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What Does My Father Mean To Me

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My father has been one of the most profound influences on my life from a very young age. From helping to shape the logical, more adventurou side of my personality to developing many hobbies of mine, my dad has had a major effect on my growth as a person, teaching me keep learning, stand for what I believe, and always be informed. My father during the Vietnam War was stationed in Munich, Germany. During his time there, as well as his childhood in Detroit, he came to have many zany and hilarious stories, from jumping out helicopters into holes of fire ants, to his rule as Prom Queen for Michigen State. His stories amaze me to this day, and drive me to live a life as memorable as his. Also stemming from his army days was my interest in the military. He's collected varying memorbilia from past Gaumer generations, from dog tags to my grandfather's handmade rifle. Our military history, and my dad's vast knowlegde of war led to me loving history, reseaching in my free time, and even considering to become Airborne like him. …show more content…
We both are liberals, and love to discuss canidates and the lastest debates. However, while getting into debates about certain candidates, I'd make reference to a fact that my dad would be quick to correct. At first I thought this purposely done to belittle me, but from it my dad dervived a very important lesson for me: One should always check their facts, and stay informed before they go to debate. To have solid evidence to work with, and to know the truth of many situations that can be discussed is vital to not only getting a point across, but to educate others as well on the truth of the

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