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Why Go To Middle College

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I want to go to Middle College because:
I seek an environment of learners who enjoy learning. At Livermore High School, there is much emphasis on grades, such that it has taken the joy out of learning in most people. At Middle College, being able to choose your classes and arrange your schedules would help people rekindle their passion for learning. Since a class often does not meet every single day, there is more emphasis on learning rather than achieving a certain grade. Only when my environment agrees with me and is more focused on learning and the joy of acquiring knowledge, can I do well.
I seek to be with people who are confident in their abilities. I’m tired of people saying “I think,” rather than “I know.” I mean, it is because of this fine distinction that I myself have adopted “I think” to avoid mistaking myself for the person who would be utilized by others, as a tool, for academic help. I am done being in an environment that does not allow me to be confident without making me seem like a tool that can be used. …show more content…
Currently, most people do not participate in my classes, as they internally believe that there is no need to if they understand the textbook. What most people at LHS do not know is that learning is expanded through collaboration. Even if someone does bring up an intelligent question about material outside the textbook, even in a class such as AP World History, the rest of the class asks the person who asked the question to “speak human,

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