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Working In A Nursing Home

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Working in a nursing home for 4 years has really educated me about living with old age, it’s definitely an experience I value. I know for a fact I would not have had any knowledge about nursing homes otherwise. When you’re young and your parents are both still healthy you don’t bother to think about these complications and it’s definitely something a family or someone should start planning ahead for. When I started working in the nursing home as a receptionist, I would tell my mother “I don’t understand how children can just dump their parents in here, it’s such a sad place” as the years went on and I met some of the family members I understood how hard of a decision it was for them and how they didn’t really have a selection of choices to choose from. …show more content…
The first one being the 24 hours care, it’s definitely a benefit to have a certified nursing assistant and a licensed practical nurse at all times. I think this makes the resident and their families more secure knowing they are not alone. Most nursing homes have many services within them, this way elderly residents don’t have to transport as much times, some services will even be brought to them. For example rehabilitation; physical, occupational and speech therapies, wound care, orthopedic care. In my job, I see x-ray technician’s services, dentist services and even beauty care services being brought to the elderly. In the documentary, one women said she enjoyed living in a nursing home because she’s never alone and it’s very true. It’s good for them to associate with one another and for them to know that they aren’t alone on this, other people are facing the exact same hardships. Nursing homes usually have a recreation department that are in charge of planning many activities and they take place on a daily basis and many of the elderly who participate are

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