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Zombie Apocalypse Scenario Paper

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In Scenario 4, we need to design and plan for a form of three possible zombie apocalypse, bunker buildings. These buildings could range from; building a fence around a town, building an underground compound, designing a mobile home (or fleet of), or editing an existing building, like a school, hospital or police station. We will need to draw annotated diagrams and explain our building changes, including blue prints. We must find the amount of materials we will need and where we would get them from. Also, how would people would be able to live in there comfortably, where the food and water will be stored, how long it would take to build and how much help we would need. With this scenario, we have been provided with an update stating, that the zombie populations have increased by double (Cities: 20%, Towns: 40%). They zombies are all merging to the next largest population, for example, the zombies in Kadina have migrated to Adelaide.

I plan to either build an underground sanctuary in one of the wine cellars or modify one of the buildings in a winery. My …show more content…
I want to use the same setup as I saw in CycleCruza’s video1. It would only really be able to house 2 people comfortably, but finding another 2 more Ford Transit vans to make a fleet, would be simple. Transforming the van will be a difficult task and a lot of materials will be needed to make it fully functioning. Each van van in the fleet will have solar panels, a sink, running water from, bunk bed and room in the middle to store my motorbike, or virtually anything you want. To see a full list of materials, see CycleCruza’s video series. To get all the materials needed, would be quite a task in itself. The local hardware shop would be our best bet, but that is not guaranteed to have everything, so we will need to raid multiple other shops. A fully self-sustained, armored fleet of mobile vans would be perfect in a zombie

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