...What is the internet? The internet is a combination of networks and organizations, each of which is run and paid for on its own. The underpinnings of the Internet are formed by the global interconnection of hundreds of thousands of otherwise independent computers, communications entities and information systems. What makes this interconnection possible is the use of a set of communication standards, procedures and formats in common among the networks and the various devices and computational facilities connected to them. The procedures by which computers communicate with each other are called "protocols." While this infrastructure is steadily evolving to include new capabilities, the protocols initially used by the Internet are called the "TCP/IP" protocols, named after the two protocols that formed the principal basis for Internet operation. On top of this infrastructure is an emerging set of architectural concepts and data structures for heterogeneous information systems that renders the Internet a truly global information system. In essence, the Internet is an architecture, although many people confuse it with its implementation. When the Internet is looked at as an architecture, it manifests two different abstractions. One abstraction deals with communications connectivity, packet delivery and a variety of end-end communication services. The other abstraction deals with the Internet as an information system, independent of its underlying communications infrastructure...
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...What Is the Internet of Things? Mike Loukides & Jon Bruner ISBN: 978-1-491-92180-7 THE O’REILLY INTERNET OF THINGS CONFERENCE “The future has a funny way of sneaking up on you. You don’t notice it until you’re soaking in it. That was the feeling at O’Reilly’s Solid Conference.” — Wired The traditional boundaries between hardware and software are falling. It’s a perfect storm of opportunity for a software-enhanced, networked physical world. The new products and services created from the melding of software, hardware, and data are built by people who work across disciplines and industries. A vibrant new community is emerging, made up of business and industry leaders, software developers, hardware engineers, designers, investors, startup founders, academics, artists, and policy makers—many of whom have never come together before. They gather at Solid to be inspired, to make connections and launch conversations, and to plug into the future for a few days. Will you be a part of it? Find out more at solidcon.com What Is the Internet of Things? Mike Loukides and Jon Bruner What Is the Internet of Things? by Mike Loukides and Jon Bruner Copyright © 2015 O’Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://safaribooksonline...
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...------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- What is Internet and how does it Work? Radu Zatreanu HS Web Design 10 B 02/13/12 We can't imagine our lives without it anymore, by having one using it from hour to hour on a daily basis. Multi-purpose as it had accustomed us, right from the beginning, the "Internet" has pushed well-established limits forward, in terms of jobs, socializing, financing, information or entertainment. Its full potential is not used, yet it will be discovered in future, it is predictable. However, there are numerous limitations reported to using such technology, as it creates dependancy. Deaths have been found out of children or teenagers spending 24 hrs. or more on the internet. Another serious problem would be the inverse effect of virtual socializing. Instead of having people talking to each other, you get messengers in form of (computer and internet), speaking for yourself. This affects not only the youth but also adults as it tends to change their moods/emotions and bring introverts out of them. However, it is important to look at the internet's history, how it all started, how it did progress over such a short period of time and most important, the complexity of its system. The history of the internet has its roots to as early as 1957, right after URSS successfully managed to launch the world’s first artificial satellite on the orbit and the...
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...In Nicole Kobie’s article (2015) “What Is The Internet Of Things?”. Kobie answers the most commonly asked question about the internet of the things: what is IoT and is it real? Kobie claims that we can’t know how it is going to look like in the future. Kobie answers the question- what is IoT by explaining the definition of Internet of things, a tech that known for decades and the first device based on IoT unveiled at 1989. IoT is the connection of devices to each other by the internet what makes any device, from our pockets through homes to entire cities, to be smart devices. IoT matters because it makes devices more efficient by making life easier or by using less energy which is more common in today’s life. One example is the home heat system...
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...Internet Marketing – What is the key to success? Probably all people who are somehow connected to the internet marketing are agree, that there are several ways to create a really profitable internet business. However not all people manage to create… The question why? Through my business experience I gained knowledge in this field and noticed some facts that are the main keys to success. And by this article I decided to share my experience with you. So the first point is : Traffic – Key To Success? This question has been bothering me recently. Many people nowadays who are connected to the internet marketing argue about this thing. The question is “will traffic increase your profit?” Probably all will agree with me, that traffic is responsible for your profit. So in other words : No Traffic – No sales. Simple, isn’t it? However sometimes traffic doesn’t bring a good sum of sales. Probably because it’s not the targeted traffic. You should spend your time more on increasing the one you need. In other words: When you decide how to develop your internet business keep that in mind, that not just the traffic is success, but a targeted one… Second interesting point is : Good Key Word and Niche research. Mostly all merchants and other people, who are involved with the internet marketing, know that without qualitative key word research and niche research it is impossible to build really strong and successful internet business. But It...
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...A Summary with Pros & Cons of “The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to Our Brains” Written By Nicholas Carr Summarized By Sarah Clark Information Systems for Management Summer 2013 At first glance of this book, “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains,” I started to get the overall impression that the author, Nicholas Carr, was totally opposed to idea of technology. As a lover of technology myself, I dreaded reading this book because I thought that it was going to be a negative interpretation of technology. And while this book doesn’t exactly shed the most positive light on that subject, I’ve started to understand the overall views of Mr. Carr and identify with them as well. The book, not necessarily a discouragement of technology, but rather an explanation of how our brain operates with the constant technological noise that we are surrounded in day in and day out, comes from the authors own personal experiences. He states in the beginning of the book how he started noticing that he was having concentration problems and constantly felt the urge to check his phone, email, or blogs to stay abreast on the most current information. He started to wonder why? Why wasn’t he able to pay attention for longer than 5 or ten minutes? Why wasn’t he able to develop deep focus? Eventually he determined that it was because of the patterns with in our mind and how they have adapted with the constant flow of technology around us every day. The book focuses...
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...What is the difference in using the Internet for general purposes and using it for academic purposes? What precautions must you take when using the Internet for school? When using the internet for general purposes you have the freedom to do whatever you want for example misspelled words or going to a site that do not have the proper information for what your research. Generally you get to enjoy the freedom of the World Wide Web. When using the internet for academic purposes you have to be careful and make sure you go to credited sites. There are sites that do not give you full information you will have to do a more detail search. The internet is unreliable and at the same time has some reliable sources. When using the internet for academic purposes you must make sure you do the proper research and get the correct and updated information. You have to mindful and pay attention to details making sure it meets the project needs. This is a precaution when using the internet for school. Keep on mind what your researching, pay attention to details and researching and examine the information to make sure it’s accurate. What are at least three practices you should follow when writing to your facilitator versus writing to your friend? What steps can you take to ensure your writing is appropriate for the audience? Your facilitator is the person that reviews your writing in school any business purpose. Making sure you use proper language, tone, grammar and punctuation. This is how...
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...The Internet has made the world smaller means a lot of things. The Internet has connected the world. It has created a new channel of access. Resources are easily accessible. The world seems smaller in a sense, because we can access or research anything we want in seconds. We can visit the top of Mt. Everest; watch a building or an island being created in Dubai, in a matter of seconds. We can even see them at the same time on a computer. We can talk with our grandmother 1500 miles away in a video chat on Skype. We are able to see where our friends are in the world at any given moment with Apple’s Find my Friends app. We can go shopping at any store we please without having to physically be there. The Internet is used to create a web presence that emulates the physical presence as close as possible. Through video, sound, technology, and elaborate computer programming, the Internet can bring the entire world to someone lying in bed with their 13” laptop. With such great connectivity comes convenience and risk. You can talk to your friends, find relatives or old friends, and see a representation of someone’s life through social media outlets such as Facebook. A website has achieved complete success when it can be found all over the Internet. If you watch a video on Yahoo.com, it is posted to your Facebook wall. Your identity is carried across the Internet. The days of creating different accounts for different services and websites are coming to an end. Now a lot of websites have...
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...What are clues to authenticity or lack of authenticity of information on the Internet? When looking for clues of authenticity you need to make sure you are checking the documentation and origin of the information. If there are signatures or seals, check the links for authenticity. See if you are able to contact the webmaster who is in charge of the site. Having dates on the paper which can include first written, when published, and when it is last revised. When checking the content makes sure the content is not biased and is factual. See if you can find motives like if the site is trying to inform or sell. When a websites have a lack of credibility there will be no authors listed on any of the information. A site is not put together neatly and has many grammar errors and misspellings are a sign of low credibility. A site with lack of credibility will have vague and basic information, and be very one-sided without acknowledging the other side. A website has a lack of authenticity when it has numbers and statistics but no proof. You cannot find no other site with same information. When checking sites remember that anyone can put just about anything on the internet. It is very important to check information on the internet to make sure it came from a reliable source. The best thing to do when checking for authenticity on the URL, see if it is connected to an affiliation. There will be sites with the information you are looking for you just need to be careful you don’t believe...
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...Lpi what are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the Internet and shopping in a mall? Give examples for both. With the development of the Internet, online shopping has become increasingly popular. However, this does not discourage people from shopping in malls since these two ways of shopping have their own advantages and disadvantages. Compared to shopping in a mall, shopping on the Internet is much more convenient. The photos of goods are well-displayed online. People can go through them easily. Besides, goods sold in online stores are cheaper than those that are sold in stores in malls. Stores in malls have higher costs since they need to pay rent and employees’ wages. On the other hand, shopping online has its disadvantages. Customers cannot try on the clothes and shoes they prefer, so they may fine things they buy do not fit them well. They cannot get what they want immediately as well. Since free-shipping usually takes a long time. If customers need to get the goods right away, shopping in a mall is their first choice. Many people think it is interesting to go shopping with friends, so they choose to shop in malls. They can spend a whole day in a shopping mall, trying on clothes or going window-shopping. What matters is that they can have fun with their friends. They cannot experience such happiness when they go online shopping. Furthermore, customers can actually see and touch the goods, so they are less likely to buy things that are poor quality...
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...To what extent has the internet made the clothing market more competitive? One way in which the internet has made the clothing market more competitive is due to there being fewer barriers to enter into business on the internet. This is largely because rents are higher when opening an actually clothing store on a busy street; this however is not so much of a problem for online retailers. Therefore, this would make the cost of production for online retailers less than that of street stores, thus enabling online clothing prices to be significantly lower, boosting competition. However, this may not be the case if other factors of production for online retailers are high, such as rent for a warehouse to keep stocks, as this would cancel out the low cost of not paying rent for a store, although the rent for the warehouse would be considerable low as the location is not important. Furthermore, the internet has allowed consumers to have more information about different prices of clothing available by various retailers; this has been made even easier by price comparison sites. Amazon for example, has various prices for one particular piece of clothing offered by multiple providers. This reduces monopoly power as consumers are increasing able to buy their needed product at the lowest price, thus encouraging competition. However, price comparison websites themselves have come under criticism. As for example, they might not take into account the different types of consumers looking for...
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...IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A: SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, VOL. 30, NO. 4, JULY 2000 421 What Makes Consumers Buy from Internet? A Longitudinal Study of Online Shopping Moez Limayem, Mohamed Khalifa, and Anissa Frini Abstract—The objective of this study is to investigate the factors affecting online shopping. A model explaining the impact of different factors on online shopping intentions and behavior is developed based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. The model is then tested empirically in a longitudinal study with two surveys. Data collected from 705 consumers indicate that subjective norms, attitude, and beliefs concerning the consequences of online shopping have significant effects on consumers’ intentions to buy online. Behavioral control and intentions significantly influenced online shopping behavior. The results also provide strong support for the positive effects of personal innovativeness on attitude and intentions to shop online. The implications of the findings for theory and practice are discussed. Index Terms—e-commerce, online shopping, TPB. I. INTRODUCTION HE use of the Internet as a shopping and purchasing medium has seen unprecedented growth. Most experts expect the global electronic market to dramatically impact commerce in the twenty first century. Jaffray [1] estimates the total volume of cybersales to reach $201 billion in 2001 and Forrester Research [2] predicts electronic commerce activities to reach $327 billion in 2002...
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...Your internet provider provides you with everything from the internet. They essentially are like a highway to your computer. But what if this highway had a toll booth with three options; an extremely expensive ipass allowing rich websites to pass easily to your desktop, a normal priced toll with no ipass slowing down poorer sites, and the toll could turn away any website they like. Internet service providers are trying to push for this kind of internet, a money based internet where they don’t have to show any competitors websites at all. This doesn't sound like a good thing for the internet we know and love. In order to protect the fundamental principle that the internet was based on, and small web-based companies, net neutrality Must be protected and preserved. To understand why Net Neutrality must be preserved first you have to understand it, the economics of it, the arguments against the system, and the effect its change would have on small web-based companies. Net Neutrality can be defined very simply, that all websites are treated equally and distributed to the consumer or business equally. According to Tim wu, a professor at Columbia law School, he says on his personal website article Network Neutrality FAQ “The idea is that a maximally useful public information network aspires to treat all content, sites, and platforms equally.” What he is saying here is that basic concept of Net Neutrality is that no matter what provider, or platform (computer, tablet, or phone...
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...know that more surprising things were waiting for them. People became more surprised Internet was spreading all over the world with its mobility power and its popularity. For this consequence mobile phone Internet started its journey in Bangladesh at September when they found many unbelievable items in their cellular mobile phone and one of those items was mobile phone internet. Mobile phone met with Internet at 1999. From then mobile phone 1999 with the hand of one private mobile phone company named Grameen Phone. Now all the cellular mobile phone companies are providing their subscriber Internet service through mobile phone. This seminar paper is based on about the user satisfaction of mobile phone Internet in Bangladesh. The objectives of this paper are to identify the current picture of this sector, problems and solutions. After having fundamental ideas about mobile phone Internet, we met with the related people of every mobile phone company for collecting data about their companies. But some obstacles hampered the project activities. In many cases officials and employees were not co operative because of their restrictions; there were lack of time and money. However, a survey was made among some people in Sylhet about customer satisfactions of using Internet through mobile phone. From that survey we have came to know that about 61% use mobile phone Internet out of 100 regular Internet users. The overall data have been attached at fourth chapter of this paper. We have...
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...Individuality and the Internet The internet has created a world where virtually every piece of information is available on a universally accessible platform. This international community gives rise to an atmosphere where trends and styles are immediately broadcast to the world. Ideals and habits are no longer confined to certain areas but spread throughout the world rapidly. In many ways, the internet has ushered in an international age that has created uniformity in the way people dress, think, and view the world. J.S Mill discusses the idea of individuality in his book On Liberty. Mill analyzes individuality and expresses the human need for some level of eccentricity. Mill stresses the fact that individuality is one of the fundamental components of human happiness. His main point is that individuality is imperative to social and individual evolution. The internet, in many ways, brings about new ideas and introduces the public to many points of knowledge. However in the same respect the internet often detracts from a person’s individuality and originality by imposing uniformity. In this paper I will argue that Mill’s idea of individuality and its benefits to society do not coexist well in the same world as the internet. John Stuart Mill writes that individuality should be asserted in matters, “which do not primarily concern others” (Mill, 54). The only way a person can truly cultivate his or her individuality and become a more complete human is to look within him or herself...
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