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Working Alone Research Paper

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Once I found out that I was going to be working alone I was a little anxious, I didn't want to say no though because my task supervisor had a family emergency and I needed to step up and fill in. I was happy that they trusted me enough to work alone but that didn't calm the nerves about dealing with situations on my own with very little experience. By Monday morning I convinced myself it was time to bury my anxiety and just get on with what needed doing. I was handling things pretty well until I had to take a family in the car with me. When I called the other worker to check I was secretly hoping she would say I wasn't allowed to take them because the thought of being alone in the car with people I wasn't sure about was starting to make my anxiety bubble to the surface. I …show more content…
Unfortunately I didn't hear back in time and ended up having to take them. In the car the mother was telling me about her 'past' ice use which made me very uncomfortable. I get very anxious around people who use drugs and I couldn't wait for them to get out of the car. When we got to the shops and she told the girls to quickly get out with her I became suspicious that she was not going in just to get butter, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt though and though maybe she wanted the girls to help her walk seeing as she said it hurt to much (even though she seemed fine before). When they returned to the car with bags of groceries I found myself very frustrated and somewhat betrayed that I had given in to the mother's sob story and then she took advantage of the situation to buy a heap of groceries. Once I dropped the family home I was feeling a mixture of relief, anxiety and frustration. I was supposed to be getting lunch but the thought of food was making me feel sick so I just grabbed a drink on my way back to PCYC to finish other

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