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Will There's A Way Summary

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The article entitled, "Where there's a Will, There's a Way", gave a very well informed explanation concerning Resilience. The author went into grave details concerning the specific definition that Resilience is, "a psychological study of individuals and groups in adverse circumstances"(Harrington,2012). "Resilience research analyzes why some people go on to experience more problems, while others develop into adults who can contribute positively to society (Werner, 2004),(Harrington,2012). This very statement gave room to spark such a revelation of testimony within me.
As a child, I was raised in a neglected home riddled with physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Being raised in this environment, caused emotional trauma, deep hurt and rejection to burrow within my soul. This environment fragmented the core of my being, which left me shattered from watching, hearing, and experiencing so many things no one should have seen, let alone a child! I didn't grow up in a solid foundation of Christ but what I did have was Religion, which led us to more Confusion, and eventually chaos. Hosea 4:6 says that, "my people are destroyed …show more content…
It is extremely difficult and impossible to tell you my story of overcoming an obstacle without telling you of him. It was because of the blood of the lamb how i overcame the deep hurt from my childhood. I remember seeing in my memories, my sisters being tortured, then i would hover over in the middle of anything i could be doing and deeply crying from the pain it caused me to see them, even in my mind! Christ cleansed my mind from painful memories of my childhood that used to make me weep out and cry in great sadness. Now all i do is pray for them deeply and other people. This article of resilience is very real and fortunately for me and for millions of others who suffered like me or who are suffering in silence, there is hope, and that hope is CHRIST

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