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Financial Accounting Paper


Submitted By samhithak
Words 2333
Pages 10
Financial Statement Analysis and Decision Making Activity



Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD) is a large independent company that focuses primarily on drilling oil and gas exploration, with executive offices located in Irving, Texas. The company was formed in Delaware in 1997, with executive offices located in Irving, Texas.

One of the company’s main focuses is to be competitive and to be profitable, so as to develop and produce oil and gas reserves. One way they gain competitive advantage is by employing well-trained and experienced personnel who enable efficient decision-making. The company has a sound development and production strategy. The company focuses efforts towards maximizing its average oil production, NGL’S (Natural, gas, and liquids), gas production through development drilling, production enhancement activities, and acquisition of producing properties. The Company is always looking for ways to improve on oil and gas reserves, and its production through development drilling and conducting other production activities. (Well Recompletions) Pioneer Natural also engages in other activities such as: Exploratory, Integrated, and Acquisition activities. The way the company penetrates its integrated services is to control drilling, operating costs, and to support the execution of its drilling program and operating services. One of the last activities we will elaborate on is acquisition. The company seeks to acquire properties that complement its operations, develop new opportunities and seek ways to gain potential return on investment. Another way the company seeks competitive advantage in this area is that the company pursues strategic acquisitions that will allow the company to expand into new geographical areas that

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