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When We Talk About Love Theme

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The components that contribute to the theme of the short story “What We Talk about When We Talk about Love” by Raymond Carver are plot and character. The main character of the story plays a big role in creating the theme and the symbols that are prominent also contribute to the theme. This author used these key components to help the readers understand the main point of the story. The main character Mel and the symbols love and gin are all important to identify the theme in this short story. The theme in the story is the complicated meaning of love. The character Mel is a round character in the story. His character is sometimes hard to understand and figure out and also is shown to have more than one side. He is a very confused character …show more content…
He shows his love towards his wife but then starts to flirt with Laura; ‘“Laura, if I didn’t have Terri and if I didn’t love her so much, and if Nick wasn’t my best friend, I’d fall in love with you” (393). He also tells everyone that if something ever happened to him or Terri, the other person would be sad but they would get over it and probably love somebody else after some time (390). His love for Terri is shown through his personality but his other side comes out when he makes these statements that make everyone question what he means. This also shows that he does not really know what love means. If he had a full understanding of love, he would never make these statements about his love life and significant other. Mel also shows his anger at some points in the story towards Terri. Sometimes when she interrupts him or tries to make a point he gets snippy and shoots down her opinion before she can even express it. Mel states that Ed never truly loved Terri because of the way that he treated her, but when Mel gets very angry with her, it could be taken the same way that Mel doesn’t truly love Terri either. In his mind, he knows about love but his actions and words display something

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