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Why Are Eating Bugs Bad

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Did you know that eating bugs can halo with world hunger? In most places food is either too expensive or hard to come by but if we ate bugs then you don’t have to have as many resources. All over the world bugs seem to be found in mass quantities. One way to address this problem is that people should eat bugs. One reason is that bugs produce less greenhouse gas. Animals release a high amount of gas into the environment. Cows being one of the highest. The Food and Agriculture organization chart states that cows produce about 78-170 kg. of greenhouse gas per kg. of protein. Mealworms on the other hand creates 0-18 kg of greenhouse emissions in their lifetime(food and agriculture organization chart). Insects have a lower ecological footprint than animals do. The author states, “ They produce 100 times less greenhouse gases.” This means you can get the same amount of protein with less greenhouse emissions. As you can see bugs produce less greenhouse gas and are much better for the environment. …show more content…
Insects have almost the same amount of protein with a lower fat content. The author (Bobolts 2)explains, “Grasshoppers in particular are packed with about just as much protein as lean ground beef with less fat.” This means that you can have a similar amount of protein with a lot less fat. Bugs have healthier fats than traditional livestock. The author shared this statement, “Some caterpillars have more protein by weight than a turkey leg and more fat, too, but it’s a healthier monounsaturated kind.” This means you can have more healthy fats. There are several ways that insects can help with obesity. These are just a few of

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