...Russell Kirk, an American political theorist, moralist, historian, social critic, literary critic, and fiction author was a major influence to modern conservatism. While he produced many quality pieces, he is best known for his most famous work, The Conservative Mind. According to modern conservatsists, Kirk’s novel was a heavily influential piece that ultimately shaped conservatism in the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries. He really pinpointed the exact morals behind conservatism, pulling proposals and theories from other great conservatist minds. Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind truly captured the journey of conservatism, proving that with a foundation of tradition and the main ideals, nothing can knock down a conservatist, and nothing will every change them. In the very first chapter, Kirk devotes a few pages to what he views as the pain ideas behind conservatism. Known as Kirk’s canons, he proposes six statements that he feels best represent conservatism. The first canon, “Belief in a transcendent order, or body of natural law, which rules society as well as conscience. Political problems, at bottom, are religious and moral problems. A narrow rationality, what Coleridge called the Understanding, cannot of itself satisfy human needs. ‘every Tory is a realist,’ says Keith Feiling: ‘he knows that there are great forces in heaven and earth that man’s philosophy cannot plumb or fathom.’ True politics is the art of apprehending and applying the Justice which ought to...
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...support of an increasing number of Democrats, as well as the vast majority of Republicans in Congress” (Steinhauer)? There are many disputes between political parties and groups in the U.S., but what is special about the Keystone Pipeline is that the support is not one sided. The oppositions and support of the pipeline breaks down according to beliefs of individuals. While a political party may share similar interests, core belief groups lie within these parties that separate them even more. To understand this and why there is not one hundred percent of either party approving,...
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...To what extent do conservatives believe in tradition and continuity? * Tradition refers to ideas, practices or institutions that have endured over time and been inherited from earlier periods. Its very nature creates continuity between the past, present and future. The very name ‘conservatism’ suggests that followers of the ideology believe in the maintenance of tradition and the preservation of continuity. * There are certainly numerous examples in which it is evident that conservatives believe in tradition and continuity; its very development was based on preserving the pre-Puritan traditions. * Despite it being a fundamental part of the ideology, however, history dictates that conservatives have on numerous occasions abandoned such belief in favour of realistic pragmatism, * Such as Disraeli’s identification of the Two Nations and the Conservative government of 1950, following the establishment of the National Health Service in 1946, chose to maintain this popular institution regardless of conservatives originally favouring the traditional method of private healthcare. * It can even be argued that such pragmatism has created a modern Conservative party that bares little, if no resemblance of, conservative ideology; whereas tradition conservatives stressed on tradition, the New Right and modern conservatism has rejected this notion. * The belief in tradition and continuity was given great importance by traditional conservatives. The original conservative...
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...CONSERVATISM Key concepts 1) Hierarchy and organic society * The term ‘organic society’ refers to a belief, which became entrenched in traditional conservative thought in the latter part of the 19th century. * It was a reaction against the rise of liberal individualism. * It proposes that society is more than merely a collection of individuals, but it is a single entity. * We are connected to each other through our humanity and common membership of community. * Organic society is seen as a reality, which is superior to our own, individual interests. * The ideal organic society – where goals and aspirations of individuals coincide with the goals of the whole society. 1980s – Margaret Thatcher famously challenged this remarking that there “is no such thing as society”, implying that the goals of individuals are superior to those of society as a whole. * Traditional conservatives believe that there is a ‘natural’ order into which each individual fits. * It is normal and natural that society should be divided by a number of strata. * The very rigid feudal system had long since disappeared, but there remained a belief that some kind of class system was inevitable. * Hierarchy like this supports organic society in that it creates an order and stability, which the individualistic society lacks. * Different parts of the hierarchy have different roles that complement each other. * This implies inequality, but an ordered inequality, and one in which...
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...Festenstein, M., and Kenny, M. eds. (2005), Political Ideologies: a reader and guide. Oxford. OUP. Pp. 78-85. Question(s) 1. What, according to Mill, is the sole justification for restricting individual liberty? 2. In what ways does Mill clarify this argument? 3. Summarise what Mill calls ‘the appropriate region of human liberty’. 4. How do Mill’s comments on the freedom of opinion relate to his comments on freedom of action? Answer(s) 1. A person’s individual liberty must only be restricted, against their will, “to prevent harm to others”. (Mill, 2005, p. 79) This is called the ‘Harm Principle’; an idea proposed...
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...Nature and Nurture in a Global World: The Need to Strike a Balance John Odike University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus “Today and more than ever before, the world has become a ‘global village’ with the expansion of the communication networks, the rapid information exchange, the gradual shrink of borders and of attachment to identities and citizenship, the lifting of the barriers of visas and passports, the consecration of a new era when national sovereignty and the authority of the nation-state is fading away in favour of regional groupings, international organizations and international legality and law. This means the beginning of the return to the universal trend which is imposed by human instinct, but in a broader environment and in an evident endeavour to dominate the world.” – Prof. Abdelhadi Boutaleb Globalization has affected many aspects of life, and as Thomas Friedman posits, “has changed the world permanently, for both better and worse”_. This post-Cold War concept appears as a dual phenomenon with two antagonistic dimensions, and Boutaleb remarked, “From one perspective, it looks like a system of wealth, prosperity or even the promised heaven; from another, it appears as a system of exclusion and marginalization. For some, it is a merciful angel, while for others, it is Satan.”_ In view of this double effect, this paper seeks to discuss the fate of character and communities in this era of borderless interaction; when information, science, culture...
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...Exam 2: Chapter 28-32 Atlantic revolutions (American, French, Haitian, Latin America) Rise of nationalism Industrialization Global transitions: the americas, the ottoman empire, Romanov Russia, Qin China, Japan. Global empires. Atlantic Revolutions: In the early modern period (1450-1750. Period of early European exploration and contact. It caused the establishment of european commercial empires. Primary tributary, it focused on trade, and some settler comics. This caused there to be “nation-states”, in tern proto-industrialization in europe (innovation) Europe started into three major processes: Revolution, (and nationalism) Industrialization Imperialism Lastly the Rise of the “nation-state” Age of Enlightenment (1650-1780’s) There were plenty of forward thinkers. Each was moving toward science as the new way of thinking. They used the application of universal laws of the natural world to social world. They valued ration over revelation. The government was as a contract. The ideas of Freedom, equality and sovereignty were held as the highest. The belief was to move forward in progress. French Revolution (1789-1799) The aim was to abolish the monarchy that was in france, it ultimately failed. It was far more radical than the American, but still failed. Mostly because they had no idea how to run a government. Whereas the Americans had some knowledge about their own rule. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Declared himself emperor and attempted to bring...
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...Reviews Koichi Iwabuchi, Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2002. 275 pp., including references and index. ISBN 0-8223-2891-7. In this book, Koichi Iwabuchi, a Cultural Studies scholar based in Japan, explores intellectual discourses, marketing strategies and audience consumption of Japanese popular culture in a transnational Asian context. In other words, he examines Japan's encounter with a 'modern' Asia by focusing on the diffusion of its commercialized popular culture. This has been made possible by the globalization of media, which itself encouraged an incipient expansion of a hitherto largely domestic-oriented Japanese media production system to other Asian markets. There have been two results from this expansion of mediated popular culture. In the first place, it brings into question the assumed hegemony of American mass culture (from Disney to McDonald's) and shows how, in East and Southeast Asia at least, Japanese contemporary culture is extremely significant – especially in the global cities of Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore and so on. Second, and more troubling so far as Iwabuchi is concerned, Japan's 'return to Asia' from the 1990s, when it began reasserting its Asian identity, contains echoes of World War II colonialism since Japanese tend to regard themselves as 'above' other Asian countries because of their superior technology and production capacity...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0142-5455.htm Mentoring for gender equality and organisational change Jennifer de Vries and Claire Webb Organisational and Staff Development Services, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia, and Mentoring for gender equality 573 Joan Eveline Business School, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia Abstract Purpose – There is considerable literature about the impact of mentoring on the mentees but little is known about the effect of the mentoring relationship on the mentor. This paper aims to address that gap. Design/methodology/approach – Interviews with 15 mentors and survey responses from 128 mentees are used to examine a formal mentoring programme. Most emphasis is on the perspective of the mentors, raising questions about how they view outcomes for themselves and their mentees, as well as the effects of mentoring on the workplace culture over time. Questions about the mentoring relationship, including gender differences, are analysed against the background of a decade-long organisational change strategy. Findings – Mentors report significant benefits for themselves and the mentee as well as the organisation itself as a result of their participation. The findings suggest that a long-term mentoring programme for women has the potential to be an effective organisational change intervention. In particular, men involved in that programme increased...
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...To Baghdad 1917 to 2003 – Why is knowledge of the British Empire particularly relevant to the study of US relations and American Imperialism especially in the last twenty years? Emy Ibrahim Washington D.C. Public Policy Seminar-Research Paper April 17th, 2007 Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators. ... It is [not] the wish of [our] government to impose upon you alien institutions. ... [It is our wish] that you should prosper even as in the past, when your lands were fertile, when your ancestors gave to the world literature, science, and art, and when Baghdad city was one of the wonders of the world. ... It is [our] hope that the aspirations of your philosophers and writers shall be realized and that once again the people of Baghdad shall flourish, enjoying their wealth and substance under institutions which are in consonance with their sacred laws and their racial ideals.[1] The government of Iraq, and the future of your country, will soon belong to you. ... We will end a brutal regime ... so that Iraqis can live in security. We will respect your great religious traditions, whose principles of equality and compassion are essential to Iraq's future. We will help you build a peaceful and representative government that protects the rights of all citizens. And then our military forces will leave. Iraq will go forward as a unified, independent, and sovereign nation that has regained a respected place in the world. You...
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...1 JUSTICE, EQUALITY, AND RIGHTS by John Tasioulas For R. Crisp (ed), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics 1. The Nature of Justice Philosophers have advocated many divergent views as to the content of the correct principles of justice. In contemporary philosophy, for example, the live options range from the austere libertarian thesis that the claims of justice are limited to a small class of rights that protect us from coercive interference by others to more radically egalitarian doctrines that mandate the large-scale redistribution of wealth and other goods. But there is a prior, conceptual question: is there an illuminating sense in which these disagreements are aptly described as concerned with justice? Alternatively put, is there a concept of justice of which these rival accounts can be interpreted as offering different conceptions? (Rawls 1971/1999: 5-6). If not, the dispiriting conclusion looms that these disputes are „verbal‟ rather than genuine, like a debate about the nature of „banks‟ in which one party has in mind financial institutions and the other party the sloping bits of land at the sides of rivers. One answer is that the concept of justice marks out the entire domain of moral evaluation, or at least the whole of inter-personal morality, excluding only moral concerns relating purely to oneself or to non-persons, such as animals. This expansive reading of justice – as (inter-personal) moral rightness or virtue – has a venerable pedigree. The Greek...
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...LEADERSHIP FOR INNOVATION LEADERSHIP FOR INNOVATION How to organize team creativity and harvest ideas JOHN ADAIR London and Philadelphia Publisher’s note Every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, and the publishers and author cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, however caused. No responsibility for loss or damage occasioned to any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the editor, the publisher or the author. First published in Great Britain in 1990 by the Talbot Adair Press as The Challenge of Innovation This edition published in Great Britain and the United States by Kogan Page Limited in 2007 as Leadership for Innovation Reprinted 2007 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned addresses: 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN United Kingdom www.kogan-page.co.uk © John Adair, 1990, 2007 The right of John...
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...Narrative A narrative is a sequence of events that a narrator tells in story form. A narrator is a storyteller of any kind, whether the authorial voice in a novel or a friend telling you about last night’s party. Point of View The point of view is the perspective that a narrative takes toward the events it describes. First-person narration: A narrative in which the narrator tells the story from his/her own point of view and refers to him/herself as “I.” The narrator may be an active participant in the story or just an observer. When the point of view represented is specifically the author’s, and not a fictional narrator’s, the story is autobiographical and may be nonfictional (see Common Literary Forms and Genres below). Third-person narration: The narrator remains outside the story and describes the characters in the story using proper names and the third-person pronouns “he,” “she,” “it,” and “they.” • Omniscient narration: The narrator knows all of the actions, feelings, and motivations of all of the characters. For example, the narrator of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina seems to know everything about all the characters and events in the story. • Limited omniscient narration: The narrator knows the actions, feelings, and motivations of only one or a handful of characters. For example, the narrator of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has full knowledge of only Alice. • Free indirect discourse: The narrator conveys a character’s inner thoughts...
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...Transport policy in 2011: a new direction? RESEARCH PAPER 11/22 2 March 2011 This paper outlines the changes made to transport policy by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government and looks at some of the long term transport challenges the government is likely to face over the course of this Parliament. It complements and updates House of Commons research paper 10/28, Transport policy in 2010: a rough guide. Louise Butcher Matthew Keep Recent Research Papers 11/05 Social Indicators 18.01.11 11/06 Scotland Bill [Bill 115 of 2010-11] 19.01.11 11/07 Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of 19.01.11 Succession) Bill [Bill 8 of 2010-11] 11/08 Unemployment by Constituency, January 2011 19.01.11 11/09 Fixed-term Parliaments Bill: Commons Stages 21.01.11 11/10 UK Defence and Security Policy: A New Approach? 21.01.11 11/11 Health and Social Care Bill [Bill 132 of 2010-11] 27.01.11 11/12 Economic Indicators, February 2011 01.02.11 11/13 Anonymity (Arrested Persons) Bill [Bill 9 of 2010-11] 02.02.11 11/14 Education Bill [Bill 137 of 2010-11] 03.02.11 11/15 Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill [HL] 08.02.11 [Bill 143 of 2010-11] 11/16 The Local Government Finance Settlement 2011-13 08.02.11 11/17 Legislation (Territorial Extent) Bill [Bill 10 of 2010-11] 08.02.11 11/18 Wash-up 2010 11.02.11 11/19 Unemployment...
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...itself - it disavows in a later, different case what it itself had ruled in a prior, different, but factually similar case. 1. Higher courts can overrule themselves – not bound by precedent. III. Res Judicata v. Stare Decisis A. Res Judicata – X may not ever again sue Y over this particular issue. 1. Res judicata - important in federal system of both state and federal courts because stops state court losing and then going to federal courts for the same issue. B. Stare Decisis – Requires following “the law,”/rule laid down by another case. 1. Appellate courts create stare decisis through opinions. 2. Law of the case – requires same defendant in every case. If the plaintiff wins, then those who come after can use it as well. A Case Timeline I. First Step - Is there a case? A. Is there a reasonable claim or cause of action? Is there a legal right for a remedy? – is this a question of “law”? – If no cause of action, then can’t be a case, but can be settled or just be dropped B. Can the individual prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he/she is right? C. Looking for the courts to be able to provide redress and for witnesses II. Second step – What forum to take case to? A. The forum is the court that you bring the case to, municipal, state, federal. B. Each court has a different jurisdiction that determines what cases it hears. 1. Jurisdiction depends on the...
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