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What Is Eckankar Religion

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Eckankar is known as the “Religion of the Light and Sound of God” and was founded in 1965. The history and origin of Eckankar’s beliefs are steeped in controversy. Paul Twitchell, the founder of Eckankar, initially developed the philosophy behind Eckankar in articles published in the Seattle Post Intelligence. In an interview for the Seattle Post he discussed his idea “The Cliff-Hanger”; Twitchell’s explanation was “The Cliff-Hanger is a one-man cult. I am the original Cliff-Hanger and its sole disciple. This zany character is called the vanguard of a new religion, entitled ‘Eckankar,’ a Hindu word meaning union with God.” Scholars believe that Eckankar is “a Westernized version of the Punjab Sant Mat or Radha Soami Satsang spiritual tradition.” …show more content…
It is also a love song to God. It represents the love of God for Soul, and we are Soul.” In another excerpt from the interview with A.E. (Anonymous ECKist), he said about HU “The main spiritual exercise is chanting the word "HU". This has had the most amazing impact on my life, in a really subtle way.” In the interview he talked about the benefits of singing HU, saying that “regardless of their faith, this is a simple practice that could help anyone find healing, balance, and peace in life.” Karen Bezoski offers another perspective on the spiritual exercise; in an interview with The Salt Lake Tribune she said “The way to experience the ECK is through light and sound, Eckists believe, which is why Eckankar worship services focus on singing "HU" (pronounced "hue") at the same pitch for five, 10 or 20 minute at a time.” In another quote from the same article Jim Shaw says HU “helps you connect with God's love and with that you gain guidance from the Holy …show more content…
They offer public lectures and workshops to anyone who wishes to attend, but never contact anyone without being invited.” She continued with, "We are of the opinion that everyone belongs to the religion that helps them the most right now.” This lack of proselytization and an attempt to incorporate Western Ideology has led to a relatively low tension with society. Further adding to their lack of tension is their small footprint in the community; with a lack of elaborate worship buildings in places like Salt Lake City, Utah where “they meet in a rundown office suite” and in Springfield, Missouri where they have a small office in a strip mall, they tend to not attract attention. The public seminars offered to the public by Eckankar range from half-day events to major three or four day international seminars attended by several thousand people. These ECK seminars are “spiritual gatherings that feature talks, workshops, worship services, and creative arts. The Living ECK Master often speaks at major ECK seminars, in person or by live remote telecast and via the

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