...My colleague presented a case to me involving a man named “Bob”. The patient “Bob” is an only child that grew up in a religious household. His father was a warm and kind man that worked all the time. Bob only saw his father on the weekends when he was a child due to his father’s work schedule. Bob’s father died about a year ago. Bob’s mother was the disciplinarian and she was very strict. She worked as a janitor initially at his Elementary School and then she became his high school librarian. Bob seems to have a strained relationship with his mother. Bob attended college and studied psychology. He worked as a psych tech for 14 years. Bob seems cooperative at the session and admits to having no medical problems, but drinks occasionally with...
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... Bob, was an extremely wealthy man in his early forties, just won another million dollars from the state lotto. Bob was on a hot streak winning almost every ticket. Bob also like to bet on the horses. Bob has an addiction. One day bob lost, Bob was mad, He lost a lot of money on a sure fire horse.. Bob bet everything on this horse, The horse broke its leg out of the gate, Game over. Bob was broke, he had no money, just his car and nice house. Bob sold his house and his car, he bought a old ugly beater car. He again bet everything on another horse, and he lost again. Bob lives in his car, Bob is now in this fifties and still living in his car, Bob never reached out for help. Would you of helped Bob if he asked? Gambling is very addictive, there should be more publicly known programs, like AA, to help the people who have an addiction. The lotto should be harder to get tickets. More than a million adolescents are already addicted to gambling, starting at a young age (Grey). People with gambling addictions have problems, But it’s their own problems, They need to better manage their money, and not make everyone else feel bad for their mistakes. In stores and gas stations all around the united states there are machines just sitting there, filled with instant scratch off lotto tickets, All you do is put money in and pick the ticket you want. In gas stations where you have to ask the clerk to grab your ticket, have lower sales than the machines, The machines are convenient, you're...
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...HELL ! what the Bible says about it… Dr. John R. Rice “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Jn. 8:32) ©1997 by Trumpet Publications P. O. Box 1969, 0700 PIETERSBURG, South Africa. All rights reserved. Published with the permission of Sword of the Lord Publishers, Tennessee, USA. This version was edited by Prof. Johan Malan. This booklet may, however, be duplicated and distributed among interested persons without gain. Charges are only to cover the cost of duplication and distribution. No changes may be introduced to the text. For translation, or commercial publishing, please write to the above address. Scripture quotations are from the Authorised King James Version. The titles in this series on Internet are: Who is Jesus? From darkness to the light The judgement seat of Christ The Antichrist Israel The rapture Revival Hell - what the Bible says about it Spiritual warfare 2 1. How can we know about Hell? “There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, who was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus...
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...Liberty University The Hell Debate A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO Dr. Marshall Wicks IN COMPLETION OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR Fundamental Theological Issues BY Ritchie Moore SCHOOL’S LOCATION: Lynchburg, Virginia August 9, 2011 This paper definitely has an interesting topic, the nature of Hell. In the next couple of pages I’m hoping to explain why I believe there is a hell and what that entails, with a little help from some other documentation and beliefs. Growing up I think everyone has their own perspective of that place. Christians unquestionably think about hell a lot differently than unbelievers. One of the biggest point is that there are some people that use hell as a swear word. I imagine Christians would consider hell to be something more than just a bad word, it could be the worst place that a person could ever go after they die. As everyone knows our beliefs are part of the good news of God. God wants us to love him freely, He loves us and wants to be loved in return. Love cannot be forced, it has to be given freely and hell represents the possibility of saying no to God finally. Hell is not God’s choice as much as it is ours. Hell is more about refusing life than suffering punishment, because God loves us even in his judging of us.[1] It has been said that hell is a spiritual and material furnace of fire where its victims are delicately tortured in their minds and in their...
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...journey through hell. In his poem, the Inferno, Dante mentions many well know people. Dante mentions such people as Pope Anastasius, Alexander the great, Cleopatra, and many others. The poem is about Dante who has died, and upon reaching the afterlife; he was stopped short of heaven by three beasts. When Dante flees the beasts, Virgil appears. Virgil states that he is there to take Dante to heaven, but it will be a long trip through hell. Virgil tells Dante that the only way to heaven is to follow him. Dante follows, and the majority of the poem is a very descriptive narrative of what Dante sees and encounters. Throughout his journey, Dante sees and encounters people he had known or read about in life. These are all people who had sinned in life and now in death, are punished eternally. Dante's version of hell is that people will have their sin turned against them. In many instances, Dante points out what the sin of the person was, and describes in detail, how they are being punished in hell. In Canto III, The Vestibule of Hell, Dante talks about the Opportunists. Souls who in life never took a side, but instead were on the side where they themselves would gain the most. Among these souls was Pope Celestine V. In life Celestine allowed the church to become corrupted because he feared for his own safety. The pope, who watched out for him, doesn't have a place in hell. He is neither in hell, nor out of it, as in life he was neither for good nor evil. The poem talks about a lot of people...
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...Hell is Real Heaven and Hell are Literal Places The idea of there being an actual “heaven” and “hell” encourages believers and non-believers because they are places that supposedly represent our eternity. It is amazing to vision a place of eternal life with no sickness or aging, in the presence of God and other loved ones. Heaven does exist according to the Bible, and is the destination of the believer in Jesus Christ at the completion of life here on this earth. What is not amazing is the fact that there is a place for those whom God chooses will not inherit everlasting life, which is known by all of us as hell. It is not metaphorical nor is it mythological. In fact, it is real in every sense of the word. A true literal hell does exist; this is the final state of those who are not in the book of life” (Guthrie p. 887). What is Hell? This will be the focus of this discussion, the eternal state of those individuals whose name will not be found in the book of life. To understand the implications of the declaration of a place of eternal torment, one must first understand what that place is. The common use of the word “Hell” is considered unrealistic to many people. In the bible, the idea of the term “hell” is expressed in more ways than one. The terms Gehenna (Matthew 5:22), Hades (Matthew 11:23), and Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15) are terms that have been interpreted to believe as hell. The term ‘Gehenna’ occurs twelve times in the King James Version of the bible. It occurs...
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...The differences between Dante’ and the churches depictions of hell and purgatory are very interesting. Dante is a crazily influential author, so separating the churches beliefs from his can be relatively difficult, considering a lot of what people believe about Hell now is based in what Dante said, and has basically nothing to do with what the Church believes. Separating the Churches beliefs of hell, and Dante’s is very difficult in terms of art. The amount of art that was created after the inferno was written that isn't heavily based off of the inferno is negligible. However, the Church believes that hell is just where people who go are completely separated from God, and there is no coming back. We can see the influence of Dante’s work in what basically everyone thinks of Hell, this horrible place that you go to be tortured for all of eternity physically, but the church believes that its more of a mental torture, knowing that you will...
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...Eternal Punishment As a child growing up all I heard was you either do good and go to heaven or you do wrong and go to hell. That’s the Christian way of thinking and that’s the way it is. While I grew stronger in the religion and began to be able to see the bigger picture, I then was in turn able to make a decision for myself what was the right thing. Through reading the Bible, going to church, and listening to elders, deacons, and pastors I determined that this was indeed the Christian view of eternal state that I believed in. There were however a few blanks that had to be filled in, like; 1) Where do we go when we die? 2) What is Heaven? 3) What is Hell? and 4) What is the rapture? These are all questions that many have asked and many have to have the answer to in order to make an educated decision about what religion to follow and what end of time theory to believe in. The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 5:10, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” In the end, there will be an eternal punishment and only you can determine what your fate will be. In order to stand behind the Christian view of the end of times you must first prove there is a heaven and hell. Let’s start by talking about heaven. Webster’s dictionary defines heaven as, “1.a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of...
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...THE HELL DEBATE A Paper Presented to Professor Beauchamp of Liberty University Lynchburg, VA BIBL 350 By Gordon C. Wilson December 13, 2012 INTRODUCTION In this paper, I will give a brief overview of the nature of hell, the classical view and the annihilationist view. For the last decade, there has been a significant debate surrounding this very topic within evangelical circle. It is hard to understand how God can let his children be punished in hell, being he is an all-loving God and creator. However, John 3:36 makes it clear for all of us. (He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him)(Dake, Finis).” The Bible teaches that God loves you so much that the Creator of this universe (Jesus Christ) came to "taste death" for every man. Jesus wasn't just some baby for a manger scene. He is God come in the flesh to destroy the power of death and hell--He holds the keys, people! If you say yes to Jesus, hell won't be your final destination. If you say no to Jesus, the lake of fire will be your eternal home. There is no getting out and no comfort--it's everlasting. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, hell exists and the Bible says that it is never full. I've heard folks say that hell is not mentioned in the Bible or that hell is just the grave. Well, let's take a look at what the Authorized King James Bible says. Here are a few scriptures that deal with hell...
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...Matt Slick notes that accepting the concept of that there is a hell where scores of people will suffer eternally is not an easy task. People always hear the kinder side of God, about his love and how He would that all men are saved, though this does not show the complete version of God. This article states that while God is merciful and loving and gracious, he also is a just god who hates sin and punishes those who do sin. Jesus cautioned man about the eternal place of fire; he actually talked about hell a lot while he was on earth, after all, that is what he was here to save man from. Those who are not covered by Jesus’s sacrifice will be thrown into hell during the Judgement, and it will be a place of eternal punishment. Slick uses Matthew 25:46 to show that Hell is eternal in the same way that heaven is eternal....
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...Life After Death, What Happens After We Die? Contents Introduction 3 Ideas on Life After Death in Different Religions 4 Perception of Life After Death in Literature: Dante's “Inferno” 6 Life After Death in Art: Rodin's “The Gates of Hell” 8 Conclusion 10 References 11 Introduction The question associated with life after death is associated with people of all races, genders, ages and world religions. It is understandable that people cannot live forever, and death is an inevitable event. But still people are interested what will happen to them after death, and what it means to die. There are great numbers of assumptions on this issue, and people's opinions differ, but still it is difficult to reveal the truth, as nobody knows this for sure. This paper will focus on different assumptions and possible events taking place after people's death. Of course every person thinks about afterlife concept in the current period of time, as it would be really strange not to consider this issue at least once. People should understand and be aware of possible events happened to them after life in order to value the current state of affairs and life in the present period of time. It is necessary to make the right choice and build proper relationships with people surrounding you, as every day is unique, and it would be impossible to return it again. D'Souza (2009) stated that the Bible teaches people “that...
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...out to his congregation. He did so by coming in contact with many people’s personal lives and making them think hard about why...
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... A number of people have attempted to create individual ideas of what the afterlife will be like. This paper will try to find the differences and the similarities between the hell that is depicted in Dante’s Inferno and in the film What Dreams May Come. The film, What Dreams May Come, is about two people, Chris and Annie, who fall in love and become soul mates. Unfortunately Annie faces many hardships in her life after her two children pass away in a car accident in addition to her husband dying as well. Annie is unable to deal with the pain of her losses and chooses to commit suicide. Because of Annie’s decision to end her life she goes to a special place in hell for those who commit suicide while Chris is in heaven. Once Chris realizes that Annie will never be able to join him in heaven he promises to journey to hell and retrieve Annie and bring her back with him to live in heaven together for eternity. A difference between Dante’s depiction of hell and the film’s view of hell is the concept of where one goes when he or she dies being subjective or objective. In Dante’s Inferno, he creates a hell that is full of creative monsters, and terrifying lands filled with unthinkable punishments for the crimes that were committed while the person was alive. This hell is divided and then subdivided again into smaller more specific realms of hell. In Canto 12-17 Dante describes circle 7 as a specific place in hell for those who have committed crimes of violence. Within this circle...
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...said this, Adam became more understanding and easygoing. From Lines 1013-1096, Adam explains to Eve that they could have it much worse, and suggests that instead of bringing harm to themselves or others they should instead admit their faults and beg for his pardon. Adam’s speech to Eve about begging for forgiveness and God’s subsequent acceptance represents kindness and honesty prevailing over hate, and shows the inverse of what the council of hell chose to do. From lines 1013 to 1096 we see a change in Adam’s feelings toward their situation. Instead of feeling contempt for Eve and Satan and wanting to act out on his hatred, he thinks rationally about what the consequences of those hasty actions may be. On lines 1020 through 1028, Adam states that even though death may be a quick solution to their problems, he doesn’t doubt the vengefulness of God and says that he will not exempt them from paying for it later, and will make “death in them live.” On hurting Satan, he says that that will only put him out of his misery and allow him to escape his punishment, while adding onto theirs. This shows that Adam is choosing not to let hate overwhelm him and dictate his actions, unlike the council in hell, who chose to corrupt mankind out of spite for God. Adam goes on to say that their punishments are not so bad, and that they almost certainly thought they were going to be killed as their punishment when Jesus came down to judge them. However their punishment is birth for Eve and having...
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...Hell Debate __________________ A Paper Presented to Liberty University __________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Theology 350 __________________ by Tirsa Woodson July 3, 2015 The Hell Debate The debate over the nature of hell is one that can bring out the best and the worst in biblical exegesis. Everyone nowadays is concerned about the enemy (Satan) and delete hell existence. The beginning signs that Jesus is coming soon, frightens the human race. We were taught when God returns, it will be judgment day. John reveals this judgement will take pace during the last days, when God will conquer all who have and would defy him and to rescue the righteous. Judgment meant the outcome of an individual, will they go to heaven with God or to hell with the devil. There are many misconceptions about Hell, rather the lost will burn forever or annihilated. Hell is real. Universalism believes everyone will eventually be saved, while Christian believe we all will be judged for the deeds we have done. First, the Annihilationist believe that the unrighteous will not suffer eternal torment, but that they will, after being justly punished according to their deeds, be annihilated and cease to exist. Also they believe that hell is eternal in consequence, not duration the wicked shall be no more (Boyd & Eddy). Secondly the classical view states that the wicked will be cast into hell that supports the traditional...
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