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What Are Professional Athletes Overpaid

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Are professional athletes overpaid? That’s the question the answer to that is simply no. But why would I agree with this even though I may not reach that level of salary, well it is a very easy and miniscule response. First let me start by answering a question with a question. Would you train every day from 6 am to 5 pm, eat a specific set of meals often the same meal, what about having an injury that could end your career or worse your life? Those are but a few things professional athletes have to undergo in order to reach the level of excellence we so love to watch. Now let’s start with the first point, training for anything is going to take effort whether it may be a police officer or a doctor. However for athletes that training is physical and taxing on their bodies, while a doctor can make upwards of 500,000 dollars for 40 years an athlete cannot go that long simply because the human body won’t allow it. Next you have to think about such injuries are you willing to live with a replacement knee or what about a permanent head injury. All these things we have to take into account. …show more content…
The center of this business is the professional athletes. They are the ones making the diving catches, bone crushing tackle, clutch three-point shots at the buzzer that excites us all. Additionally, the size of athletes’ salaries is often exaggerated. Very few athletes earn tens of millions of dollars a year. In 2010 and 2011, the average professional athlete’s salary was 1.9 million for football, 3.4 million foe baseball, and 5.15million for basketball. While some superstars do make 30 Even 50 million dollars, those players are the best of the best, transfused with rare

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