...the U.S military? Females have not been successfully integrated into the U.S military, because most women do not have the same opportunities as men. There have been limits placed on what they can do, where they can serve, and what divisions they can join. Women in the U.S military should be provided with equal opportunities as men because women can do the same things that a man can do when it comes to jobs, service, and leadership in the U.S military. According to Boldry and Wood (2001) During the 1970s, many military training programs in the United States prolonged their admissions policies to include women. Perhaps most noteworthy is the federal legislation passed in 1976 enabling women to be appointed to the navy, army, and air force service academies. The first women were to be admitted in 1976 to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy during the academy's centennial and the nation's bicentennial. However, this action created confusion about the...
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...[ return to top ]Changing of Roles of Women in the Military Changing of Roles of Women in the Military Combat Exclusion Law Should women serve in combat positions? The Combat Exclusion Law has dealt with this question since the 1940’s. As time continues, the question remains. The military has increased the percentage of females allowed to be enlisted and commissioned in the services as well as increasing the positions allotted to them (Matthews, Ender, Laurence, & Rohall, 2009). Keenan posits “women have served with distinction in … the Revolutionary War…as volunteer nurses and were only occasionally in the direct line of fire…four nurses evacuating 42 patients while the Germans bombed their field hospital…” (the DoD Combat Exclusion Policy) pg. 21. The most recent debate questions a women’s engagement in combat. What distinguishes some positions as being acceptable while others are not? Who has the authority to approve exceptions, and what exceptions have been made? On May 13, 2011, a bill placed before the House of Representatives addressed the issues to “repeal the ground combat exclusion policy for female members” (HR 1928). Political Issues or Influences In 1973, women began to grow in numbers in the All-Volunteer Force implemented under President Nixon. “In February 1988, Department of Defense (DoD) codified the Combat Exclusion Policy by adopting the ‘Risk Rule’”, (the DoD Combat Exclusion Policy) pg. 21, 22. The change of the feminine role in the civilian population...
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...Women in the Military Life is not easy, nor has it ever been for a woman. No one has a harder and more stressful life than a woman. A woman’s life is more difficult than a man’s because she must endure child birth, maintain personnel appearance, and overcome discrimination; Women in the United States have fought for the right to be included in many facets of society. From the beginning of time, women only had certain roles to play. A woman’s job was limited to homemaker, wife and mother. Women have played a tremendous role in the armed forces from the past to the present. In World War II thousands of women served in the military in traditional roles as a nurse or held an office job. Women should be allowed to fight for their country. The United States Army is the only branch that has recognized women in combat zones. They have yet to serve on the front line, but they are able to participate in convey. When it comes to combat assignments and the needs of the military, men take precedence. What is the point of taking women to the combat zone, if we are not able to go to war? When the military trains for combat, there is no gender bias training. The United States spends a lot of money on combat training for women and men. It is a waste of time and money not to send a woman to war. War is color blind. Behind every uniform is a Sailor, Solider, or Marine. When a woman walks into her command, she is greeted by her rank not her gender. Why shouldn’t a women serve for her country...
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...m Roxanne Rodriguez 10/28/10 English 101 Professor Murray Women in the Military: Warriors or a Liability? Since the dawn of time women have proved themselves in one way or another to be just as capable as men, so if a woman so chooses to risk her life fighting and engaging in hand to hand combat in a war to defend her country why shouldn’t she be allowed to? Women have dutifully served alongside and even in front of men in a line of combat throughout history which extends thousands of years into the past in many cultures and countries around the world. The warrior woman dates back to prehistoric times when individuals mostly fended for themselves to survive. During the Roman incursion into what is today England, there was Boadicea, the British warrior queen who led her people to battle against the Roman invaders. There was also Jinga, the majestic and murderous black queen who fought the Portuguese in seventeenth-century Angola. Modern western culture includes a famous and more popular example, Joan of Arc, who in 1429, at age 17, successfully led French troops into battle against the English. Even without the specific examples of these heroines, consider how, in our more recent history, hundreds of women have disguised themselves as men to fight in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. These acts are not just those of bravery, but true patriotism and those are the type of individuals who are needed in the line of duty to defend this great nation. A women’s restriction...
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...women in the miliWomen In the Military Historical Contributions Revolutionary war: During the American Revolutionary War thousands of women took an active role in both American and British armies. Most were wives or daughters of officers or soldiers. These women were known as “camp followers” because they maintained a constant presence in military camps. Their duties consisted primarily of cooking, sewing, laundry, childcare, and nursing the sick. Many women also disguised themselves as men in order to serve in the military. Civil War: During the Civil War thousands of women volunteered and signed up to work as nurses. Others helped supply food, sewed clothes and blankets, and did laundry. More than 400 women disguised themselves as men and fought in the Union and Confederate armies. Some worked as spies and messengers. W.W.I/W.W.II: Some of the more known roles of women in W.W.I/W.W.II include nurses, munitions factory workers, sewing bandages, selling war bonds, shipyards and spies. Some also worked on planes as mechanics and pilots. Korean Conflict: During the Korean Conflict most women were restricted to clerical and nursing duties. Vietnam: During Vietnam women served as nurses and were close behind fighting troops and were exposed to combat conditions and fighting forces. They were trained on how to fire the M-16 but were not allowed to fire them. Desert Storm/OIF: During Desert Storm over 40,000 US military women served in key combat‐support positions...
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...debated the role of women in combat since 1779.That's when the Continental Congress first awarded a military disability pension to Margaret Corbin ( who nickname was " Molly Pitcher", but many women who served in the Revolutionary War had that same nickname. They couldn't let each woman have their own nickname.) after she manned a cannon at the battle of Fort Washington in northern Manhattan. Corbin got only half the pension male soldiers received, but she asked for the full and the respect which she received almost a year later. On the other hand, Women have played an important part in the military since on the battlefields of the 19th century, Crimea to the impairment of airplanes in WWII. Today, the percentage of female active and inactive served in the military continues to grow every year. In the United State Armed Force alone 15% of their troops are women of many colors. But as we honor fallen service members both men and women this Memorial Day, but let's also remember that living veterans, especially women, are still struggling. You will never know the struggle women go through every day in the military, but you will get an outlook of some of the challenges women go through while trying to get in or being enlisted, the rate of...
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...The Women of The Canadian Military Women have been brave fighters and rulers since the beginning of time. From Viking warriors, the Amazon women, and Cleopatra; all the way to the World Wars, Queen Elizabeth, and today's women soldiers. During World War Two, women in the Canadian Womens Army Corps (C.W.A.C) paved the future for women in the military as equals. Through devotion, consistent bravery, and dedication, the C.W.A.C had provided a base for equality between men and women in the Canadian Army. Women played a large role in World War Two, the C.W.A.C performed many acts of devotion. The Canadian Womens Army Corps was not always around. Before the C.W.A.C women were a part of small groups across Canada, such as the Women's Volunteer Reserve Corps (from central Canada and the Maritime provinces) or the Canadian Territorial Service (from Ontario and the Western provinces).[i] A short period of time after the creation of the Canadian Women's Army Corps, almost 22,000 volunteers had enlisted.[ii] This proved devotion and challenged many twentieth century traditions. To prove equality, women even took physical and knowledge based courses to improve themselves for the military. The women acing these tests could prove they were equals, as well as devoted t their careers in the military.[iii] Everything these ladies did, was to prove their devotion and equality, as well as their bravery. During World War Two acts of bravery were extremely common. Approximately 3000 women served...
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...On December 3, 2015, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, announced the full integration of women into all combat military occupational specialties (MOS’s). Gender equality across military positions and occupations did not happen overnight, in fact, women have been vying for their right to participate in combat since the American Revolution and the Civil War. Pioneers like Deborah Samson, Sarah Emma Edmonds, and Frances Clayton hid their gender identity to bear arms and fight alongside their male counterparts in defense of their country and their freedom. Women’s modern day participation in combat is built on the initiative and gumption of those who hid their gender identity and went to war dressed as men. During the American Revolution, there were limited ways women could fight for America’s freedom from Britain. Deborah Samson, in October of 1778, dressed in men’s clothing and enlisted in the Army under the name Robert Shirtliffe. She was wounded twice during her three-year service; but, could preserve her sexual identity until medical treatment for a brain fever revealed it. Discharged from the military, she later...
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...that society’s expectations of women do not define how strong women are. The strength of women really starts to appeal towards society once women fight to take part in situations, such as women contributing in the United States military. However, the contributions of women towards wars and the military have changed over time ever since women have been proving that they are qualified to take part in military and war positions. Examining the relationship between women and the United States military throughout time will display how the expectations and...
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...the existing structure of the military as a gendered institution. Beginning with World War II, she uses feminist theory to show how women have fought for full citizenship rights, to include the right to serve in the Armed Forces, and the issues that have resulted from an incomplete and delayed integration. This book will be used to affirm issues the military has encountered due to continued gender segregation, and predict outcomes of full gender equality in the military. Fenner and DeYoung tackle opposing viewpoints on the topic of women’s expanded role...
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...Sexual Assault and Women in the Military Robb Johnson English 111 Professor Murray December 19, 2014 The protection and equal treatment of the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces of the United States is one the most important duties of the United States Department of Defense. With an annual budget of $500 billion dollars, and nearly 2.5 million active and reserve servicemen and women serving around the world, the Department of Defense is one of the most important and visible functioning organizations in the United States Government ("DoD releases fiscal," 2014). The men and women who serve in the Armed Forces are expected to exemplify what it means to be an American citizen and have an expectation to receive the appropriate care and respect in return for their services. Recent allegations of numerous cases of sexual assaults throughout the United States Armed Forces has left many wondering how this nation’s most entrusted organization could allow for this to take place. Reports show that servicewomen are being subjected to unethical treatment, specifically sexual harassment/assault at rates that have not been previously experienced. This raises the question of leadership and the policies in place to deal with such unethical treatment, and how the Department of Defense will move forward on the issues of sexual assault and women in the military. It has taken the stories of brave women to step forward and share their horrific experiences for this issue to come to the...
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...Why Women Serve in Military? The 21st century might be literally called the century of gender discrimination. The cases of the sex intolerance mostly appear in occupations. Some people conceive there are many professions that women are not supposed to do, like serving in military. The issue of women’s serving in the military has remained controversial for many decades. Although women have successfully proved that they cannot be called a weak gender any more, there are some occupations women should not be included, such as military. Fifty or seventy years ago, the notion of a women’s participation in the combat looked ridiculous, however it does not seem strange in modern society. Nevertheless, the question arises. Why do women serve in military...
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...G.I. Jane Are women in the military discouraged from training to meet the men's standards? Is this why a significant amount of women have dropped out of military training? (Eden 39) Women in military positions is an issue that has been very controversial for many years. Today, women that are usually serving in the military have an administrative or medical occupation, but filmmakers like Ridley Scott show that women can be strong, independent soldiers. In the movie, the main character Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil played by Demi Moore, is a woman who works for the Naval Intelligence Center (N.I.C) as a topographic analyst. Jordan is selected by female Senator Lillian DeHaven to participate in a test that would allow a woman to take part in the Navy Seals training program. In the past, O'Neil tried to enlist into the United States Navy but was...
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...Why Women Should Not Have Combat Roles in the Military In January of 2013, the ban preventing female soldiers from having combat roles in the military was lifted (Harris). As of today, women are fighting on the front lines of war alongside men during a time when war is more brutal now than ever. As a soldier in the Army, it is my plan to one day go overseas and fight against the enemies of the United States. However, it frightens me to know I will be fighting alongside mothers, sisters and daughters, who are all sacrificing their lives to do a job that men have been doing since the beginning of time. There are many important jobs done by women in our military, and I know that is what makes our country special, but I do not think women should be allowed combat roles. The main reasons behind my argument are women are not physically or mentally suited for combat, the amount of tension and sexual abuse that results from women in combat, and the amount of other jobs that women can have in our military besides combat jobs. Women are simply not as physically equipped as men are for combat. A contributor to studyhealth.com said, "Men are over 30% stronger than women, especially in the upper body. Although many feminists cannot face this fact, females simply do not have the strength or endurance necessary to be, for example, effective combat soldiers." A combat soldier is required on average to wear between 88 to 102 pounds of gear, depending on the weather, on almost every...
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...Are women capable of serving in combat roles in the military psychologically? Kevin Carpenter BCOM/275 July 16th, 2012 Sandra Payne ABSTRACT According to an article in the Huffington Post women handle combat stress as well as men (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/08/women-combat-stress_n_873381.html). It is the purpose of this paper to show that psychologically women do not handle combat stress as well as men. Through research I will show that women have a higher chance of suffering from Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and have increased risk of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The definition of MST used by the VA is given by U.S. Code (1720D of Title 38). It is “psychological trauma, which in the judgment of the VA mental health professional, resulted from a physical assault of a sexual nature, battery of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment which occurred while the Veteran was serving on active duty or active duty for training.” Sexual harassment is further defined as “repeated, unsolicited verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature which is threatening in character.” In more concrete terms, MST includes any sexual activity where you are involved against your will (http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/pages/military-sexual-trauma-general.asp ). PTSD as covered by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs can occur after a traumatic event. A traumatic event is something terrible and scary that you see, hear about, or that happens to you like combat exposure...
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