the higher education field is another problem. In Russia, there are no women ministers of education or heads of higher education departments. Thus, discrimination is more likely to develop when cross-group interactions are low, according to the contact theory. However, this clear underrepresentation of women at senior levels in both academic and administrative hierarchies is not perceived as an issue. * Gender Related Profession Discrimination Despite of the number, the fact that it is in the predominantly "female" professions where fees were introduced, while the traditionally...
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...Linkages Between Gender, Development, and Growth: Implications for the Caribbean Region Stephanie Seguino Professor, Department of Economics Old Mill 340 University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05401 Tel. 1 802 656-0187 Fax 1 802 656-8405 Email sseguino@zoo.uvm.edu July 2008 Acknowledgements: I am grateful for helpful comments and insights from Rhoda Reddock, Christine Barrow, Caren Grown, three anonymous referees, and participants at the Building Capacity for Gender Analysis in Policy Making, Programme Development, and Implementation: Research Seminar and Workshop, University of West Indies, Barbados, November 2007. Micro-Macro Linkages Between Gender, Development, and Growth: Implications for the Caribbean Region Abstract Over the last two decades, scholars have investigated the two-way relationship between gender inequality on the one hand, and economic development and growth on the other. Research in this area offers new ways to address the economic stagnation and crisis developing countries have experienced over the last two decades. This paper contributes to that literature, exploring the channels by which gender inequality affects, and in important ways, constrains economic development and growth in the Caribbean region. It further explores the endogeneity of gender inequality to the macroeconomic policy environment. The paper concludes with a discussion of economic policies that can promote a win-win outcome—greater gender equality and economic...
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...Social Inequality essay plans for Part b) 30 mark question Evaluate the usefulness of sociological explanations of ethnic inequalities.(30) Evaluate the view that society is institutionally racist (30) Adapt according to question given Introduction Ethnic inequalities are still significant in the UK – give a few examples. Suggest some explanations e.g Racism, Institutional racism, social class of ethnic minorities (Marxism), welfare dependency (New Right). This essay will identify and assess these explanations. AO1 Define types of Racism e.g Barker and new racism, institutional racism – McPhearson report on murder of stephen lawrence – racism in met police. Jenkins suggests recruitment to jobs is more word of mouth and disadvantages ethnic minorities. Modood 1994 28% of african caribbean people surveyed said they felt they had been refused a job on grounds of race. AO2 There are many government acts such as Race relations acts which should prevent discrimination AO2 However because racism is implicit (hidden) now it can be difficult to prove in court. AO1 Marxists such as Westergaard and Resler argue that race is a distraction from the real issue which is social class. It is capitalism which disadvantages certain groups and ethnic minorities are more likely to be in lower classes. AO2 However this ignores the existence of racism in society e.g in education where black boys have the highest exclusion rates in school. AO1 Another marxist explanation by Castles...
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...1 Feminist Theory and Survey Research “The idea that there is only ‘one road’ to the feminist revolution, and only one type of ‘truly feminist’ research, is as limiting and as offensive as male-biased accounts of research that have gone before.” ~Liz Stanley and Sue Wise, 1983, p. 26. Introduction Over the past three decades, feminist methodologists have hammered home one point with surprising regularity: Feminist research takes a variety of legitimate forms; there is no “distinctive feminist method of research” (Harding, 1987; see also Chafetz, 2004a, 2004b; Fonow & Cook, 2005; Hawkesworth, 2006; Hesse-Biber, 2007; Risman, Sprague, & Howard, 1993; and Sprague, 2005). And yet, to this day, the relationship between feminist theory and quantitative social science research remains uneasy. Among feminist scholars, quantitative research is often seen as suspect for its association with positivism and its pretense of objectivity (among other things). At the same time, among quantitative researchers, feminist-identified work is often dismissed as “biased,” “activist,” or “substantively marginal.” While a number of scholars have recently published works outlining a “feminist” approach to social science research, these books have generally steered clear of quantitative survey research. Some authors of feminist 1 2— Feminist Measures in Survey Research methods texts limit their discussion of feminist survey research to a small section (e.g., Hesse-Biber, 2007; Reinharz, 1992;...
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...Besides a few controversial issues, it’s probably difficult for a young woman in today’s society to imagine a time when their rights were equal to men’s. Nevertheless, by reading the short story “A Jury of Her Peers”, written by Susan Glaspell, one can gain insight into a time of clearly delineated gender roles and inequality. Having been composed prior to the feminist movement, the disturbing picture painted by Glaspell shows the roles women played or unwilling played due to society’s gender expectations. Despite the trivializing treatment from the men in this story, the women and their knowledge are found to be more useful in solving the murder of Mr. Wright. “A Jury of Her Peers” is considered a feminist classic and demonstrates the difficult circumstances of women in a society dominated by males. In telling the story of Minnie Wright, Susan Glaspell uses Mrs. Peters and Martha Hale, the two main characters. Throughout the story, Minnie Wright is held in captivity as the prime suspect in her husband’s murder case. To display women’s inferiority to men at this time, symbolism is used, as well as the motive that led to the murder: the abuse and deterioration of Minnie Wright. Some critics believe “A Jury of Her Peers” is based on a real murder...
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...CHAPTER 7 – DEVIANCE, CRIME, AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Devance- Viewing deviance as a violation of social norms, sociologists have characterized it as "any thought, feeling, or action that members of a social group judge to be a violation of their values or rules "or group" 2. Stimga- stigma refers to the concept of people being 'marked' as different, specifically in a negative manner, based on some characteristic that separates them from the rest of the society. Some are based on inherent characteristic such as mental illness where people cannot change. 3. What is the difference between formal and informal deviance Formal deviance is behqavior that violates laws. Major crimes etc, informal is behavior that disregards accepted social norms like picking ones nose 4. What are the major sources of crime statistics? FBI’s uniform Crime report(UCR) and victimization surveys 5. Crime differs from deviance because- with a crime comes punishment 6. What are the shortcoming of the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR)? The data doesn’t offer accurate measures on the extent of “crime” 7. What are examples of victimless crimes include Acts that violate laws but involve individuals who don’t consider themselves victems, offenses that are the least likely to be reported 8. Sanctions are rewards or punishments for obeying or violating a norm 9. ____functionalist/ strain theory___ believe that crime occurs when people experience blocked...
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...How gender is related to disadvantage in the UK Introduction Gender is the socially ascribed and constituted version of what is thought of as ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, and the relations between (Olsen et al, 1990). From time in memorial gender inequality has been a prevalence social hitch and has largely been practiced towards women around the world effecting different aspects of their life. The aim of this essay is to discuss how gender inequalities have evolved in recent decades in the UK. To achieve this, I will commence by presenting a historical insight into gender inequality, identifying the roles and expectations of women and men in society during this period. I will then identify the different forms of inequalities experienced by the genders and how these inequalities have evolved in recent times. In order to fully understand the extent of these inequalities I will discuss the sociological perspectives on the social problem, looking at the works of earlier sociologists and Marxist scholars Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels. I will then identify the policies implemented by the UK government to eradicate all sort of disadvantages associated gender from society and its effectiveness in abolishing the social problem. Finally I will conclude by identifying the benefits and possible boundaries of the UK government’s policies that have been developed to fully eliminate gender disparities from society. For far too long, women have tolerated unfairness at the hands of male...
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...Introduction “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes flex time and a baby carriage.” Said by a supervisor at Novartis who refused to hire women (Carter 2010) Traditionally, the work done by women is often assumed to be less important than the work performed by their male counterparts. This statement continue to plague women in all societies today, as theorist like Murdock believe, given the biological differences between men and women a sexual division of labour is the most efficient way of organising society (Haralambos & Holborn, 2008). This is one way in which the mainstream theorist sought to justify the invisibility of women and assigned roles based on the sex of the individuals. Women has always been viewed or defined by the role she is assigned by society, for which I consider to be socially constructed. However, the role women played in the home is domesticated in the role of homemaker and caregiver, thus, when we examine women’s work, we primarily think of the work that women do at home, their unpaid domestic labour. The old adage ‘women’s work is never done’ speaks to the various household tasks for which women are assumed to take overall responsibility. Many theorist used the biological theory as to heighten why women is best suited for some jobs rather than others. In reality we know that not all women are capable of assuming the role of the caring, nurturing and domesticated type, just as not all male are able to display a rough, tough and superior...
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...Ziding Wang The development of gender equality 1. Introduction Over the past decades, the relationships between women and men and their lives have dramatically changed. In many parts of the world, women still have fewer rights including poor level of education, less income that men and less power of decision making. Unfortunately, this is true, despite the fact that women’s role in children upbringing, food producing and family income is inestimable. Gender equality is not only about being fair to both women and men, but is also means that they should have the same status in society. It also means that they have equal rights and opportunities on the way to their success and can equally contribute to all spheres of live: political and economic. With the promoting of scientific advancement, Japan seems to fall behind with gender equality. Only about 14 percent of female professionals has been trained in mathematics, science and engineering. According to data obtained, most of female scientists merely underestimate themselves when competing with their male colleagues (sciencemag.org). Unequal pay and unequal respect towards working women dispel the myth about gender equality (shriverreport.org). In general, the level of women’s wage is 2/3 of that of the men. Gender inequality in payment is a direct violation of the principle of equal pay for equal work. Almost in all sectors of the economy women take low-paying positions. During all these year we another...
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...Review Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9 I. Gender roles A. Gender roles are sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one’s status as a male or female. However, there is much evidence showing that gender roles have more to do with social status then biology II. The Women Question A. What is the root of patriarchy? III. Patriarchy A. A nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity B. A wide range of theories and approaches have been applied to the study of gender, including structural functionalism, psychoanalytic theory, conflict theory C. Each perspective has contributed to our understanding of gender differences, gender roles, and this complex and fundamental social institution IV. Structural functionalism A. Theoretical tradition claiming that every society has certain structures(the family, the division of labor, or gender) which exist in order to fulfill some set of functions(Reproduction of the species, production of goods, etc). B. A structural functionalist approach to studying gender assumes that gender differences exist to fulfill necessary functions in society V. Sex role theory A. Talcott Parson’s theory that men and women perform their sex roles as breadwinners and wives/mothers, respectively, because the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern societies, fulfilling the function of reproducing workers VI. Limitation A. Their theory doesn’t allow for the possibility...
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...Essay: Evaluate the role of education in society. Consider issue of gender in your response. Also, consider how such factors may impact on a person’s life chances. This essay will examine the role of education in society and an analysis of inequality in relation to Gender. It will discuss briefly education and examine the different theoretical approaches to education followed by an analysis of inequality using information on statistics of inequality in British education in relation to gender and attainment. This essay will Identify and evaluate key policy developments in education provision designed to bridge the gap of gender inequality in British education. The role of education in society has been among the major issues in contemporary sociological and political debate. According to Iannelli and Paterson (2005) education is a major factor that helps determine the jobs and social class positions of individuals in society. As an institution of sociology, education plays a dominant role in transmitting prevalent ideologies of society by providing pupils with the curriculum and hidden curriculum as well as the skills that will prepare them physically, mentally and socially for their life chances (Clark 2005). Educational institutions play a very important role in reducing social inequalities. Over the last century British schools experienced very important changes and moved from a selective system to a comprehensive one in the 1960s and 70s. Much research has shown that the...
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...Economics 242: Economics of Gender Spring 2013 Professor: Karine Moe Course Preceptor: Sasha Indarte Office: 310F Carnegie Hall Email: moe@macalester.edu Web: http://www.macalester.edu/~moe Phone: 696-6793 Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-2:30, Wednesdays 8:30-9:15, Thursdays 1:30-2:30, other times by appointment Course Description: During the past fifty years, Americans have witnessed dramatic changes in the structure of the family. The changes in marriage, divorce, and fertility rates since the 1960s have been inextricably linked with changes in attitudes towards work and, in particular, with changes in women's work patterns both in and out of the household. In that same time period, economists have come to realize that standard economic theory can be applied to many aspects of family life including marriage, fertility, divorce, and the division of work and leisure within the household. In this course we will use economic theory, both neo-classical and feminist, to explore how gender differences lead to different economic outcomes for men and women, both within families and in the marketplace. Course Prerequisite: Economics 119, Principles of Economics, is a necessary prerequisite, since we will make use of concepts, vocabulary, analytical skills and other tools developed in the Principles course. Course Readings: The following texts are required and can be purchased at the Macalester Bookstore or online. Additional readings will be made available...
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