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Weight Lifting Research Paper

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Get swole, pumping iron, swole up. These are all terms that refer to lifting weights. Lifting weights can be a fun and very helpful tool to get in shape, but for weight lifting to actually work you must execute the lifts accurately. This is a how to guide on lifting weights correctly and how to be safe when doing so. There are three key parts of weight lifting. They are stretching, technique, and the correct weights for your ability level. Before you can actually begin lifting the weights though, you should make sure you are safe when trying to lift weights, never lift alone and never up your weights without making sure that you are completely sure that can handle it or that your partner can help you if you run into trouble.

Before you actually …show more content…
Technique for bench press is quite simple. You start by laying flat on the bench, place your feet flat on the ground. When you take the bar off the rack you use straight arms to do so. Then you bring the bar slowly to your chest and proceed to explode up, the term explode up means to bring the bar up quickly until your arms are straight ( You do this in a repetition or also called reps, for beginners most reps range anywhere from 5-7 in a single set. A set is a complete count of your reps. So that is how you count your lifts. Please remember that lifting without a partner is very dangerous and has a very high chance of ending in injury. For your sake please lift with a partner and be safe. Be very careful when upping your weights as well because straining yourself even with stretching can lead to serious …show more content…
The first thing you need to know is that the bar used in bench pressing is normally forty-five pounds. In some gyms they have special bars that weigh less than forty-five pounds, but most gyms their bars do weigh forty-five pounds. So the discs weights that you add on you have to add to forty-five pounds. If you are a beginner it is better to start slow then just pile a bunch of weight on and try and lift it. If you start slow you can build up to your goal weight. So you are supposed to start with the bar and do 5 reps. If it is easy you can add ten pounds, all together that means five pounds on each side. Doing this allows you to accurately gauge how much weight you can handle without hurting or straining yourself. After you get a good gauge of how much you can handle then you can slowly work your way up in weights. Which can allow you to tone and build your muscle

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