...is about what actions will be taken if an incident occurs, and what procedures are put in place to avoid those incidents. The aim of these regulations is to encourage a more systematic and better organised approach to dealing with health and safety in all workplaces.The college provide a set of rules in order to avoid any injuries or accidents involving the students and the staff. For example, the college advise the students not to sit in the middle of passages or on the stair case or even not to bring any drinks near the computers or laptops, these rules and regulations help to avoid any potential threat to the students and the college. Managing health and safety involves doing an occasional health inspection. | Health and Safety at work 1974 | This is an Act to make further provision for securing the health, safety and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to health or safety in connection with the activities of persons at work. An example of how this act is put in place with the college is how all of the computer cables must be neatly out of any passages and contained where no one can trip over it. | The work place regulations 1992 | Some of these regulations fall under the health and safety act of 1974, the regulations make specific requirements for maintenance, ventilation, temperature, lighting, cleanliness, workspace, doors and gates, traffic routes (such as stairs and corridors), loading bays, seating, eating and rest facilities. All of which...
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...by Kenxxxx x xxxx xx This report is to bring forth the incident at Boeing Simulator Operations on May 18th, 2008. It is a work related accident and in reviewing the key points that I hope to bring out with this report, it will show that it should not have happened and could have been prevented; as a result of this accident my future has been altered and very uncertain with permanent injuries and a forced changed way of life. First I’ll explain the events leading up to the accident, how the accident happened, the aftermath of the accident, and then how it should have been prevented, as well as, pointing out major flaws in the operation and procedures happening at Boeing Simulator Operations. I was just hired on to Boeing As a Simulator Device Technician Level III on April 25th, 2008 after being away from Simulators for about 2½ years and writing Technical manuals on simulator operation and maintenance for 5½ years before that; See Figure 1 for picture of a Simulator. We were on the second week of doing overtime on the weekends to do hydraulic oil flushing on 2 different simulators that are considered extremely old and the flushing was years overdue; when finishing up on the second simulator (the 757, oldest), all of the hydraulic pumps had been turned ‘ON’ to circulate the oil through the system and after a little while, a pretty bad leak was noticed on one of the Control Loading servo actuator/valve components. The Control Loading system hydraulic oil pump pressure was...
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...Active Shooter Response 64 individuals killed by active shooters in all of the most horrific recent tragedies. In the years leading up to the Columbine shootings there were little to no training for the response forces to combat active shooter scenarios. Now that the nation has had more tragedies such as the theater shooting in Colorado, the New Haven, Connecticut massacre and most specifically is the shooting by an active duty US Army Major in Fort Hood, Texas. An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people, most often in populated areas. As these events in human history happen, leaders find a way to try and make life safer for the population. Although tragic in nature the shootings in columbine taught law enforcement that they had no plan of attack for active shooter scenarios. When the unfortunate events at Fort Hood took place, the military population specifically the Military Police had no idea how to respond (McCloskey, 2009). Now since the Fort Hood shooting there have been two more high profile cases where active shooter has taken lives in the civilian world. These most recent events the first, a shooting in a crowded theater in Colorado and the most tragic of all the shootings where 20 young elementary school students lost their lives at an elementary school in New Haven, Connecticut (Tuccitto & Sullo, 2012). Now that these events happened although tragic military leaders decided it was important to put together...
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...groups in the same unit, such as a classroom, social group or workplace.” As an example of favoritism in the workplace a story of Sara who is 23 years old, and was born in New Delhi and had spent most of her life in Alberta, Canada due to her father work. After she graduated with a bachelor degree in business administration, she started searching for a job and she found one in marketing agency, Sara was so excited and she like the place and her workmate. After one year of working in the agency her manager decided that she deserves a promotion due to her hard work and her unique skills, so he made her unit manager. In the beginning it was hard for Sara to manage all this work and the new tasks, but eventually she overcame these problems....
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...problems that you incur in the future. As you know most problems occur because something is happening that was not supposed to happen or something happened that did not happen right. What we are here to do is to analyze the problems and come up with a solution that fits the needs of your company now and in the future. We will offer several solutions to the immediate problem and will also set up a plan to keep problems like this from happening again. Our main objective is to ensure that we solve the problem at hand. As we look the problem at hand we need to identify the causes and effects of what took place, as a new hire was the proper training provided and steps taken to ensure that the new hire would not be set up for failure. Not placing the blame on anyone but as a new hire there should have been someone there for him to ask questions of. Also, who was supervising and following the process to make sure that all the right steps were taken to ensure success. Was the communication process used effectively and in a timely manner, if so where did the breakdown occur. What happened between early April and Memorial Day was a complete breakdown in the communication process this was almost 2 months wasted. This caused paperwork not to be completed, mandatory drug screening, physicals not scheduled, and orientation manuals not to be put together properly. In the amount of time that was wasted the process could have been ready early June which would have saved not only...
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...become a major problem that affects all races, sex, demographics and all age groups. You can hardly turn on the television or listen to the radio without hearing a call to action to decrease the obesity rate in America. Obesity is influenced by many factors and habits; one of the factors often overlooked is technology. To begin with, due to advancement of technology our home and work environment have become so inactive to the point that we don’t move enough to burn calories for the body to burn excess fat. Additionally, technology enables us to gain excess body weight by allowing us to produce vast amount of food at a faster rate, by giving us easy access to a massive amount of entertainment right from the comfort of our sofas. And lastly, technology has contributed to the obesity problem in America by removing most of the manual and physical labors that we used to perform ourselves. We may not all agree on the main cause of obesity; countless hours of television, video games, fast food consumption and reduce physical activities can all be associated to the progression of technology. Technology has helped this world in so many ways that it is impossible to cover it all but when it comes to people being overweight technology create a major problem. Because of technological progression, there has been a revolution in the mass preparation of food that is roughly comparable to the mass production revolution in manufactured goods that happened a century ago. Technological innovations...
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...interview has been completed, answer the questions in Part II. Part I: Interview Questionnaire 1. Can you briefly describe your current position, its duties, and responsibilities? Her duties include running her department smoothly, oversee her employees, making sure everyone is up to date with security procedures, hire and discharge employees, set up training and seminars, protect the public, evaluate personnel, and make sure that all systems are working properly. 2. What is your hiring procedure like for personnel? They must go through a psychological evaluation, and a screening process. They will be asked how they would handle different procedures and given a brief description of what type of environment they will be working in. Drug screening is part of the interview also. They will have to have a background check. During the interview Samantha really likes to get to know the individual because after all this person will be representing this company. 3. Is there any type of pre-employment screening? Yes see above 4. What qualifications do you require of applicants? Must be 18 years old with no criminal convictions, high school diploma or GED, must be able to pass drug screen and background check, credit check and good driving record, must be a U.S citizen, must be able to work nights and weekends, have their own transportation, and must be physically fit. 5. How extensive is the training period and process? It is quite a process. Security guards...
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...work and screenings were complete. Checking to make sure that all the supplies needed were available and that the conference room wasn’t booked for the same time that he needed. What problems appear in this Case: In this particular case, there are multiple problems. First, there is the fact that Carl took on a big task without much experience under him. He didn’t plan ahead in case something happened. He scheduled orientation without making sure everything was ready to have an orientation. None of the applicants can go to a new hire orientation without completing the application process or a drug screen. He didn’t even make sure the training room was available be reserving it. Carl didn’t check to see if he needed to order new manuals. He assumed that the company had enough on hand. When he checked there was only 3 and each of them had numerous pages missing. Solution to problem: With Carl being unexperienced in hiring new employees, he should have asked for help from the start. If he would have asked for help, he most likely would have received it and it would not have been stressful. In reality though, he did not ask for help. Carl should have planned ahead by making a list of things that needed to get done by what was most important first. One of the first things that Carl should do is find a lab that is open and that can accommodate all the new hires to get their drug screens done. Then he needs to call all the new hires and explain to them that they must get their...
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...Report on Chris Adsit’s The Combat Trauma Healing Manual Christ-centered Solutions for Combat Trauma Heather L. Rutherford Liberty University Chris Adsit’s The Combat Trauma Healing Manual Chapter 1: Where Was God? Chapter 2: What Happened to Me? Chapter 3: Where’s the Hospital? Chapter 4: How Did I Change? Chapter 5: How Can I Stand It? Summary In chapter 1 or step 1 the author (Adsit, 2008) looks at understanding spiritual context behind trauma, starting with the question many ask during trauma; Why didn’t God prevent this? The author (Adsit, 2008) examines how God allows humans (his children) to have free will, God gives us all his love, but he does not want to force us to love him back he wants us to give our love freely to him. The author (Adsit, 2008) further looks at trauma is not an act of God but rather the act of human’s inhumanity against humankind. Struggling with knowing the differences between enemy, allies and thinking that no one else has suffered like the person going through...
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...Both the Han Dynasty of China and the Roman Empire of Italy were huge territories, with Rome being over 1 million square miles, that were greatly advanced in many fields. They had armies that conquered many lands, they had governments which appeased and governed large masses of people. However, what may be most interesting is their development of technology. In the first and second centuries, both the great empires of Rome in Italy and the Han in China had technology to accommodate their numerous populations but both of their attitudes towards technology were different as they viewed and utilized manual labor differently. Their different attitudes led to different developments in their technology, but both eventually saw a decline toward the...
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...employee for productivity and possibly identify training needs. By doing this the management team can assess the productivity within the business. Two Types Of Data Collected and How Each Supports HR Practices 1) Statutory Records – Such as tax, national insurance contributions, sickness and SSP, hours worked and accident book. These types of records ensure that the HR department is compliant to all of the regulatory requirements. 2) Organisational Records – to include all Recruitment documentation, absenteeism records, staff turnover and learning and development. These records are essential to all HR departments as it allows them to monitor staffing levels and recruit when necessary. Staff sickness is monitored very closely to help with productivity and ensure there are no underlying management issues. Having these monitoring processes in place will in turn help staff to maintain a high level of efficiency and in turn benefit the business and their own personal development activities. Two Methods of storing records and benefits of each 1) Manual System: The benefit of a manual system in a lockable cabinet is not having to rely on documents being stored correctly on a centralised system, they are always accessible and will not suffer at the effects of power cuts, system crashes or in the most extreme situation...
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...“manmade” disaster. On the other hand, several organizations, including Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), claim the incident was caused by "unprecedented natural disasters" and therefore was inescapable due to the unpredictability of the weather. Throughout this essay will attempt to answer the question: Did Tokyo Electric Power Company take appropriate safety precautions at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, or was the nuclear meltdown preventable? In order to assess whether or not TEPCO was at fault for the accident at Fukushima we must first acknowledge what happened when the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, and therefore discus the...
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...The importance of Legislation Guidelines and Polices Health and Safety at Work Act 1999 The legalisation of ‘no trailing wires’ service uses are able to work around the residential home within having the risk of tripping over wires from electrical equipment that’s around the home. As service users are doing physical activities such as dance as stereo is in use and there are wires that are used to plug in the stereo must not be trailing the guidelines protect services users, if there are trailing wires left out service users can trip over there wires and fall which would create an accident and an individual would be hurt. ‘No objects lying on the floor’ this legalisation ensures that no objects of any sort are left on the floor for service users to trip and fall over. With these guidelines services users are protected on a daily bases as they are to roam around the home without worrying about falling over. However if this is ignored service users could meet in an accident of falling over and causing an injury upon themselves. If there is a fire Service users are free to use them in order to escape from any fires within the home which why the legalisation of ‘Fire exits must never be blocked’ is in place. Large objects are moved around the room when service users are doing physical activities there therefore these guidelines protect service users. Large objects that need to be moved that involve more then on person to move and the object is in front of the fire exit if there was...
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...were some questions that needed to be asked. What was or were the issue(s)? Why do these problem(s) exist? What caused them? What is the effect of the problem(s) on the organization or the relationships among individuals in the organization? Who is responsible for or affected by the problem(s)? What is to be learned from the mistakes that were made? Through it all, Carl was the center piece of a series of situations that happen at the ABC Inc. because he didn’t follow-up on making application done correctly, follow-up on making sure he had all the material, and more follow-up on get to use the training room for the day! For Carl, not following up on any of the process until the last minute was one of his greatest down falls for the moment. To give a better understanding or idea of what is going on. Here is some information about Carl Robins. In the October, Carl started working for ABC Inc. as the new campus recruiter. He shown strong working knowledge of specialty and job, reliably applies knowledge accomplish task, and met the requirements at a timely fashion with no supervision needed. Carl will seek out extra responsibility and try to take on the hardest jobs. Six months later on his first recruitment effort, talented campus recruiter who consistently exceeds expectation. Mr. Robins specifically selected 15 new hires that were to work for the Operation Supervisor, Monica Carrolls. Carl was to gather and organize all the information from the new trainees and planned...
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...it does not present risks to employees and others.” Impact on job role: A construction lecturer is responsible for the welfare of their students and others around that come into the construction site. Walkways must be clear, objects must not be obstructing the entrance. Lecturers should pull students up on the rules such as always having an ID badge and making sure bags are not in the way. Tutors are responsible for telling students what is waste and make students aware of cleaning facilities. Implications if the regulations are not followed effectively: Students and staff might be harmed. They could slip, trip or fall over. Waste material left out unnecessarily could become an obstruction. It is essential for students and staff to clean up after working in construction so they are not irritated and do not risk others; such as if they handle certain chemicals they must wash themselves off. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 “a duty on all employers "to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work" of all their employees. Among other provisions, the Act also requires: • safe operation and maintenance of the working environment, plant and systems • maintenance of safe access and egress to the workplace • safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances • adequate training of staff to ensure health and safety •...
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