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What Is It Right To Work During The Industrial Revolution

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During the time of industrial people used children as adults for child labor. Children were abused with excessive amounts of work, they worked hours from five in the morning all the way till twelve at night. I think that work is good at the age of fifteen, but at the working at 7 for that many hours is just abusive. During the industrial revolution they were really in need of helpers but it is not right to make a 7 year old work especially for hours not even adults work today.
First of all, during the industrial revolution they had lots of factories that needed to be run harder and longer because other countries were started to make machines to make material which raised the production leaving factories in trouble. When idustrial michines started producing the factories started making kids work rediculous times so they could stay up with good production. Leaving kids to work fifteen plus hours a day is rediculous but its what tey had to do to keep the production up. …show more content…
You will have to get through without those vicious flesh eating animals attacking you.Those piranha’s are not scared of attacking people because there is plenty of dead bodies in that lake.So if your brave enough for this trail this isnt even have of it. If you are even more brave there is a huge treasure chest hidden deep near the center of the lake.It is filled with tons and tons of gold.You can get it easily if you bring a gps on your trip at the evil forest. After you get the gold if you wanted, you will then need to get to the other side without piranha’s getting you so you can get back on the mysterious

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