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Whitbread's Capital Structure

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Return on capital employed (ROCE) measures how efficiently the company makes the profit from its capital employed. The ratio can help investors to judge how efficiently the company makes profit with its capital by showing the returns produce per pound amount in capital.

Figure 3.1 ROCE of Whitbread has suffered one drop during 2014 of 2.15%, while Greggs always has a higher ratio than the other two companies apart from in 2014. Even though they have the lowest revenue and operating profit out of the 3 companies they have the highest efficiency in turning their capital employed into profit. Implying that Whitbread’s capital employed was used less successfully to create operating profits. The decrease in ROCE suggests that the increase in the long-term sources of finance has not yet been used properly to generate profits. This could be in the Premier Inn ventures online in which has to compete and needs more investment. …show more content…
It takes a shareholder’s view rather than the entity’s view. A higher percentage result will indicate that the company has managed its shareholders’ funds more efficiently.

Whitbread continues to lead or compete amongst the other two companies. As the Equity continues to increase (from £ 1,545mill to £ 2,525mill). But Year on year Whitbread’s revenues grows 6.30% from 2.92bn to 3.11bn whilst net income improved 7.77% from 391.20m to 421.60m, However this is nowhere near fast enough growth for the amount of equity as shown by the slight ROE decrease yearly. In 2015 Greggs jumps above Whitbread to 21.6% in 2015. Millennium have the lowest return on equity as their turnover of revenue is perhaps less frequent. Therefore Greggs have a higher turnover of revenue and as a result a higher return on shareholders

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