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Waking Up Research Paper

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Take a minute to imagine how much more productive you would be if you were able to wake up just an hour or two earlier in the morning. They'd be nothing and nobody to distract you from getting on with whatever you want! The only things stopping you are the sleeping habits that you've built up over the years. You may have tried in the past to reverse these habits but without the proper techniques that it's very hard to do. Fortunately I'm going to share with you five tips that will make waking up early every morning a piece of cake!

1. Go to sleep earlier! This is perhaps the most important of these tips. Realistically you can't expect to go to sleep at 1am and then be able to wake up as fresh as a daisy at 5am. A good rule of thumb is to aim …show more content…
Set your alarm and place it at the other end of the room! The snooze button will probably be your worst enemy in your efforts to wake up earlier. That is why you should set for alarm for the exact time you want to wake up (don't try and trick yourself by setting it early and then snoozing for thirty minutes) and put it somewhere where you'll have to get up to turn it off. You might even want to set up two or three alarms in this manner!

4. Drink a drink. After you've been sleeping for seven hours your body will be dehydrated. That is why it's a good idea to put a glass of water by your bed. As soon as you wake up (or turn off those alarms!) drink the full glass of water. This will hydrate and energize your body, making you feel a lot more awake and less likely to hop back into bed.

5. Program your mind. This may sound a tricky task since you're not a robot or computer, but you can actually program your mind with a technique known as hypnosis. Hypnosis speaks to the part of your mind which holds yours habits and routines which is why it's so effective for people looking to quit smoking or lose weight. The same can also be said of waking up early. You can find hypnosis MP3s on the subject of waking up early and they really do

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