Premium Essay

What Dreams May Come


Submitted By sshulman6
Words 407
Pages 2
Sarah Shulman
What Dreams May Come The different colors worn and portrayed in What Dreams May Come all have specific meanings. Red, blue, violet, and black make up the different moods and personalities of each character. The patterns that each color portrays, makes each character their unique and own self. The color of Annie, one of the main characters is red. Throughout the film, Annie was changing. She was going through many intense situations, which made her change. When Annie is herself, acting who she really is, her happy self, she is wearing red. For example, the first scene in the film was Annie on a boat, looking happy and content. She was in white, but the sail was red. When she is lying with Chris in the field she is wearing red. The viewer can feel their love and that they are happy. But once Annie’s children died, she never wears red again. On the other hand, the color blue represents Annie’s husband, Chris. Chris was happy a lot of the time. The viewer can recognize his content vibes while he was with Annie or the children. When Chris and Annie were lying in the field together, while Annie was wearing red, Chris was wearing blue. They were happy, in love, and peaceful. The purposes of them wearing “their colors” were to back up the fact that this is who they truly are. The third color that is portrayed in the film is violet. This color represents people, situations and other things that are going through transitions. Take the tragic moment of Annie killing herself. This is her transition from her current life of sadness to a new world, hell. Another example if a transition is when Annie painted the purple tree which Chris first got to heaven. Violet was a major part of the film making each transition noticeable. The last color is black. For obvious reasons this color represents a problem, or when something bad happens. For

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