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Creative Writing: Stuck In Grease, There's No Such Thing

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Stuck in Grease, There’s no Such Thing Kevin was working late that night, almost every seat in the theatre was filled. After the movie ended Kevin took his snack break and headed towards the concession stands. From the corner of his eye he saw Mark with his crew walking into the theatre. Kevin stood there staring like he saw a ghost. Mark and his crew walked over to Kevin and started making fun of him. “Hey man, what’s that all over your shirt?” Mark chuckled, beginning to dump a bucket of popcorn on Kevin’s head. “Dude, what was that for?” Kevin yelled back, “I didn’t do anything to you.” “I don’t care, you’re in my way,” Mark smirked. Kevin turned away and headed for the bathroom, “What a jerk,” he mumbled under his breath. In the bathroom …show more content…
Although he would be leaving soon, Kevin did not want to ruin his chances of becoming a T-bird by not dating one of the Pink Ladies. On the day of Kenickie’s race with Leo, Kenickie bumped his head against Danny’s instead of the car door. With fear of embarrassment on everyone's faces, Kevin stepped up to drive. Towards the end of the race Kevin splashed muddy water and green goo all over Leo’s precious car, winning the race. As the last day of school rolled around the corner, Kevin became more and more like a T-bird. He greased his luscious locks daily, wore as much leather as he possibly could, and acted like a jerk to every so called “nerd” in the hallway. Frenchy began to notice the sudden changes in Kevin and she did not approve. Frenchy broke up with Kevin the day before the last day of school, leaving him heartbroken. As Kevin realized what a monster he was becoming, he decided to pull a Danny Zuko and get a letterman jacket. Being the day before the last day of school there was no way Kevin would get a letterman jacket. Kevin desperately begged Vi for a letterman jacket and with a flick of her wand and a pinch of magic dust, a Rydell High letterman jacket appeared from thin air. Soon after Principal McGee’s heartfelt speech over the intercom, Kevin and the rest of his classmates sprinted outside to the carnival. Interrupting Danny’s heart to heart song with Sandy, Kevin began singing “You’re the One That

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