...who is at the start of Weight Watchers in 1963, when she decided to invite her friends to hers in order to give them the possibility to lose weight "together". From there, the first Weight Watchers meeting was born. Quickly, the reputation of this program was spreading across the United States. It made thousands of followers. By 1970 it spread on to Germany, the first European country to import the Weight Watchers diet. In 1973, it followed by France and Switzerland and Belgium in 1974. The company is now present in forty countries across the world and hasn’t said its last word. In 1978, the company was sold to the famous U.S. food group H. J. Heinz until 1999, best known for the manufacture of ketchup and canned food. Since 2001, it went public and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The Weight Watchers program, in addition to the weekly meetings that have been develop in all countries where it operates, brand extension of products created under the logo of the brand through partnerships (105 products from 12 different categories in 2011). In 1993, Weight Watchers has developed additional services, including concept correspondence "Weight Watchers at home." But the revolution came in the 2000s with the development of the Internet, which hasn’t escaped to Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers International is the global leader in weight management services, operating in all the market through a network of owned and franchised. Weight Watchers holds about 50,000 meetings...
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...Weight Watchers Jean Nidetch created the Weight Watchers diet plan in 1961. Nidetch was a 5’7’ 38 year old woman that weighed 214 pounds. She struggled with being over weight her entire childhood, trying different diets and pills that were supposed to make you lose weight, but when she lost the weight she just gained it right back. Nidtech was tired of trying diet plans that only failed her, so she became motivated to figure out a diet plan that would truly work. She combined a practical diet with group support meetings. She asked several of her overweight friends go on a diet and to meet for weekly check-ins with her, and after two months had passed she had 40 women meeting to talk about their progress. Jean Nidetch stayed on her program and lost 72 pounds by October 1962. Just by spreading the word through her friends she ended up getting hundreds of people who wanted to join this diet group. Weight watchers is a system that offers numerous dieting products and services to support weight loss. The newest addition to Weight Watchers is the pointsplus program, in this program every food has a PointsPlus value, which takes into account a food's protein, carbs, fat, and fiber. They came up with a formula that takes all of that information and turns it into one easy-to-use, number. You get a daily-personalized PointsPlus Target, so you know how much to eat each day to lose weight safely. When using the weight watchers diet you are not depriving yourself of any nutrients...
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...As the Weight Watchers company website states, the company has over one million active users in 27 countries who attend 29,000 meetings weekly. According to a WW press release, all three subscription types (online, meetings, and coaching) increased in number of users in 2017 (“Weight Watchers Announces”). According to marketwatch.com, WW has been experiencing a steady decrease in revenue since 2012. The 2014 and 2015 fiscal years experienced the largest dips with 2016 having a slightly smaller decrease (“Weight Watchers International”). Positioning Weight Watchers is set apart from its competitors because of its unique SmartPoints system, meetings, and online community. Other diet plans offer tracking systems and other aids, but Weight Watchers...
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...MARKETING STRATEGY 3.1 Mission Weight Watchers Workouts is a full-service, weight-loss program designed to provide participants with tools to engage in a healthy lifestyle all while having fun and bettering oneself. Participants will engage themselves to not only achieve their goals of a healthier lifestyle, but also be provided with the tools to maintain their enjoyable life afterwards. The highest standards of quality customer service will provide participants to become life-long members of the Weight Watchers Workouts facilities. 3.2 Objectives Weight Watchers Workout’s marketing objectives will be geared towards increasing product awareness and growth from existing gym members and Weight Watchers customers. The primary goals will be to grow their customer base and profit from this brand extension. Weight Watchers Workouts plans to increase its customer base by five percent each quarter with the goal of tripling its customer base within the first five years. Weight Watchers hopes that with the popularity of healthy living and the combined forces of Weight Watchers and gym memberships, customers will see the value in combining their weight-loss endeavors into one full service location. 3.4 Target Markets Local marketing will be introduced first in the United States to slowly grow their locations and build the customer base. Participants who are already taking advantage of the Weight Watchers program will be targeted first in order to utilize...
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...Weight Watchers vs. Jenny Craig Tuesdays & Thursday Honors 1:00 PM Question 1: When first considering which diet plan to choose, a consumer must recognize their need; in this case our need is to lose weight. This serves as both a functional and psychological need. Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers both provide the functional need to help you satisfy your hunger while facilitating weight loss in a healthy manner. When it comes to our psychological needs, we want the personal gratification of losing weight and looking more attractive. The marketers for Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers show advertisements that portray their customers as fit, attractive and happier as a result of their weight loss program. We see this and immediately want those results that are associated with that program. Marketers will also use celebrity endorsements to sell their program and try to influence the consumer’s needs. Once we, the consumer, have recognized a need, the next step is to search for information. This search is both internal and external. For our internal search we might ask ourselves, “What do I know about weight loss programs?”. Additionally we will do an external search by researching the programs online, visits to their actual locations, or asking our friends and family for information. In this step, the consumer will weigh the perceived benefits against the perceived costs (See question two). Marketers have influence over this search for information by having websites, salespeople...
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...Weight Watchers International Inc. Muhamet Dervishi BA 422W Table of contents Exeutive summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 History and Background……………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 Probems…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5 Strategic Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Overview of SWOT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6-7 Alternative Solutions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7-8 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Work Cited………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Executive Summary Weight Watchers International, Inc. was born in 1961 by Jean Nidetch (incorporated in 1963) who had found herself constantly on a diet but never losing any weight. Knowing she needed more she attended a diet seminar. Ms. Nidetch lost 20 pounds after the seminar, but soon found her motivation dwindling. She invited some friends over who sympathized with her battle of the bulge and they began to share with the group their struggles with food. The group of women began to lose weight and within a short time Nidetch was hosting more than 40 people in her apartment for these support group meetings. Weight Watchers International, Inc. is an industry leader of weight loss and management services, serving 30 countries. Currently, over a million people attend over 40,000 meetings weekly throughout the world. Research shows that people who have...
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...have been on different diets at different times of our lives. Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem are diets that have been around for over 30 years. It is up to the individual to decide which plan would work best for the results which are trying to be achieved. Depending on the different options, convenient but pricey or cooking different foods for yourself, it is up to the individual to choose the diet option that best suits their needs. No doubt, Nutrisystem is a diet of convenience when it is compared to the Weight Watcher’s diet. When using the Nutrisystem diet, all of the food is prepackaged and portion controlled. You don’t have to figure out points or if the food is something you should be eating. All the meals are supplied to you when you order the nutrisystem diet. The only thing you have to add to Nutrisystem is some grocery additions, such as vegetables and smart carbohydrates. Unlike Nutrisystem, the Weight Watcher’s diet has to be calculated with points and measuring different foods. Depending on what you are making, there is not the convenience of using a microwave to cook the meal that you will eat. Weight Watchers will let you eat what you want as long as it enters into the correct point range that you need for the day. In general, Weight Watcher’s can be a cheaper alternative concerning dieting. With the Weight Watcher’s plan, the food is purchased at the grocery store....
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...Weight Loss and Modern Technology For over forty years, the Weight Watchers organization has devoted itself to the helping people lose weight in a manner that was safe, practical, and manageable. Beginning in September of 1961 by a single woman in Queens, New York, the company has grown from a small, individual program to becoming the “global leader in weight management services, providing 50,000 Weight Watchers meetings each week in countries all over the world” (Weight Watchers International, Inc., 2013). Back in the sixties, the Weight Watchers program was provided face to face; individuals attended weekly meetings with peers. Today, the program has expanded to offer a wider variety of tools and options for members; members can attend meeting, access and use the Weight Watchers program online, and, most recently, the official Weight Watchers Smart Phone App. Accommodating Busy Lifestyles with Modern Technology For many years, those who wanted to participate in the Weight Watchers program only had the option of attending the weekly, in-person meetings. While those able to attend usually were able to find success with the program, it left a gap for those with busier lifestyles on the go. Those with full-time jobs could not stop their work day to go to physical meetings. With the development of electronic commerce, or E-commerce, companies had the option to offer their information, products and services through computer networks, including the internet (Rainer Jr. & Cegielski...
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...“Now that’s enough weight to qualify for gastric bypass surgery if you want, but I hesitate to recommend that to my patients. A lot of times – insurance won’t cover it and if you don’t change your eating habits, you’ll just end up gaining the weight right back. My recommendation is to join a local gym and find some type of weight loss support group. I’ve heard that Weight Watchers is a great inexpensive plan that works for some people and weight loss is sometimes easier if you have someone working with you. Without that, there is not going to be a whole lot I can do to make you feel better. Unfortunately, there is not a magic pill to stop the damage all of that additional weight is doing to your body. At this point, it is all up to...
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...Lapodium Logistics Int’l Inc. Room 601, Roman Santos Bldg., Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Metro Manila1003 Philippines November 26, 2013 ASSAM Corp. Unit 1204, 139 Corporate Center Valero St. Salcedo Village Makati City . Attention: Mr. Jake Tansanco Subject: Standard FCL Quotation (1x20’ or 1x40’) Dear Sir: We would like to inform you the following charges: From Customs to Delivery |Measurement: Gross Weight : | |Duties, Taxes & Other Charges | |As per Computation | |Brokerage Fee with Vat | |As per CAO 1-2001 | |Processing | |1,000.00 | |Documentation | |500.00 | |Releasing | |500.00 | |Handling | |500.00 | ...
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...1 landlords having NRI connections and good education level. | Aspirations for matching the social status at par with NRI relatives. Need Rugged car along with Luxary for rural roads. | 6.25 | Segment 4 | Living in Bombay | Age 25 - 40 year | Successful TV/Movie actors | Having a requirement of stylish expensive car to match the standards of their public image | 4.85 | Assumptions * Car is best in class engineering. * Car has best looks in luxury segment. Selected Segment attractiveness factors 1. Potential segment size 2. growth potential 3. Profit potential 4. Competitive intensity 5. Cyclicality Weighting segment attractiveness factors Segmemt attractiveness factors | Weight | Volume growth potential | 30 | Profit Potential | 25 | Potential segment size | 20 | Competitive intensity | 15 | Cyclicality | 10 | Total | 100 | Parameters and their scores for segment attractiveness factors | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Segment Attractiveness factors | High (10-7) | Medium (6-4) | Low (3-0) | Volume growth potential | Industry Avg + 3 % |...
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...limit it to just the total or average Perception score. This is called SERVPERF and is used when Expectations are likely to be all the same (typically high). Weights can be applied here as well. STEPS TO OBTAIN UNWEIGHTED SERVQUAL SCORE Step 1. Select a business the service quality of which you want to assess. Using the SERVQUAL instrument, first obtain the score for each of the 22 expectation questions. Next, obtain a core for each of the perception questions. Calculate the Gap Score each of the statements (Gap Score = Perception – Expectation). Step 2. Obtain an average Gap Score for each dimension by assessing the Gap Scores for each of the statements that constitute the dimension and dividing the sum by the number of statements making up the dimension. Step 3. In TABLE 1 transfer the average dimension SERVQUAL scores (for all five dimensions) from the SERVQUAL instrument. Sum up the scores and divide it by five to obtain the unweighted measure of service quality. STEPS TO OBTAIN THE WEIGHTED SERVQUAL SCORE Step 1. In Table 2 calculate the importance weights for each of the five dimensions constituting the SERVQUAL scale. (The instructions are provided along with the table). Step 2. In Table 3 enter the average SERVQUAL score for each dimension (from Table 1) and the importance weight for each dimension (from Table 2). Then...
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....5 | 2 | 3 | .6 | 1.8 | 21.5 | | 3 | Potato SeedCenter | 4 | .8 | 3.2 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 5 | .8 | 4 | 5 | .8 | 4 | 5 | .7 | 3.5 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 3 | .8 | 2.4 | 5 | .8 | 4 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 32.3 | | 4 | Restaurant (Male) | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 5 | .8 | 4 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 5 | .7 | 3.5 | 4 | .6 | 2.4 | 3 | .8 | 2.4 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 5 | .7 | 3.5 | 29.8 | | 5 | AgriculturalTechnologyRentals | 3 | .6 | 1.8 | 4 | .6 | 2.4 | 4 | .6 | 2.4 | 4 | .5 | 2 | 4 | .7 | 2.8 | 3 | .6 | 1.8 | 4 | .6 | 2.4 | 3 | .7 | 2.1 | 4 | .6 | 2.4 | 4 | .6 | 2.4 | 21.5 | | Legend: Rating: Criterion: R-Rating 5- Excellent A- Market Availability 4- Very Satisfactory B- Raw Material Availability W- Weight 3-Satisfactory C-Technology Availability 2-Fair D-Skills Availability WS- Weighted Score 1-Poor E-Government F-Strategic Fit G-Ease of Implementation H-Risk of Exposure I-Profitability...
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...INTRODUCTION In this investigation, I intend to find out whether there is a relationship in height and weight in students, and how this relationship changes between girls and boys, with age. I have chosen to investigate the relationship between the height and the weight as I think that the height and the weight are the only two categories that will give a clear correlation. If I was to investigate the relationship of two other categories, like the eye colour and the IQ, I believe that however interesting and amusing the results would be, they would not provide too clear a relationship, or any conclusive information. The data provided gives information about 1183 girls and boys at Mayfield High School, who have been categorized into their year groups. These year groups begin with the students entering their teens, and end in their mid-teenage years. In order to be able to compare girls and boys in each year, I will represent the distribution of heights and weights for both sexes in each year in various forms. I plan to use stem and leaf plots, scatter graphs and box plots, and a wide range of calculated data, like the mean of the heights and weights, their interquartile range and their Body Mass Index. The data that will be represented will not be all the data provided, as if I were to do this, then I would be plotting 2366 datum points which would be ideal, however time does not allow for this number of points. So, instead...
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...create the IFE matrix? The IFE matrix can be created using the following five steps: Key internal factors... Conduct internal audit and identify both strengths and weaknesses in all your business areas. It is suggested you identify 10 to 20 internal factors, but the more you can provide for the IFE matrix, the better. The number of factors has no effect on the range of total weighted scores (discussed below) because the weights always sum to 1.0, but it helps to diminish estimate errors resulting from subjective ratings. First, list strengths and then weaknesses. It is wise to be as specific and objective as possible. You can for example use percentages, ratios, and comparative numbers. Weights... Having identified strengths and weaknesses, the core of the IFE matrix, assign a weight that ranges from 0.00 to 1.00 to each factor. The weight assigned to a given factor indicates the relative importance of the factor. Zero means not important. One indicates very important. If you work with more than 10 factors in your IFE matrix, it can be easier to assign weights using the 0 to 100 scale instead of 0.00 to 1.00. Regardless of...
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