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Why Is It That Europe Colonized Africa and Asia


Submitted By sophiemims
Words 2886
Pages 12
Reasons why Europe Colonized Asia and Africa and not the Other Way Round

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Colonization is the governing influence, control or acquiring partial or full political control past another country, occupying it with foreign settlers and manipulating it economically. It also is when a group or society of people migrates from one area to another but keep their original homeland language and culture. Colonialism is establishment and preservation for a lengthy period, of rule over foreign people that are independent from and subordinate to a power ruling. Colonialism takes a variety of forms. There are three basic variations namely;

I. Internal colonialism

II. External colonization by the neighboring states.

III. External colonization

This refers to the so called ‘salt and water’ colonization whereby ‘aliens colonized distant places (Keal, 2003). This characterizes Europe’s expansion to America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific.

The first wave of European colonization and exploitation started in America in the 15th century until early in the 19th century (Tmh, 2010). It primarily involved the colonization of the Americans by the Europeans. The second extensive phase of European exploratory ventures and colonization was primarily focused on Asia and Africa. It was also known as the era of new imperialism.

History of Colonialism in Africa and Asia by the Europeans

Between the historical times of 1450 and 1750, Europeans widely traded with Africa and very few colonies had been set up. By the year 1850, only countable colonies existed along the coastline of Africa. After the ban of slave trade, free states in Africa continued in the exchange of goods between them and Europe. In the mid-19th century, startling changes occurred when the Europeans began exploring Africa’s

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