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Who Is Andrew Jackson Unethical

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Throughout Andrew Jackson’s presidency, he was able to convey many things, such as his actions or behavior, towards many people. Though some of his actions were not professional and could be questionable, it can be argued that others were the right thing to do. He was often criticized, but some people may have believed the actions in his time were necessary. In general, Andrew Jackson’s presidency by considering his portrayal as “A Man of the People,” his treatment of Native Americans, and his handling of crises like the Nullification Crisis and the Bank war could be questionable by many people, but for the most part, not good, considering his events and personality or characteristics would not be able to balance other things out. Jackson’s …show more content…
Despite the ways Jackson dealt with others, including Native Americans, he was able to handle two major problems in his time as president. The text states “Jackson was furious with southerners, however, he did not back down. He encouraged Congress to pass the Force Bill, which they did on March 2, 1833. This new legislation gave Jackson the authority to use the military, if necessary, to enforce the tariff law in the south” (pg. 4 para. 6. The aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid The text continues with something similar stating, “In 1833, Jackson sped up his plans. He announced a plan to remove all federal funds from banks and redistribute the money to various state banks, thereby starving the bank to death. On September 10, 1833, the national bank was out of business; the bank war was officially over” (pg. 5 para. 6). These choices affected the country in a positive way, in Jackson’s opinion. Some people agreed and stayed, thinking Jackson was continuing to do the wrong

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