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What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated?


Submitted By gbonnermba
Words 1082
Pages 5
What Does It Mean To Be Well-Educated?
Greg Bonner

To be well-educated mean more than the quality of the schools and colleges I attend. My education began with the sovereignty of God, the Creator. At birth my training and education began with my parents and care-givers. Throughout my life I was taught by those whom God had predestined for me as stewards, mentors and teachers. God created me in His image in every way. Divine wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are gifts inclusive of His image. I was and am increased in His knowledge through the nurturing and discipline of the Holy Spirit, our parents, teachers, and professors. To be well-educated expands further than the class rooms and curriculum of studies. My God given knowledge is released in “precept upon precept, and line upon line” in all that I do personally, academically, and otherwise (Isaiah 28:9-10 ESV). The best schools do not merit one to be well-educated. To be well-educated is forever learning, never ceasing to learn the knowledge of God in one’s self and others.

What Does It Mean To Be Well-Educated? Reading Alfie Kohn’s article, “What Does it Mean to Be Well-Educated?” compelled me to answer the question. His article caused me to reflect and assess my own meaning of one being well-educated. My initial thought was that of academic and scholastic achievement. Being well-educated entails greater experiences than academic success. Life lessons, discipline, and experiences play a major part in education. My being well-educated began at birth with my parents and care-givers. Throughout my childhood my mother, father, and family community nurtured and taught me in basic form. They taught me the importance of the power of knowledge. As I became older more was required of me at home in perfecting my chores, reading, and writing, development in

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