...“A modest proposal for making it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns, and have them at their use when they feel like they need them.” First, “I would feel really safe” with people that have a mental illness that can own a gun because they won’t do anything stupid with it. If we let people with felonies and mental illness can own wepons of any kind we can make the country a safer place. If anyone in the country can get a gun faster and easier after this new law that Trump passed that dissgraded Obamas laws. They believe that this will be better for people so that they don't have to go through such a long process in order to get a gun. They don't need to background check people to see if they are suited to buy and own any type of gun....
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...Institute Mr. Horne Abstract A "stands your ground" law states that a person may use deadly force in self-defense without the duty to retreat when faced with a reasonable perceived threat. So what's the problem with this law, it seems that since the shooting of Trayvon Martin this law got put in the spot light, or is it racial profiling. Can the press play a big part on how this law is being criticize or are they using these shooting for rating. Stand your ground rule So what is the stand your ground rule? A “stands your ground” law states that a person may use deadly force in self-defense without the duty to retreat when faced with a reasonable perceived threat. The laws expand on the “Castle doctrine,” which says that a person is protected under the law to use deadly force in self-defense when his or her property or home is being invaded. About sixty percent of the states have some kind of “Castle doctrine” or “stand your ground”. So what’s the problem with this law, it seems that since the shooting of Trayvon Martin this law got put in the spot light. Are we the people abusing this law or are we just ignorant to the law. So is this law case in particular out in the spot light because of a young black man been shot or because the shooting was wrongful. What about Jordan Davis? Did Michael Dunn have the right to shot Jordan Davis in self-defense? Did he deserve to die because of loud music? So here we have a law design to protect you or your home, and Michael Dunn try...
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...Having the possession of guns is crucial to keeping this country safe and free. Firstly, they're many laws and acts to restrict unnecessary guns and modifications to them and to keep guns to protect us. Secondly, there are many reasons why we need guns for our safety. Thirdly, gun control and laws have not been proven effective over the years. These three points might change your mind on how you think about guns. The first point to prove that we need guns is because it's the law and also rules to follow when having a gun. The 2nd Amendment states we have the right to bear arms. Even...
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...We, the Federalists, under the leadership of George Washington, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, believe in a strong central government to run this nation. We believe in a nationalistic view of our nation and in the cooperation and support of the citizens living in on this land. The laws, rules, and acts that are enacted under this government are made to benefit the nation, not to oppress the people. We hope to establish a nation that is well off, one that is stable in all aspects. As Federalists, we understand the importance of certain acts that are being passed, such as the Alien and Sedition Acts. We understand the need for Hamilton’s Financial Plan, a plan that will overall help this nation prosper, and we understand the need for...
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...Imagine somebody breaks into your house with a gun and you can’t purchase one due to gun control laws being overly excessive. What are you going to do to protect yourself and your family? Are you going to try to escape or fight back? Are you going to hide? These are only a small amount of the questions you have to ask yourself before you support gun control. Gun control takes away from the rights of people like past felons and other people who have faced criminal charges but have been rehabilitated and taken from people who practice the sport of hunting.That is why we don't need as many gun control laws as we already do as it takes away the basic human right to defend yourself from tyrannical government and other threats. Gun control and gun...
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...list, but some are surprised I have listed it under the theme of “legal education.” So, I thought I’d use my contribution to the Abnormal Use blog’s celebration to explain why. One reason I place My Cousin Vinny under the theme of legal education is that it provides so much material you can use in the classroom. For example, you can use the movie to discuss criminal procedure, courtroom decorum, professional responsibility, unethical behavior, the role of the judge in a trial, efficient cross-examination, the role of expert witnesses and effective trial advocacy. Go here, here and here for more on this. But the reference to legal education goes deeper. I think you can use the movie to discuss the most common topic of debate within legal education itself. Interestingly, however, in My Cousin Vinny, the issue is turned on its head. After Vinny’s girlfriend Mona Lisa bails him out for a second time after having been found in contempt, she criticizes his performance in court and tells him it is pretty clear he does not know what he is doing. She then utters one of my favorite lines in the movie: “Don’t they teach you that in law school?” Vinny’s response is just as classic: “NO! They teach you Contracts...! Obviously, the implication is that in law school they teach "law" not "how to practice law"....
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...Cyberbullying Introduction Here I will open with some statistics on cyberbullying and the number of cases that are reported per year. Also, why we need newer and stricter laws implemented against bullying crimes. I. Cyberbullying Definition, History, and Demographics a) Definition of cyberbullying and What other cybercrimes qualify under the category of cyberbullying such as cyber harassment b) History, when did cyberbullying begin c) What are some demographics such as gender, race, sexuality, etc… II. Statistics a) Statistics on how common cyberbullying is b) And the number of new cases each day to show the prevalence of the situation. c) Number of suicide cases related to cyberbullying each year. d) Show the reason we need harsher punishments to stop cyberbullying. III. Effects of cyberbullying a) Show how cyberbullying affects the nation as a whole. b) Show the effects that cyberbullying has on the victims. c) Will touch on a couple of cases from cyberbullying and the affect it had on the victim. IV. Laws on Cyberbullying a) I will show current law on cyberbullying and whether they are federal and/or state b) What new laws need to be implemented and why. c) How the age of the bully affect the punishment’ V. Internet security a) Why internet safety is need in this day and age b) New programs that are designed to stop cyberbullying (ReThink) c) How to protect ourselves from cyberbullying...
Words: 556 - Pages: 3
...My Reason for Returning To School When I returned to school, I knew I wanted to become a law enforcement officer. Ever since, my cousin Rona Lisa was the victim of a domestic violence relationship during her marriage to a very jealous man. She could not walk down the street and speak to any other man without him thinking that she wanted to be with them. Life was hard enough, but after they had a daughter it seem to get worst for Rona. The abuse had gotten so bad that she had to be hospitalized from a beating that left her covered in bruises. Finally she have had enough and decided to leave. But it was not easy at all for Rona. Her husband Robert could not let go. He had stalked her for months. Seeing her run from this man and could not get help from any law enforcement agencies, she hid herself and her children in different places. When he found her, he threatens her to come home or he would hurt anyone that would help her. So she went back to him to keep him from messing with her family and friends that provided her help and a place to stay. Even when the police was called out, they stated they could not do anything because she would not press charges because of him threatening her. They told her she would have to say what he was doing for them to help her. Until then he was not breaking any laws. She was told, she would have to come down to file for a restraining order. They seen she had bruises on her, but they did not take that into account. Because of too many woman...
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...hang their own causes. "If we have had more gun control in this country, this sort of thing would not have had happened." This kind of overshadowing occurs much in liberal media for which they have to intertwine politics into such events as a means to promote their own agendas. Mass shootings is still something that needs to be solved and given the right people to think long and hard on solutions to the problems, the problem can't just be solved by a panacea law to end all shootings. Gun control is complicated and requires thorough analysis and planning. Should more gun control laws be enacted? Would it help to solve this problem facing the nation? Given the type of track record gun control laws have had, more of these gun control laws should not be enacted. Gun control laws give way too much reasons for why more of them shouldn't be enacted, reason...
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...do superheroes exist in real life? Believe it or not, superheroes aren’t always in comic books. Superheroes are like guardians of their cities and countries, we have many of these kinds of guardians. Guardians such as police, fireman, doctors, teachers, and so on. But, have you ever thought of being a guardian yourself? Has it ever occurred to you that you can protect your city and country as well? Are the goresum government lessons you get taught for 45 minutes about your country really helping? So the real question is, how does learning about government and our America help you become a future guardian of the liberties of our country? Well then have you ever watched the news? If you have it talks about the problems in our country and is a great way and place to learn about all the...
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...Birmingham, Alabama sitting in a jail cell was one of the finest and memorable man that America has come to known Mr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King was one of the illustrious leaders for the civil rights movements back in the 50’s and 60s. He has done things in his life that many would say was courageous. Mr. King wrote a letter stressing the issues the black community were facing in Alabama. The letter as we all know is called “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. The seven page letter give or take was a thought out and well-structured letter. The concern he stressed for the coloreds and no actions taken to resolve the issues ate away at Mr. King. All the hard work that he put into having freedom for the underdogs...
Words: 1798 - Pages: 8
...paragraph When we talk about firearms, lots of people will immediately have a negative response to it, because people thinks that firearms represents danger, violence, and linked together with evil. I’m interested in gun laws and why people always think that using guns are wrong, so I chose the topic “Law and Criminality”, I’m also interested in how can laws control over criminality and why people decide to be criminals. My main research question is “How do gun laws affect crime rates in a country?”. I chose this as a main research question is because guns are dangerous and I think that the countries that are illegal to guns shouldn't be illegal, so I have to investigate/discover more in this topic to know why some countries allow...
Words: 1790 - Pages: 8
...the service easy to be substituted/imitated or not? Is there any barriers/ threats to entry the market? Political? Legal? Permission? Permission: business license? Epidemic prevention certificates? Do we need specialist knowledge to set up this business? What kind of legislation would affect us? Employment laws? Taxes Laws? Safety Laws? Environment Laws? Epidemic prevention Laws? Co-operation? Contracts? Market: Customers: Who are our target customers? High/Low/Middle lever income groups? Age? Gender?Are they regular /not regular customers? What are customers' needs according to our service? What's the consumption power? Price: What's the criteria of the charges? What's the average charge of the competitors? Place: Where do we locate? Should we in the city center or not? Why do we choose here? Are there any competitors nearby? Do we need an office/physical store? People: What kind of employees should we hire? How? How many doing Fulltime/part-time/ jobs do we need? Why certain jobs models? Do we have requirements regarding the age/gender? How to manage them ? How to pay the staff? According to their different work? Process: Who are the suppliers? Where do we get equipments/ food/ medicine from? What do we need from them? And price we expected to pay for...
Words: 583 - Pages: 3
...experience. Time and again, the question is raised: Why does suffering exist in a world created by an almighty and all-loving God? Allowing suffering he cannot be all loving. If suffering is outside his domain, he cannot be almighty. The question seems insoluble, but only as long as we maintain that suffering is bad. Could it be that suffering has a purpose, may be even a loving purpose? People from the east have long had an explanation for the cause of suffering and how to terminate it. Even Buddha keeps returning to this crucial problem. In his four truths and teachings about the noble eightfold path, he emphasizes that suffering is caused by earthly desires and that suffering only stops when a person has achieved complete awareness and has no desires at all. These thoughts seem odd to most Westerners. Let me therefore begin by describing the law that causes all this suffering. The initiates of the East call it the Law of Karma. In the West people call it the Law of Cause and Effect. WHAT IS KARMA? Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”. According to the Law of Karma, you shall reap in this life or the next as you have sown in this and previous lives. Every thought, feeling and need impels a corresponding reaction. However, it is more the motive and intent behind a deep that impels a reaction rather than the deed itself. This is why a child only creates very little karma through his actions. This is also why deeds seeming good, but with an egoistic motive...
Words: 1153 - Pages: 5
...Bullies Behind Bars Creating and Enforcing Bullying Laws in the United States ENG120 Abstract In the past decade there have been a growing number of teenage suicide attempts and successes. Many of these come from some form of bullying and harassment in our schools. Bullies leave scars on our children that last long into their adulthood; if they are lucky enough to make it to adulthood. This behavior has long been accepted as “boys will be boys.” Well boys are no longer boys and girls are sometimes more cruel than boys. It’s time we as parents and adults tell these bullies that their behavior has consequences and we as a society will no longer accept their behavior. Creating and Enforcing Bullying Laws in the United States. After my parents split up, life as I had known it for 9 years had changed. My father was gone and we were now living in a small apartment and my mother was on food stamps. I didn’t get my clothes from the store any longer. My clothes came from the church and lots of kids in school let me know it every day. I was called poor, told I was wearing others trash, called names and even tripped a few times. It only lasted a month or so, and then they moved on to the next one and left me alone. Today the bullies are going worldwide on the web. They are harassing you until you want to crawl in a hole and die and unfortunately some do just that. I was fortunate that my bullying experience was short lived, but it never left my mind. When I had my daughter...
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