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Why I Chose Nursing Research Paper

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Growing up i have always admired the nursing field. My mom has been one around 10 years, working at several different hospitals. My mom herself would like me to become a nurse as well, which is why i have chosen to major in nursing when i graduate highschool and go to college. I often think about how much work it will take to get exactly where i want to be, but i figure when it is all said and done it would have been all worth it. The awful sights and the beautiful lives i will save will all be a great experience.
I chose the profession nursing because as i was growing up i often watched trauma shows and have always found them interesting. My mother used to take me to some of the hospitals she has worked in and taught me some of the basics of being a nurse. The thought of saving multiple lives is one of the main reasons i am influenced to become a nurse. In 9th grade in my Career Prep class, each student was assigned a job description to research and to discuss to the class about , and coincidentally enough i was assigned to be a doctor. I gave a 5 minute presentation and a brief run through of what all it takes to succeed in the nursing field. …show more content…
It was my first job so i really had to learn everything slowly and on my own. They have nursing programs which i signed up for and participated in where i acted as a certified nursing assistant. I have applied and was accepted to the University of North Alabama where i will major in nursing. I plan on getting another job at a local hospital while in training to perfect my skills. I hope to transfer to the University of Alabama at Birmingham; one of the greatest nursing schools in the country. There i can work while also studying everything i need to know. By the time i graduate i should have enough knowledge on nursing and what it takes to become

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