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Flip Flops and Latches


Submitted By jackjack22522
Words 714
Pages 3
Flip-Flops & Latches
Digital Electronics

Flip-Flops & Latches
This presentation will
• Review sequential logic and the flip-flop. • Introduce the D flip-flop and provide an excitation table and a sample timing analysis. • Introduce the J/K flip-flop and provide an excitation table and a sample timing analysis. • Review flip-flop clock parameters. • Introduce the transparent D-latch. • Discuss flip-flop asynchronous inputs.

Sequential Logic & The Flip-Flop


. .

Combinational Logic Gates

. .



Memory Elements (Flip-Flops)


D Flip-Flop: Excitation Table


 

0 1

1 0

0 1


 : Rising Edge of Clock


D Flip-Flop: Example Timing
Q=D=1 Q=D=0 Q=D=0
No Change


No Change


No Change



J/K Flip-Flop: Excitation Table


0 1 0 1

   

No Change Clear Set Toggle



0 1 1

0 1

 : Rising Edge of Clock
Q : Complementof Q


J/K Flip-Flop: Example Timing



Clock Edges
Positive Edge Transition

1 0

1 0

Negative Edge Transition

POS & NEG Edge Triggered D
Positive Edge Trigger

 

0 1

1 0

0 1


 : Rising Edge of Clock

Negative Edge Trigger






 : Falling Edge of Clock

POS & NEG Edge Triggered J/K
Positive Edge Trigger

K 0 1 0 1

   


0 0 1 1

0 1


 : Rising Edge of Clock

Negative Edge Trigger

K 0 1 0

  


0 0 1

0 1




 : Rising Edge of Clock

Flip-Flop Timing
Data Input (D,J, or K) 1 0

Setup Time
Positive Edge Clock 1 0

Hold Time

Setup Time (tS): The time interval before the active transition of the clock signal during which the data input (D, J, or K) must be maintained.

Hold Time (tH): The time interval after the active transition of the clock signal during which the data input (D, J, or K) must be maintained.

Asynchronous Inputs
Asynchronous inputs (Preset & Clear) are used to override the clock/data inputs and force the outputs to a predefined state. The Preset (PR) input forces the output to:

Q 1 & Q  0
The Clear (CLR) input forces the output to:




Q  0 & Q 1




0 1 1 0 1

1 0 0 1 1 Asynchronous Preset Asynchronous Clear ILLEGAL CONDITION

1 1 0 1 0

1 1 1 0 0

  X X X

0 1 X X X

D Flip-Flop: PR & CLR Timing











Transparent D-Latch


X 0



0 1









EN: Enable


Transparent D-Latch: Example Timing
“Latched” Q=0
“Transparent” Q=D “Latched” Q=1 “Transparent” Q=D

“Latched” Q=0

“Transparent” Q=D



Flip-Flop Vs. Latch
• The primary difference between a D flip-flop and D latch is the EN/CLOCK input. • The flip-flop’s CLOCK input is edge sensitive, meaning the flip-flop’s output changes on the edge (rising or falling) of the CLOCK input. • The latch’s EN input is level sensitive, meaning the latch’s output changes on the level (high or low) of the EN input.


Flip-Flops & Latches
74LS74 Dual Positive-Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flops with Preset, Clear, and Complementary Outputs
74LS76 Dual Negative-Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flops with Preset, Clear, and Complementary Outputs 74LS75 Quad Latch

74LS74: D Flip-Flop


74LS76: J/K Flip-Flop


74LS75: D Latch


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