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Why Mascots Should Be Allowed In Schools

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Many communities contemplate which mascot they should choose to represent their sports team and what their schools stand for as a whole for what seems like eons of time. Deciding on the perfect mascot can take forever; since there are so many things to consider! Mount Morris, Michigan, like so many other schools, went through a selection process to choose their mascot. A great choice was made when they nominated a panther to symbolize the schools. The panther is supported excessively by the entire Mount Morris community. At football, basketball, baseball games, tennis matches, volleyball tournaments; you name it, they’re always there. Students, parents, and faculty members show up loud and proud, supporting the Panthers. At homecoming, townspeople arrive with a distorted appearance, blue and white paint on their face as if it were a canvas. Even if your mascot is an offensive representative, community support shows that it isn’t that terrible after all. Look at the Hoboes of Laurel Hills, Florida. Most people find the word ‘hobo’ demeaning because it’s a derogatory term for migrant workers; yet, they have an annual Hobo celebration to show how much pride they …show more content…
Nonetheless, their support for the panther is all the same. The ABC12 Spirit Cup was at five o’clock in the morning, and students have homework, plans with their families, or jobs that they need to take care of before going to a game. They still show pride in the school by keeping up on the game scores, wishing the team good luck, and watching the students who participated later on in the day. Just like the Durand Railroaders, loads of students don’t show up to the games, but just the same they root for their team from home or elsewhere. The Mount Morris community supports the panther so much because it’s been the mascot for a very long

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