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Why Go To College

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People often scoff at the idea that going to college will make you more money in the long run. But according to Robert Feldman “on average college graduates earn around 75 percent more than high school graduates over their working lifetimes.” That could mean up to a million dollars more than someone with only a high school degree. Although the money is a perk, “almost three-quarters of first year students say they want to learn about things that interest them.” Robert Feldman said when he took poll in 2014 about why people say they attend college. I love to say, “Education is like an onion.” You will have to get through one to be able to get to the other. There are many layers of education and each has their own benefit, consider these other reasons. One benefit of college is the ability to adapt. Adapt to new learning, new experiences and new people. They are always sporadically adding and changing the meaning of words and college helps keep you up to date. You meet a bunch of new people when you attend any new school. Meeting new people will help you learn about the world. “Education improves your ability to understand the world – to understand the world as it is now, and to prepare yourself to understand it as it will be” Robert Feldman quoted in his article “Why Go To College.” …show more content…
“If communication is defined as a meaningful exchange of information between two living creatures, critical thinking is the engine that provides this meaning” -Tammy Vora said in her article Critical Thinking; the Soul of Effective Communication. In retrospect, attending college demands a higher level of critical thinking and will help you learn to communicate better. By learning new words and new ways to use those words in college will help you in any stage of life. It also includes being a team player. Often you will work with others to solve

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