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Why High School Should Start Later Essay

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Should high school schedules begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m .? People under the age of 16 need at least 10 hours of sleep to function. It also has been scientifically proven that everyone doesn't properly function until 9 o'clock. So getting up at 6 isn't helping anybody, and it just makes students tired, thererfore and they don't concentrate as well. It is not fair on students who are tired. They cannot go to bed earlier because they get about 3-4 hours of homework a day. I think this because 90% of students that wake up at 6a .m or 7a.m are not fully rested, and if you are tired in at school then your brain can not function properly .
Doctors say that starting school earlier in the morning prevents children and teenagers from getting a full night’s sleep, which can affect their health, safety and academic performance. Students need enough time to rest since their school day is about 7 hours. Every student sleeps different; most need at least 9-10 hours a night. Let’s say if a student sleeps at 11pm, which most of the students do, he/ or she will wake up at around 5:30 - 6:00, which is not an enough amount of time to sleep for a teen. … …show more content…
With teens being at the root of half of all traffic accidents, it can be safely said that those who get more sleep can be more trusted behind the wheel . Starting school at least one hour later can help prevent traffic accidents. This is because people will have more time to drop the students to their children at school . "It is surprising that high schools continue to set their start times early, which impairs learning, attendance and driving safety of the students," said senior author Barbara Phillips, MD, director of the UK Healthcare Good Samaritan Sleep Center in Lexington, Ky . This quote states that students should start their school times later than what it actually is, and can also affect the attendance and the driving safety of the students

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