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What Role Does Race Play In Body Politics

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In chapter 3 the text focuses on body politics and its role in the period of globalization. This is tied into global communication because this ideal stems from our engagement with others through our bodies that we use as signs to communicate. Race, gender and social status were impacted as well from body politics. The text states, Social constructs or social construction, is an idea or phenomenon that has been constructed by people in a particular society or culture, through communication. Social constructs exist because people act and agree to follow certain conventions and rules. The body is used as signifiers, which represents the body and images of actions mainly when discussing race. All these concepts were covered in chapter 3 and introduced global communications’ role in body politics. …show more content…
This translates into white supremacy and how historically it perpetuated the exploitation of different nations of people who were of color. There is also a hierarchy difference, which is a system in place that classifies people predicated on the social idea of superior and inferior races. In result, the human race was divided into five races. These races were the Caucasian race, Malaysian, Red, Mongolian and lastly the Ethiopian. These races were structured in a particular order with white being at the top of the food chain and black at the bottom. However, the text does state that class does not protect against racism, sexism, and other forms of exclusion, or even a post-race society. Socioeconomic class assists limits, and denies access to everything from basic human needs of food, water, housing, health care, education, and property ownership, to the ability to accumulate luxury items and wealth. The text further discusses young people gravitating towards hip hop and how they adapt to their local needs, and how it emerged politically as a

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