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Wildlife Biologist Research Paper

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Wildlife biologist can tell how many species a particular area can sustain. By examining factor such as disease, nutrition, habitat relationships, and population, he can tell how to maintain and conserve Wildlife populations. He can guess the browse that an animal needs in a particular location so that it must not starve further. Counting the number of deer he can assume the tentative number of wolves, to get some sight of the food chain. As we know, animals are the sentries for difference in the environment. Nothing conveys us else than observing when, where and how they move. Observation made at the field can give huge insight than studying animals in a lab. To understand the mechanism of evolution and ecology, one must straight themselves towards the natural habitats. Living on a dream, a energetic youth with a faith and believe wishes in him to be Wildlife Biologist in 20 years.

October 2034, Sagarmatha Nepal, Wildlife Biologist, Dr. Himal Adhikari and his team Andy and Steve from National Geographic Channel gets ready for a next shot of their next documentary, “The Pathway of Snow Leopard”. Heading towards Solukhumbu, Sagarmatha National Park, for shooting …show more content…
At Alaska around Denali National Park, he got an overview how to deal with difficult circumstances of the wildlife issues. Thus called he learned the techniques of Wildlife management issues. After completion of college, he got a direct contract with Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC) to work at the South Gobi region of Mongolia to research the behavior of Snow Leopard. Rodney Jackson, the leading Biologist and the director of Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC) who gained the experience on knowing the high mountain habitat assists Himal to work with the local community and the farmer’s livelihood which let Himal to know the direct impact of snow leopard at the local

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