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Who Is 'Powerful, Unjust, And Inhumane Woman'?

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The narrator’s purpose of writing the story is to show the reader how filthy, unjust, and inhumane Industrial America was in the iron mills. The narrator goes in to great detail describing the mill town as a foul smelling, overpopulated, smoke filled dump. He/she also describes the factories as a fiery hell. The narrator takes you in to a mill workers world by telling the reader a story about a worker named Hugh Wolfe. The story shows the reader the miserable lives of the working class during the Industrial Revolution. The narrator explains to the reader what the working class went through like “incessant labor, sleeping in kennel-like rooms, eating rank pork and molasses” et cetera. The narrator is able to confront the readers with the depressing …show more content…
Since Mitchell was an amateur gymnast he did have an anatomical eye and was surveying the workers movements as they labored away. Kirby didn’t acknowledge the workers existence much only when it came to giving orders. Other than that, the visitors forgot about the workers presence. The visitors were very prestigious in the workers eyes, but in the visitors eyes the workers were not anything special to them. Wolfe creates a Korl statue of what appears to be a nude Woman crouching on the ground with strong muscular working class physical characteristics but also with a look of depravation. The figure has a wild eager look on the face and the posture of the statue shows a despairing gesture. Wolfe’s korl statue represents the effects of industrialism on the working class. When the Doctor asks Wolfe about the meaning behind his Korl statue Wolfe says "She be hungry." The Doctor believes Wolfe has made a mistake because the statue doesn’t show any signs of starvation on the body, rather it shows strong physical features. Although a working class person may look strong physically, spiritually they are weak and starving for an answer on how to break out of the hell they are …show more content…
Kirby snaps back and explains to the doctor it is not his responsibility to help Wolfe rise to success for his talent. Dr. May is the only one who truly shows commiseration for the mill workers but doesn’t have the money to help. Although Mitchell is very fascinated by the statue his view of mill workers doesn’t change. He just see’s Wolfe as a lost talent and doesn’t believe the workers could rise up to success with the kind of money they are earning. After having this conversation it is clear that the visitors view of the mill workers does not changed, they still see the mill workers as machines who will never rise to do anything better due to the way the American system is set up. Those with money are the only ones who can rise up the social ladder, those who don’t have money stay at the bottom of the ladder. The Korl statue Wolfe created did a god job showing politics through art. The statue caught the attention of the higher class due its beauty and only after seeing the suffering look in the statue is when they bothered to spark a conversation about the social issues involving mill workers. The statue also shows the reader that only the rich can save the

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