...Most kids in America do not look forward to schooling and that could affect their performance. They can try their best but it will never be their absolute best because they aren't enjoying it. Most kids in America have already lost my interest in school. It feels like they’re doing the same thing every day. Learn something, take a test and forget about it a week later. That's how school feels. Most kids drop out of school by the ninth grade and there's a reason. School is long and dull. Sometimes teachers don't even care about you and just gives you packets and pass you on. Most students in America feel this way and something needs to change. America needs changes with more teachers, needs to find a way to fix the school system and needs to reduce school time. We need more teachers in America. In America there is a teacher shortage, and it’s obvious why. Kids go through school sometimes hating their teachers. They hate their teachers because they make them do hard work and make them take test for thirty minutes in silence. Why would a kid grow up hating teachers and want to become one? Some teachers do not agree with the school system and that's why they end up quitting. Some teachers don't agree with making students sit in a class and try to make them learn for a test that could decide their...
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...times I’ve been asked the question: “Why would you want to be a teacher?” I hear all about how little teachers are paid, and how people “just don’t know how you do it.” I have had people treat me like they don’t really think preschool teachers are teachers, rather, over-paid babysitters. I wrote a blog post on it once, so did my friend, Kristi Sauer. I’ve written about why preschool is important. What I haven’t written about, was why I choose to be a preschool teacher, or more like, why I stay a preschool teacher. It doesn’t pay great, especially if you are working in a child care setting. Working for a school district pays significantly better, but still doesn’t offer some of the benefits that “regular” teachers get (such as health care, pay stretched out over the summer, etc.). Those things don’t matter so much to me. Yes, this has led to some huge financial struggles over the years, but to me, doing what I love is more important. There have been a couple of amazing opportunities over the years that I have passed up on. The pay on said positions was much higher, but they weren’t teaching jobs. A Director position wasn’t hands on enough for me… My passion is to teach young children. The highlights of my days at work are when I see a child’s eyes light up when they learn/try something new. When they suddenly are able to make the letters in their name, or do something they weren’t previously able to do, I get as excited as they do. When a class full of 4-5 year olds suddenly...
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...How can we close the Achievement Gap? When we are thinking about our school system it isn’t difficult to think about different gaps, which we should reach. Gaps that we should break down to get a stronger education system, with better qualified teachers, which can lead our students to a grounded education. In the education system you can find negative stereotypes, which make the way for success for students even more difficult. Stereotypes can effect students in their personal goals but also make them feel less valued. Also, bad teachers in the school system aren’t making things better, which get protected from unions, but on the other hand teachers have no freedom. To find a way out of this dilemma between negative effected students and unsatisfied teachers who lose all kind of motivation, we should encourage students and teachers in their work away from unions, so that we can to attend our achievement gaps as soon as possible. Stereotypes are everywhere in our society, also in our schools. Although stereotypes can help students to do better in certain materials, stereotypes affect students and perpetuate and exacerbate gaps. Students who are in a negatively stereotyped group often underperform because of the pressure and worry they get in qualifying exams and aptitude tests in math, and these intensifies worries. According to Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, the author of “ Framed!” “Notions about innate ability don’t just hinder the performance of negative stereotyped...
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...Teacher Retention and Recruitment: What’s the Problem? Introduction As an aspiring teacher, I feel that we need more teachers who are passionate about teaching, instead of looking at teaching as just a “paycheck”. I personally have met teachers, who I felt really did not enjoy their job, therefore how could I ever learn anything from a teacher that was not even interested in the topic that they are discussing. I believed that these teachers once yearned to be in the classroom, but something must have turned them off from the classroom. In the research paper I will be researching the problem behind teacher retention and recruitment, and trying to find out why it is becoming a problem with finding and keeping the right qualified teachers in our schools. Bing Search Engine: Teacher Retention a Critical National Problem. Teacher retention is becoming a serious problem in United States. Almost fifty percent of new teachers are leaving their field of study within the first five years (Dill and Stafford 2008). Why is it becoming so hard to find a qualified teacher, and not just based off academic standards? Well, there has never been any real way to determine if a person will be good at teaching, which could be one of the reason that teachers are not staying around long. As these teachers stray away from teaching, they leave behind a dozens of jobs that need to be filled, which becomes costly over time. The “No Child Left behind Act” has really put pressure on to higher more...
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...Pay to Play Should one have to pay in order to play? Yes they should be required to give a monetary fee to participate in the school sport. Athletes need to be required to pay to play due to it being a privilege to be on the team. The reasons why pay to play will be effective are school budgets, it eliminates fundraising, and someones kid will more likely get more out of it. Schools are cutting wages because the budget is so tight. If the wages get cut teachers will leave because they want a higher salary to support their families. Also, when wages get cut, it gets harder to find teachers who will work for them low wages, and the adolescents in the classroom may also be affected by the lower wages because bad teacher, usually get the...
Words: 773 - Pages: 4
...years and years of presidents getting up and stating that they were going to make this a better country all we have seen as a nation is our debt get higher as well as our kids. We have allowed states to legalize marijuana which has seemed to increase the amount of users outside of those states. Now that those states have legalized marijuana, users outside of those states want their states to legalize it but non users are not being thought of when it comes to this decision. People are forgetting about the underdogs, those who do not use marijuana nor do they want their families around it. If all of the states were to legalize it then where are those who want to avoid it going to go? Will it affect or pollute the fresh air? Will the phrase “fresh air” even be realistic? Should states even have the right to legalize marijuana? These are some things that will be considered when it comes to legalizing marijuana. Another issue that needs to be focused on is No Child Left Behind act in our schools. We need to educate our teachers better before they teach in front of a class, then they need to be monitored regularly in order for them to take their job seriously. Teachers should have to go to weekly meetings to discuss what they did that week and what they plan to get done in the upcoming week. They should discuss the grades of each student and hopefully the increase they are making. Teachers...
Words: 2232 - Pages: 9
...Dajan Thomas Don’t get me started on … School Ugly uniform, rubbish food and annoying teachers that will sum up my school, what can I say about school we start to early, long day and hours of homework to do after. Uniform What can I say about uniform, my school uniform is dull, boring and ugly! To be honest I don’t mind school uniform because if we didn’t have an uniform then you’ll run out of clothes to wear and you’ll have to wear the same thing on some days, but the uniform form could look better and be more comfortable, I have a problem that you have to wear a clip on tie now, I think the clip on ties are much more worse than the usual the tie, because they are easier to break, also easier to loose, I also don’t like that you always have to have your top button done up all time, especially in the summer when it’s all hot and you can hardly breathe , also I don’t understand what is the problem with what colour coat, hat or scarf you have to wear, it’s not like were wearing it in class so I don’t see the problem. I don’t like the fact that you have to wear a specific shoes, I understand the shoes have to match the uniform but why can’t it be any design but the colour have to match, they want us to wear ugly shoes with no brand on it. The main thing I hate about are uniform is the school bags their heavy big and ugly! Personally I have no clue why we have them and why they were made, I don’t see any harm in us having your own school bag plus we have to pay for them ourselves...
Words: 908 - Pages: 4
...The purpose of this paper is to discuss incentive programs for teachers. In a society where education is more important as ever, public school districts should be thinking of new ways to encourage their teachers to remain in the educational field. Teachers are leaving their desired profession to find employment that has enhanced incentives. According to Management-People, Performance, Change, “a growing number of companies are launching inititives so that employees can balance their family and work life. The most common inititives are redesigning work, alternative work arrangements, leaves, time-saving assistance, emotional well-being, financial assistance, legal assistance, relocation, health benefits, wellness, parenting, childcare, child develepment, exceptional care giving services, and handling family issues in the office.” In order to preserve respected, qualified, and experienced teachers, incentive programs for educators need to be improved. The school district I will be discussing has 18 schools. According to Connecting Business to the Future website, the school district “is one of the newest school districts in their state. In 2008, it was surveyed to have more than 15,500 and 2000 staff members.” The school district is the 2nd largest employer in their county. I interviewed two high school teachers, and one principal from the school district. They all agreed there is a large turn over with teachers and one way to fix the issue is with competitive employee incentives...
Words: 1127 - Pages: 5
...lot of people not get jobs and have to worry about financial needs. Although I understand that single sex classes can provide the right learning environment, I still believe single sex classes are not good because they cause poor social skills with the opposite sex. Same sex classrooms are not beneficial, therefore American schools should not create same sex classrooms because they promote poor social skills, cause gender stereotypes, and high tutions. Having same sex classes protes poor social skills with the opposite...
Words: 871 - Pages: 4
...strategies not matter how complex. Being able to carry out the organizational strategies out are important to the overall success of the company. Program management is one of the important tools that can help ensure that the organizational strategies that are properly executed. For a program management to be a success they need to have the ability to choose the project by an order of importance to come up with the optimal result. . Project managers must plan and budget projects and secure and coordinate the contributions of the project/program’s team members.(Gray & Larson) Program management is about pinpointing, qualifying, and dedicating time and resources to projects that tend to focus on the business strategy. Program managers are able to do this by being able to measure organizations resource demand, capacity, capability, and overall performance to help ensure that the projects strategies are being completed accordingly. Being able to measure these strategies being completed will help allow program managers to be able to identify and adjust them if they are not meeting business objective. Lastly a program managers help ensure that projects are meeting all of the company’s objectives by being able to set up effective communication and reporting system that will allow up to the minute decision making that are based on all the fact about the project. This way project/program managers can ensure...
Words: 2826 - Pages: 12
...thing to communication with native speakers so that it helps people understand each other. For example, if immigrants come to France, they have to learn French; immigrants move to China, they can learn Chinese; or if immigrants are resident in Spain, they must learn Spanish etc. Likewise, immigrants, who come into the U.S, can learn English; learning English is very helpful to immigrants in the U.S because they can communicate with somebody by English, get more opportunities and support their children. First, learning English helps immigrants can communicate with native speakers or...
Words: 1690 - Pages: 7
...right? Always having the teacher when someone needs him or her, and being able to pay attention easier and the class is never too loud. Now imagine being in a class with 40-60 people in it. It’s always loud and hard to pay attention. Now think, do class sizes really matter? Do smaller classes really work better and achieve more? Are they more efficient? Class sizes are becoming more of a problem but what are we going to do? Limiting class sizes is one way to solve this problem but it’s not he only way. For example in “Classes Are Growing”, the author states “Researches compared the achievements of pupils in kindergarten through grade 3 who were randomly assigned to small classes, of 13 to 17 children, or to regular classes, of 22 to 25 with either a teacher or a teacher with a full time aid.” After preforming this analysis in Tennessee the results conclude that by lowering the class size their performance level was increased by a tenth of a standard, but when this research was repeated in California and Wisconsin didn’t have the same conclusion. The author of “Everyone knows students learn more in smaller classes, or do they” has the palpable reason why this happened. The author explains how there are to many variables to know if the size of the class really matters. “Well, what other reasons are there?” Cutting back on class sizes can lead to budget problems. Splitting 60 kids into 5 classrooms is causing more classrooms, more teachers, and more teachers equal less money for the...
Words: 420 - Pages: 2
...Have you ever tried to pay attention in class and you hear the loud sound of fidget spinners? Some people may think that these are supposed to help you focus in school. But for kids these days, that’s not the case. Kids don’t focus in school because of the distraction of the spinners. Fidget spinner should not be allowed in school because they are bothering teachers, they can be distracting, and being messed with in class. First, when kids are playing with fidget spinners in class it allows teachers to not teach in class. In the article “Chicago Tribune” it says, “The little gadgets supposedly meant to help kids focus in school are bothering teachers and administration so much that they are banned.” Fidget spinners make a loud sound almost...
Words: 398 - Pages: 2
...Compensation for Grades Coming home with stickers used to be satisfactory enough for children to do well in school; but now-a-days a pocket full of money seems to be the only reward. Inner city schools that have low- test scores use money as a way to boost test scores in order to receive the necessary funding. Paying for grades is manipulative, and contradicts the traditional method of learning, and also the resources the school systems are using come from the government and the resources are not there to pay the children. Therefore student should not be paid to their grades. Kids know they are being manipulated and lose interest in learning as soon as the rewards are withdrawn (Unknown). If students are only going to school for the money, they will eventually lose interest and find other ways to get the money. If teachers were doing their job well money would not be needed to motivate the children. There are workshops and other other that are offered to the teachers to keep the kids interested. If the methods that have been proven to work in other school around the state why would it not work in the inner city schools as well. Although teachers have notices a change in attitudes is the change for the better (Next). Parents are also manipulating the children for the benefit of the money. Parents who didn’t care if their student was coming home with a C are suddenly very interested when their children come home with a hundred dollars (Does). Children who live in poverty would...
Words: 1237 - Pages: 5
...BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMMUNICATION TEACHER: RAY 06/03/2012 REPORT 30 ASSIGNMENT PRESENTATION 20 EXAM 40 COURSE TIMETABLES 09/March * WRITING A REPORT CHAPTER 15-16, 12 March *morning chap 17 oral presentation *afternoon team work chap 14 16 March *morning chap 10 11 12 write messages important for final exam 19 March *afternoon bring to teacher final report. team work writing report finished 20 March *oral presentation. Receive assessment form to evaluate performance. CHAPTER 13: COMMUNICATION ACROSS CULTURES Report writing requirement: Suppose you are persons familiar I was in position I leave my ideas for sby to start. Hr teacher customer different aims. Useful for them? To be in the shoes of the HR ? of the customer? In the shoes of The new staff will work for us. Learn, listen, flexible, open minded. Be sensitive. Forget about your stereotypes. Try to diagnostic to know why u fail why u success. Show your kindness to business people ( kids ). Grand pa have to work for the kids. Have closer relationship before talking about. Never focus on stereotypes. Dinner table, private situation. Chinese eats around table. Circle Meeting is public situation. Try to understand what the person likes? What does the Chinese like? Culture has layers. With a new business with Mexican guy? Find articles, news about Mexican, find information to set up relationship. It s not enough. Learn about the country. See powerpoint: Swedish equality is...
Words: 1172 - Pages: 5