...Kennet Way. L2 Unit 201 – Safeguarding and Protection in Care Settings. 1.1 Explain the term safeguarding. Safeguarding refers to a series of measures and actions aimed at enhancing the well-being of vulnerable individuals such as children, young adults, and those at risk. The objective is to protect them from abuse, neglect, and harm by ensuring a secure environment and taking all essential steps to prevent maltreatment. 1.2 Explain your role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals. As a diligent care worker, my responsibility in safeguarding entails keenly observing and promptly reporting any indications of mistreatment or disregard, upholding the safeguarding protocols and procedures...
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...Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy Version Effective Date Review Date Lead Agreed by 2.2 01/08/2015 01/08/2016 Director of Student Services SLT and Governors 1 Contents Introduction 1. Policy Statement 2. Keeping Children Safe 3. Adults Working with Children and Vulnerable adults 4. Monitoring and Reviewing our Policy and Practice Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 9 Page 11 Appendices Appendix A – Guidance for good practice when working with young people Appendix B – Types of abuse and specific safeguarding issues Appendix C – Recognising abuse and indicators of abuse Appendix D – Responding to disclosure Page 14 Page 15 Page 17 Page 18 Appendix E – Guidance on Radicalisation and Extremism Page 19 2 Introduction All schools and colleges are required to have a Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy that guides the procedures and practices of staff when safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults (henceforth referred to as students). NewVIc takes very seriously its duty towards all its students who have been entrusted to our care and seeks to provide a college environment where all students are safe, secure, valued, respected, and listened to. NewVIc understands that our work in safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults must always have regard for the national guidance issued by the Secretary of State and should be in line with local guidance and procedures...
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...and procedures within own UK home nation for Safeguarding children and young people. (REF 1.1) The main current legislation for safeguarding children and young people are: - Children Act 1989 - The Children Act (Every child matters) 2004 - Protection of Children Act 1999 - Data protection Act 1998 - Safeguarding vunerable group Act 2006 - Sexual offences Act 2003 - Criminal justice and court services Act 2000 - Equalities Act 2010 - Data protection Act 1998 non-statutory guidance - United Nations Convention on the rights of the child The main current guidelines for safeguarding children and young people are: - Working together to safeguard children The main current policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people are: - Child Protection Policy Child protection is part of the wider work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. It refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering from any form of abuse or neglect. It also involves protecting children and young people from maltreatment and preventing impairment of a child’s health and development by ensuring children are raised in positive circumstances by providing safe and caring environments. Parents or carers who fail to protect or care for their children could then be taken to court and the child be then removed from the home and placed into care. Wider forms of safeguarding also include; risk assessments such as providing...
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...Cherelle Squire safeguarding adults and promoting independence Unit 11 P4,P5,M2 In this essay I will be outlining key legislation and regulations which govern safeguarding adults work, outlining working strategies and types of abuse procedures used in health and social care to reduce the risk of abuse. Also I will be describing legislation and regulations, working strategies and procedures used in health and social care to reduce the risk of two types of abuse. Relevant legislation and regulations There is a law that has been passed by authority such as, parliament. The people that have to benefit from this legislation and policies are vulnerable individual. The European convention and human rights and fundamental freedom 1950 and the human rights act 1998 spelt out the basic rights of all humans and regardless of their condition or situation. The anti-discrimination act- equal pay act, sex discrimination and the age discrimination act, all of this play apart in the abuse that occurs as a result of discrimination. Legislation Safe guarding vulnerable groups act 2006 Protection of vulnerable groups act 2007 Main points ● Set for people who Application ● This also applies to work with children and employed people and vulnerable individuals volunteers to be registered ● ● There are separate but liked barred lists for safeguarding authority those working with to be able for deciding Protecting vulnerable groups ...
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...Theme 1: Safeguarding Part 1. K2: Safeguarding policies and procedures for children and colleagues, including child protection and wellbeing. K2.1 Outline policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding, protection, and welfare of children. Safeguarding/Child Protection Safeguarding and child protection procedures are detailed guidelines and instructions that support your overarching safeguarding policy statement. They explain the steps that your organisation will take to keep children and young people safe and what to do when there are concerns about a child's safety or wellbeing. For example, your safeguarding procedures should cover issues like how staff and volunteers should respond to concerns about a child and young person, and...
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...Safeguarding children and young people and young vulnerable adults policy |Ofsted aims to assure the safe and secure provision for children, young people and learners across all remits through effective | |inspection and regulation. Therefore, safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and some vulnerable adult learners is part of | |our core business and all staff must be aware of their responsibilities in this regard. | Age group: 0-18+ Published: February 2015 Reference no: 150004 Contents Purpose 4 The definition of safeguarding – children and young people 5 Aims and objectives 6 Ofsted’s responsibilities 7 Safeguarding vulnerable adults 9 Ofsted’s responsibilities 10 Ofsted Safeguarding Group 10 Annex A: Assessment of risk in settings, where children attend, because individuals reside on the premises or have access to children and young people 12 Purpose 1. This document outlines Ofsted’s policy on identifying and responding to concerns regarding the safeguarding and protection of children and young people, with a specific section on protection of vulnerable adults. This policy, with the associated procedures, provides guidance for all staff who may come across concerns of this nature within the context of their work for Ofsted. These include: ■ all members of Ofsted’s workforce, both inspectors and office-based staff ■ additional inspectors ■...
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...The EYP is responsible for being aware of the school safeguarding procedures, for ensuring that their conduct meets policies, for example in removing hazards from the child’s environment and ensuring that they are supportive and nurturing in their interactions. The EYP also needs to be alert for signs of safeguarding issues such as distress or more subtle signs such as prolonged lack of engagement by the child. Early years providers will need to take steps to ensure that all children in their care are kept safe and well. They should create settings that are welcoming, safe and stimulating so that children are able to enjoy their learning. The areas covered under the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS include: -safeguarding children and promoting their welfare - promoting good health -managing behaviour -Staff-to-child ratios -key people Ensuring that the premises and facilities are safe and secure and meet health and safety requirements -promoting equal opportunities- maintaining records, policies and procedures. 2.2. Describe the lines of reporting and responsibility to meet the safeguarding, protection and welfare requirements of children. The EYP reporting line is initially within...
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...Ofsted safeguarding policy and procedures |This document outlines Ofsted’s policy on responding to concerns regarding the safeguarding and protection of children and young people | |aged under 18 years. This policy, combined with the associated procedures, provides guidance to all staff who may come across concerns of| |this nature within the context of their work for Ofsted. | Age group: All Published: September 2010 Reference no: 100183 Contents Part 1. Safeguarding children and young people policy 4 Purpose of this document 4 The definition of safeguarding 5 Aims and objectives of the policy 6 Ofsted’s responsibilities 6 Future action 8 Part 2. Procedures for responding to specific child protection concerns about children at risk of significant harm 8 Section 1. Scope of the procedure 8 Section 2. Immediate action to take if, as a member of Ofsted staff, you observe abuse while it is taking place 10 Section 3. Immediate action to take if you receive an allegation of possible significant harm to a child or young person 11 Section 4. Identification of level of concern and next steps 13 Section 5. Subsequent action in all cases 14 Section 6. National Business Unit, CIE staff, and the Ofsted complaints team 15 Section 7. Allegations about a member of Ofsted staff 16 Section 8. Concerns arising during registration 16 Part 3. Safeguarding vulnerable...
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...The main purpose of this study is to identify and examine some key issues such as safeguarding and risk factors that mays be evident in the case of Toby in relation to parenting, development and environment in which he and his family find themselves with key focus on safeguarding as everyone’s responsibility and must be child centred. The effect of any identified harm the long term and short term consequences on the child identity and development with the application of safeguarding legislation and policies, children Act 1989(section 17and 47). This section of the legislation is focus on need, and detection of harm and when it is believe that a child may be facing significant harm. The social worker having an understanding of what significant...
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...205 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Define the following types of abuse: a Physical abuse Physical abuse is deliberate physical force that may result in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. Define the following types of abuse: b Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is when a person is forced or tricked into taking part in any kind of sexual activity. When sexual contact is non-consensual, it is an abuse. Define the following types of abuse: c Emotional/psychological abuse Emotional Abuse is where one person gains power and control over another through words and gestures which gradually undermine, the other’s self-respect. : Define the following types of abuse: d Financial abuse Financial abuse is stealing or defrauding someone of money, goods and/or property, allowing others to steal money or property, tricking or threatening individuals into giving away money or property, withholding money, refusing to allow individuals to manage their finances, etc. Define the following types of abuse: e Institutional abuse Institutional abuse happens when the lifestyles of clients are sacrificed in favour of the routines and/or restrictive practices of the home. Institutional abuse comprises neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, discriminatory abuse, psychological, emotional abuse and financial abuse. Define the following types of abuse: Self neglect Self-neglect is when a person does not pay attention to their health and well-being...
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...Rachel Dag. NVQ in Health and Social Care level 2. (A/601/8574) Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care 1.1 Define the following types of abuse: 1.2 Identify the signs and /or symptoms associated with each type of abuse: .Physical abuse: The intended use of physical force that may results in bodily injury, pain or impairment. This includes the application of techniques or treatments, involuntary isolation or confinement, misuse of medication and feelings of intimidation. It can also include smashing of the residents furniture and belongings, pushing or shoving, holding against the persons will, slapped, bitten, kicked, pinched, punched, threats of becoming violent. Those are many signs and symptoms due to the physical abuse: some bruising can appear in wellhidden places, broken bones, sprains and dislocations, burns(friction/scalds), pressure sores, flinching when approached, weight loss, feeling depressed and in a low mood, angry. .Sexual abuse: this is when sexual contact is made without the consent of the person or when the person has been tricked or force into taking part in sexual activities. This can happen to males and females. This can include sexual penetration with any object, fingers or penis. Being exposed to pornographic elements, touching someone up or kissing is also a way of sexual abuse. Those are many signs and symptoms due to the sexual abuse: you can find some bruising around the person’s genitals and breast, urinary...
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...Safeguarding children in early years setting Theoretical perspectives on safeguarding have developed over the years and include a range of different themes and perspectives.(Oliver and Pitt 2011).Therefore I have decided to do my literature review on safeguarding children as I feel that gaining for knowledge on how to safeguard children I am able to be more confident and also apply them to my setting. I also want to improve my knowledge of current policies and practice aimed at safeguarding children and young people. In my setting I avoid to implement the safeguarding policies as I do not have much knowledge. In my literature review I will research on how we safeguard the children, working together with other agency, the effects on children that are maltreated. I will be also looking at theories and why child maltreatment occurs. Safeguarding legislation and government guidance says that safeguarding means protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s health or development ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care (Barlow and Schrader-McMillan 2010). However according to the legislation taking action is there to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome. “The action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm - is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play working together...
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...______________________________________________3 What the company is doing right: _______________________________________________4 What the company is doing wrong: ______________________________________________5 Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________5 References: ________________________________________________________________7 Introduction: Internal control is one of the integral parts of an organization. It is a system which controls different types of risks, bringing into focus different frauds of the company, assuring the transparency of the company which helps in a reliable financial reporting. It focuses on achieving the goal of the organization with an aim that ensures that the operations of the organization are done effectively and efficiently. The major concern of internal control is concerned with the optimal and effective utilization of assets. Assets being the most important part of the organization help in generating services and benefits. Internal control focuses on effective and efficient use of assets. According to COSO, “Internal Control is the process of designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of business objectives” The business objectives that needs to be achieved are: Reliability of financial reporting, Effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. (COSO, 1992). The two primary goals of internal control are: safeguarding of assets and enhancing...
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...stimulated. All settings should have written policies and procedures that are underpinned by the welfare requirements outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, including those relating to safeguarding, equality of opportunity admissions, behaviours, health and safety, administering medicines, data protection, and confidentiality. General welfare requirements that work...
Words: 594 - Pages: 3
...Unit 10: Safeguarding in Health and Social Care Student Name: Student I.D: Submission date: 09/12/2015 CONTENTS PAGE Task | Page number | Task 1: Induction Pack on Abuse factors and contexts (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) | 4-12 | Task 2: Essay on the law in contexts (2.1, 2.2) | 12-19 | Task 3: Power point presentation on working practices and strategies (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) | 20-28 | References | 29-30 | TASK 1: Abuse (factors and contexts) Introduction Abuse of vulnerable people in most parts of the world needs to be stopped because it falls under the protection of human rights as It is fundamental right for all people to living a life that is free from harm, abuse and discrimination. This right is protected by Human Right Act 1998. Abuse is the violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other persons which results in significant harm. During the course of this induction guide I'll explore various types of abuse in health and social care sector that include; emotional/ psychological abuse, sexual, physical abuse, financial abuse, and neglect. there are other abuse like domestic violence, discrimination. I"ll also identify the sign and indicators of abuse and also explore social and cultural factors which are responsible for abuse. Safeguarding Adults A person over age of 18 years is vulnerable adult if by reason of old age, infirmity, injury, illness, mental...
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