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Corruption Of Eros

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Humanity has struggled with the proper use of Eros for thousands of years, and throughout the generations this corruption of Eros has been passed down from parents to their children by word, deed, and action. Man has a tendency to prefer what is most pleasant for himself and he does not give a second thought as to the impact it has on his fellow man. This corruption of Eros can be documented back to the time of Socrates and has been a problem from even before then. We must come to terms with the fact that it is humanity that brings this upon themselves, and it is through our methods of childrearing, social interactions, politics and politicians, and technology that the following generations are being indoctrinated into this philosophy of …show more content…
In our current era we have a problem with a hypersexuality and this is made worse with our ever-growing technological advances. In the advent of the personal computer and the internet, if one wanted to view pornography they would need to drive to the local adult store or local theater and purchase such material. Today these images and videos are a click away from being delivered directly into our homes. This perversion is attributed to the sexual revolution in the 1960’s that began the hyper sexualization of society, but this is not a new problem, although there are times of ebbs and flows in the level of predominance during specific time periods, and in this era, we seem to be in a flow as it was Socrates’ time. There has been reports from multiple studies over the years that state that porn addition and cocaine addition cause the same elevation of neurotransmitters in the brain, so habitual viewing of pornography changes the brains chemistry. This is a huge problem because it is a leading cause today to objectify others for our own pleasurable feelings. Today, and in the past, people confuse Eros with an insuppressible lust and it is in this lust that the human soul is diminished as well as the divinity that is contained in the human …show more content…
Plato creates two Socratic dialogues, one being the Symposium, and another the Phaedrus, to deal directly with the corruption of Eros that interprets it as this insuppressible lust that degrades the soul and sends man spiraling into an abyss of self-centeredness that is only concerned with our own needs and pleasures. Throughout the Symposium Plato makes this clear in the multiple speeches on love and the love as a god. All of these speeches are all about the pleasure and gratification one can achieve for themselves. It is in the Symposium that we come across the speech of Eryximachus who is a doctor of medicine. He equates medicine to a science of love and he says that “a good practitioner knows how to affect the body and how to transform its desires.” This causes us to stop and ponder our current situation of medical technology that keeps pushing the bounds of what is ethical and what is not. An idea that was being posited approximately 2500 years ago is now flourishing beyond anything that Eryximachus could have imagined. We have now normalized mental disorders and offer medical assistance to bring such disorders to realization. The result is the transgender phenomenon that we are currently see in our era. If one sex believes that they are another sex, the medical community gives them a big hug of

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