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What It Would Be Like To Be August Analysis

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“Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you- not because they are nice, but because you are”. After you read the book Wonder you start to think about what it would be like to be August. For me after I read this book I liked it because of all the things people did for August. Kindness is where it all starts. Some things I’m going to talk about is Miranda gives August the space helmet, Amos breaks up a fight, and Summer sitting with August at lunch. First, When Miranda gives August the space helmet it made him light up. He loved that he had a friend that would be there for him. When I was little my sister would give me things and I loved that because we could get along and even if they were totally ridiculous it meant alot. Later on in the book we found out that August lost his space helmet. His father had taken it and thrown it away because he thought that it was hiding August. He wanted to see his sons face again. Next, Summer sits with August at lunch. August had started a new year at a new school. He didn’t have any friends, you could say he was alone. After a few days a girl named Summer sat with him at lunch. He thought that someone made her but she did it out of kindness. On my first day of sixth grade I started out just like August I didn’t have any classes with my friends, I was also alone. …show more content…
August had gotten new hearing aids and they looked like giant headphones. August and his class when on a trip. When they got there alot of other kids were there too. Long story short August got beaten up by seventh graders and him being in fifth grade he was really small compared to them. Amos stepped in and broke the fight up when the seventh graders walked away August felt like something was wrong. Ed one of the seventh graders broke August’s hearing aids. August couldn’t hear very well. If someone tried to fight me like that I would hope that someone would step in like Amos did and help

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