...a) Read Chapter 10 – stop at “Bonny Jonny” Adams Becomes President. b) Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? Because the Constitution did not guarantee the protection of the rights of individuals, James Madison proposed a number of amendments to be included in this legal document, ten of which were ratified by a majority of the states fairly quickly. These ten amendments, commonly known as the Bill of Rights, ensured civil liberties such as freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, freedom of speech, the right to be tried by a jury, freedom of the press, the right to property, freedom of assembly, and humane treatment when being punished. c) How did Alexander Hamilton attempt to improve the nation’s financial status?...
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...Can you believe that a major transformation that shaped today’s American economy and society occurred during the early 1800s. That enormous transformation in American society was called the Industrial Revolution where the use of steam power,growth of factories, and the mass production of manufactured items all became an important and major part of the economy. One of the biggest advocates for the development of industry in the United States was Alexander Hamilton, who had always argued in favor of the development of manufacturing. Distinctive geographic factors also led to different developments in the Industrial Revolution, which affected the population among the different U.S. regions. Although this revolution did have many great factors about it, not every aspect was good in the Industrial Revolution. Especially when it came to the conditions the employees had to work in. Before the Industrial Revolution had even begun Alexander Hamilton always encouraged the government to focus on the manufacturing and business aspects of the U.S. economy....
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...POLITICS MUST DEFEAT POLITICS Byung Gyu Lim History 117A-06 Professor Prater April 21, 2014 John Adams was born in 1735 at Braintree, Massachusetts; he was the eldest of four brothers. He graduated from Harvard College (University) in 1755. Sometimes, John Adams was contradictory and outspoken, but he was a gentle husband to Abigail Adams. His wife was extremely intelligent and an advisor to her husband’s political career. One reason John Adams felt quite fortunate for his wife was because she was good on a federalist point of view and greatly influential in her husband’s political career because he lacked charisma and political charm. John Adams had a good political career before becoming president of the United States. Adams was well-educated and had diplomatic experience in France and Great Britain. John’s message in the following quotation: “On November 1, 1800, just before the election, Adams arrived in the new Capital City to take up his residence in the White House. On his second evening in its damp, unfinished rooms, he wrote his wife “Before I end my letter, I pray Heaven to bestow the best blessings on this house and all that shall hereafter inhabit. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof.” Before becoming president, John Adams was a lawyer and his service fee was low, but he was proud that his political argument was published in several newspapers. Let me give some brief background on President Washington’s cabinet; he appointed...
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...Christian Llerena BUS 200 Dr. Lasher 3/19/12 The Electoral College is defined as “a body of electors chosen by the voters of each state to elect the President and Vice President of the United States”. The Electoral College system has been a staple in the United States since the ratification of The Constitution, however there is much debate on whether it should remain or be done away with completely. In this essay, I will give a brief history on the Electoral College, how it works, and why it was created in the first place. Despite the shortcomings and limitations of the Electoral College I believe that it should not be abolished because it contributes to the cohesiveness of the country, it maintains a federal system of government, and it maintains the interests of minority groups. To begin with, I will discuss how the Electoral College works. The Electoral College operates by having each state allocate a number of electors equal to the number of its U.S. Senators (always 2) along with the number of its U.S. Representatives (varies from state to state depending on its population). Next, after all their caucuses and primaries, each party nominates their candidates for president and vice president. After that, the people from each state vote for a party’s slate of electors. Whichever party slate gains the most popular votes becomes the slate of electors for that state. Then, the electors meet in their respective state’s capitol and cast their votes for president and vice...
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...generation including Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Hamilton, and others. Ellis wrote this book in order to give his audience a new perspective on the Founding Fathers and how their specific lives, relationships, and decisions impacted today's nation. Joseph J. Ellis was born on July 18, 1943 in Washington D.C. He earned his Master of Arts and PhD from Yale University and began his career as a professor. Ellis has since then...
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...stop, allowing him to empower his newly born government. Alexander Hamilton had created a tax on whiskey that farmers tried to rebel against. In the end though Washington's army won the battle. Shortly after Alexander Hamilton created the tax on whiskey which was used to pay off the Revolutionary war debt, some farmers started to cause issue in the wilderness. After the tax was passed, a group of farmers went out in the woods and captured a tax collector. They stripped him naked, shaved off his hair, poured hot tar all over his body, covered the tax collector in feathers, and finally strapped him to a tree in the middle of the night which caused the rebellion...
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...Alexander Hamilton was an eccentric and brilliant man, but also one of, if not the most important rebels in American History. Hamilton managed to pull himself through a terrible childhood. Hamilton’s rebellious attitude is one of the main reasons why the Colonists won against the British Army, and why the United States is able to flourish today. While not all agreed with Hamilton, everyone cannot look at Hamilton’s legacy and not be completely awe-struck. Hamilton was a man able to overcome any challenge and outsmart any opponent by rebelling against the norm of society. To begin with, Hamilton’s life was at no point easy, especially when regarding his early life. Hamilton was born on the island of Nevis which is in the caribbean and part...
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...Kelsey Wible Mr. Stoner APUSH August 19 2014 Founding Brothers "Founding Brothers" by Joseph Ellis is a non-fiction book that analyzes several important events in America among the nation's founding fathers, that take place after the Revolutionary War. The author goes into detail chronologically describing how these events shaped the history of the United States. Joseph Ellis is an American historian and professor. He specializes in American history, and more specifically the founding fathers of America. Ellis has an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Yale University. He has written several biographies about the founders of America, including Adams, Jefferson and Washington. His book about Jefferson titled, "American Sphinx: The...
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...One of the more interesting events in the War Department’s history during the Washington Presidency was the tax rebellion nicknamed the Whiskey Rebellion. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton helped push through an excise tax on whiskey, which was a part of Hamilton’s extensive plan of finding a way to pay the bondholders that the national debt was owed to, and centralizing the power of the national government in 1791. Hamilton believed the tax on whiskey to be a “luxury tax,” even though whiskey was consumed by many lower-income laborers and farmers, especially on the frontier. Whiskey even served as a medium of exchange in some areas of the frontier where money was scarce, and opponents of the new tax rightly argued that it targeted the poor while relieving wealthier easterners from taxation. Whiskey was a way to relax after a hard day’s work, and the rebels rightly questioned why it had been acceptable for them to resist British taxation, yet unacceptable to resist a similar mode of taxation from an already-unpopular...
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...Constitution Table |Documents |Summary |What was its influence on the Constitution? | |Magna Carta | Issued by King John of England in 1215 when Englishmen went to the colonies they were | The Magna Carta gave Englishmen certain human rights, | | |given charters that guaranteed them and their heirs would “have and enjoy all liberties and |freedom of religion, reform of justice system and regulated | | |immunities of free and natural subjects.” The document clearly stated that no free man could|officials. The Magna Carta limited the king’s power and created | | |be prosecuted by any means other than the law of the land. |what we know today as parliament. | | |The Magna Carta had been the very first document which proclaimed personal liberties. The | | | |Magna Carta was forced upon an English Emperor by a team of barons. This had been the first |This was used as a template 575 years afterwards towards the | | |try to restrict a king’s power by way of law. It is believed restricted...
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...U.S. & World History GKT 1 By: Katherine L. Ventura November 24, 2014 Geography and the Development/Diffusion of Human Society This theme talks about how geographical features had contributed to the grow of human society. The Sacramento River which is located in the state of sunny California is one example of a geographical factor that started one of the development of human society. The Sacramento River is one example of a geographical factor that contributed to the development of human society. This river provided fertile soil, abundant flow of water and fish. The Sacramento River is the primary and biggest river in California. It flows about over 450 miles until it connects with the San Francisco Bay and the San Joaquin River Delta. The Sacramento River is now used greatly for irrigation, and provides a large portion of Central and Southern California areas. This is with the help of state and federal water projects. http://www.dfg.ca.gov The Sacramento River Not only was the Sacramento River the largest river in California, it also served as an important part in the development in human Society. Native American Indians were some of the first settlers on the Sacramento River 12,000 years ago. A number of Native American grew and established their tribes as the years went by. This river was used for trade and travel. Some of the tribal communities that settled were the Shasta, Modoc, and Achomawi that lived in the volcanic plateaus in the north side. Next...
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...Journal John Zenger was in charge of publicizing information for the New York colonist. In this time the colonists were under strict scrutiny having to limit what is said in the pubic eye. This idea did not allow the people of New York to get a full understanding on who and how their leaders were conducting themselves politically. Poor use of appointed government power by the King began to catch the attention of many. The leaders placed in power by the King were only there due to their connections and family ties. Once other officials in power caught on to these wrongful acts...
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...Generation”, I could not understand why the author called the revolutionary generation “brothers”, but not “fathers” as usual. Now, after I have read the book, I understand why. Ellis did not write the history of the United States, he wrote the story of a group of men, whose remarkable personal qualities made possible the emergence of a new independent country. Although, the members of the group were different in their personalities, backgrounds and experiences, it seems like all of them shared a superhuman gene of the ability to change the history. Since Founding Father’s agendas on the political course of the U.S. had differed drastically, they were not friends and, often, even allies. However, the devotion to the U.S. independency was literary in their blood, so it made them...
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...Decision in Philadelphia was written by well-known authors Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier. Christopher Collier was the headlining author of this book and also wrote the well know children’s book My Brother Sam is dead, which won the Newberry Honor book and was nominated for the National Book award in 1975. Collier was born in New York City on 1930 and worked with his brother James Lincoln Collier in numerous books that were published. Christopher also gained his PhD in history and now is a Professor of history at the University of Connecticut. Finally Collier is an official Connecticut State Historian. After knowing all of this background information about Professor Collier the reader should feel comfortable about reading this material for the reason that it is coming from a knowledgeable source....
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...If a survey was conducted that asked us the question of "name at least three founding fathers of The United States," we could easily come up with George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, or Alexander Hamilton. Now if that same survey asked instead "name one defining characteristic of these founding fathers," or "describe in your own words the significance of these individuals," we would get various responses. Despite the randomness of answers we would receive on such a survey, a common consensus could be reached about America's Founding Fathers, that is these individuals were great figures in our nation's history. The role they played in the 18th century to establish the basis for a nation that would continue to grow for centuries was significant....
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