...World War II Memorial Sixteen million. When you think of that number, would you expect that that’s how many Americans served in World War II? That is definitely something to commemorate. The World War II Memorial was built to remember and honor the sixteen million who fought in the US army, and and the four hundred-thousand who lost their lives in World War II. The memorial was built from 2001-2004, and was designed by Friedrich St. Florian. The memorial has gained more than $197 million dollars in pledges and cash. This monument should be visited because it will impact how others see past generations. The World War II Memorial has fifty-six identical pillars, each representing the forty-eight states included in the war, and the eight territories....
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...The second atomic bombing was way worse then first, the bombing was the last major act of World War 2. Two senior military figures, General Groves and Admiral Purnell, convinced that the two atomic bombs were dropped within days apart would have a heavy impact on Japan surrendering. Scientists were also very interested in seeing which bomb was better, a uranium bomb which was used in the bombing of Hiroshima or the plutonium bomb which was used in the bombing of Nagasaki. The bombing was intentionally for the city if Kokura, which was housing a army arsenal. The atomic bomb “Fat Man”, was loaded into B-29 Superfortress bomber Bockscar; commanded by Major Charles Sweeney of USAAF 393rd squadron. Unlike the bombing of Hiroshima, “Fat Man” was already armed when the bomber took off due complexity of the bomb. This meant that a big jolt might cause the to detonate if the safety plugs failed, another concern was the fuel. They had hoped that skies over Kokura would be clear for...
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...CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Patit Paban Mishra, an Indian national was educated in Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Rabindra Bharati University. Professor Mishra’s main area of research lies in history , international relations and Asian studies. After retirement from Sambalpur University, Orissa, India; as a Professor in 2011, he took up assignment as visiting Professor at Northern University of Malaysia(UUM). CURRENT DESIGNATION Visiting Professor, UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies (COLGIS) Universiti Utara Malaysia 06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah DA, Malaysia. Malaysian phone numbers are , +60149344425, +60108049347. E-mail, ppmishra7@yahoo.com and/or patit@uum.edu.my ACADEMIC/RESEARCH/TEACHING INTEREST History, international relations and Asian studies. ------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------- D. Litt.(1998) Rabindra Bharati University, Calcutta, Orissa in Trans-National Migration: A Study of Culture in Transit. ------------------------------------------------- Ph.D.(1979)Centre for South, Southeast and Central Asian Studies, J.N.U., New Delhi, ------------------------------------------------- The Problem of Laos: Its international dimensions since the Geneva Conference respectively. ------------------------------------------------- M.Phil (1972) Centre for South, Southeast and Central Asian Studies, J.N.U., New Delhi, The Pathet Lao...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix F Research Plan As part of your Research Plan, you must draft a research question for your research paper. A research question, which is more specific and focused than a general topic, is the question that you will answer in your paper. For example, if your general area of interest is Social Security, a potential research question might ask, “How might low-income families save more money under a reformed Social Security plan that includes personal retirement accounts?” As you develop a research question, keep in mind that you will research sources with both supporting and differing viewpoints. Do not select a narrow or one-sided issue that will limit your research; instead, develop a research question that lends itself to further exploration and debate. |What is your topic or area of interest? | | | | | | | | | |War | |In what ways is this topic appropriate for a persuasive essay? |Because there are so many people against war and me being in | | ...
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...simple definition for the concept of security is a complex task, due to the variety of ways in which it can be defined. For the purposes of this essay however, the definition provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as security being “the prevention of any threat to individual or national security irrespective of that threat being political or economic in its nature, as such threats would threaten the process of development”[1] would be an appropriate fit, as it incorporates both the traditional State-centric element, and also the more holistic, human security definition.. Traditionally, the definition of development has been one that has been predicated upon a mainly economic basis, with the World Bank terming it as the reduction of global poverty.[2] While on the other hand, the UN has defined development as being the process of creating “an enabling environment for people to live long, healthy and creative lives”[3] and it is this definition which shall be considered most appropriate. During the course of answering this question, I will firstly consider the...
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...COURSE DESCRIPTION Surveys U.S. history from the end of the Civil War. Traces socioeconomic developments following the First World War and their impact on present American attitudes and policies toward domestic as well as international affairs. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources Schultz, Kevin M. (2014) HIST: Volume 2: U.S. history since 1865 (3rd ed.). University of Illinois at Chicago: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. (Note: This is a textbook uniquely created for Strayer and can only be purchased through the Strayer Bookstore. The contents of the book differ from the national title.) Supplemental Resources Alpha History. Retrieved from http://alphahistory.com American Experience. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org American Rhetoric. Retrieved from http://americanrhetoric.com A Multimedia History of World War One. Retrieved from http://www.firstworldwar.com Calisphere: University of California. Retrieved from http://www.calisphere.universityofcalifornia.edu/ Miller Center: University of Virginia. Retrieved from http://millercenter.org Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. Retrieved from http://www.merlot.org COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Identify and discuss the different ways that the heritage of slavery, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, and segregation have shaped America’s history. 2. Summarize and discuss the ways that formal policies of government have influenced the direction of historical and social development...
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...International Relations: Contemporary Issues and Actors Elective, 2nd year BA ES, Period 3 (4.5 ECTs) 1. General overview 2. Organisational Issues 3. Participation 4. Attendance rules 5. Grading 6. Essay questions 7. Main rationale and acquired skills 8. Changes introduced to last year’s course 9. Lectures 10. Tutorials 11. Essay writing - Quality criteria 3 4 6 9 10 10 14 15 16 17 36 2 1. General Overview This course is about how we understand International Relations (IR) and what major international actors operate in a number of contemporary policy areas. As it serves as an introduction to the discipline of IR, it starts with some of the basic concepts in it: e.g. war and peace; the role of the state, etc. This is complemented by introducing the role of International (governmental) Organizations (IOs) such as the UN, WTO, NATO, the EU, OSCE, CoE; and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), such as Amnesty International; Greenpeace; Medicins Sans Frontieres; etc. The course also introduces the role of the individual and self-organized groups of individuals that claim actorness in IR (advocacy groups; epistemic communities, policy networks; guerrillas; pirates; terrorist groups, etc.). In covering these issues, students are acquainted with some of the main theoretical debates in IR (e.g. Neo-Realism; Neo-Liberal Institutionalism; Social Constructivism; etc.). The lectures provide the general framework for discussing the role of the abovementioned...
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...9th Grade Lit/Comp B Research Paper Outline Unit 2, Lesson 11 Complete this outline and submit it to the dropbox in place of your Research Paper Rough Draft. You will work on this outline throughout Unit 2 Lessons 8-11. You will submit your completed outline to the drop box at the end of Unit 2 Lesson 11. Intro Hook - What interesting fact or statement would make your reader WANT to read the rest of your essay? Your hook should NOT be in the form of a question. Innovations in technology relating to weaponry and machinery made great advancements during the period between World War I and World War II. These advancements in machinery contributed to increased fighting capability by land, air and sea. Background- introduce your topic and...
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...Roberts Dr. Stanford-Bowers English 102 21 July 2013 Environmental Effects of Nuclear War Thesis: If large scale nuclear war broke out, it would make large areas of the earth uninhabitable and almost completely destroy the environment. I. Immediate effect to the environment a. The Nuclear Blast b. The Thermal Radiation c. Direct nuclear Radiation II. Effects That bring about nuclear winter d. Surface temperature drops e. Upper atmosphere heats causing ozone loss III. Fallout and its effects on the environment f. How people are exposed to fallout g. The effects of this exposure h. How long nuclear fallout last The atomic bomb is our single greatest piece of technology and also the worst piece of destruction we have ever created. It is because of the research in to nuclear weapons that we have had some of our greatest technological breakthroughs in electrical power and medicine. On the other hand, it is this research and testing that have changed our world completely and not for the better. According to Ramesh Thakur “When Manhattan project director J Robert Oppenheim first saw a nuclear explosion he quoted the bhagavad gita”Now I am become death, the shatterer of worlds”” (28). Because of all the superpowers dependence on nuclear weapons we are getting closer to seeing our worst nightmares of an all-out nuclear war becoming a reality. It is through the accident at the Chernobyl power plant and the dropping...
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...WP/13/266 Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff WP/13/266 © 2013 International Monetary Fund IMF Working Paper Research Department Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten1 Prepared by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff Authorized for distribution by Stijn Claessens December 2013 This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate. Abstract Even after one of the most severe multi-year crises on record in the advanced economies, the received wisdom in policy circles clings to the notion that high-income countries are completely different from their emerging market counterparts. The current phase of the official policy approach is predicated on the assumption that debt sustainability can be achieved through a mix of austerity, forbearance and growth. The claim is that advanced countries do not need to resort to the standard toolkit of emerging markets, including debt restructurings and conversions, higher inflation, capital controls and other forms of financial repression. As we document, this claim is at odds with the historical track record of...
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...ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Researcher would like to thank all the people who helped and supported while writing this research paper. Firstly, the Researcher would like to thank God for all the blessings He had given me, The Researcher praise and love Him giving his family strength to support his studies. Lastly, the Researcher would like to thank his parents who taught him and gave him knowledge to understand an everyday life. Also, to his teachers who continued to give him full understanding in every subject they teaches him. Approval Sheet This research entitled “Bataan Death March” is hereby submitted to Ms. Kris Kay H. Albo for partial fulfillment of the requirements in English III This research is hereby approved and accepted with the rating of ___% _________________ Ms. Kris Kay H.Albo Teacher, English TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………. i Approval Sheet ……………………………………………………………….…. ii Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………. iii Chapter I : The Problem and It’s Background A. Introduction … ……………………………………………………………. iv * Thesis Statement B. State of the...
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...Final Paper Prep: History of American Women in World War II Marilyn Thorsted HIS 204 American History Since 1865 (BUH1028C) Instructor: Dana Logan July 26, 2010 Topic The topic that I chose to write on is the History of American Women during World War II. What I would like to focus on is how these women lived and what impact they had on the American society at home or on the battlefront. Thesis: Women in World War II played an important role in defending our country at home and away. They were helpful when it came to filling the much needed jobs that were left behind by the men, and they provided much support on the battlefield as many of them recruited in the arm forces. Sources: Carter, R (2005). Blacks in America’s military: A legacy of war time heroism. New York Amsterdam News, 96 (24), 10-166 Retrieved July 26, 2007 from Academic Search Premier Database This source reports on contributions made by African Americans as they served in military and how valiantly throughout history. Many of these women sacrifice their way of live to protect the life and freedoms of the nation. Eisenmann, L. (2002). Educating the Female Citizen in a Post-war World: competing ideologies for American women, 1945–1965. Educational Review, 54(2), 133- 141. doi:10.1080/00131910220133220. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from Academic Search Premier Database This source gives information about Women in the post-World War II that found themselves caught between patriotisms...
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...to make adaptation as easy as possible. These schemes of work give guidance for: * Content to be covered * Approximate time to spend on different key themes * Ideas for incorporating and developing the assessment skills related to each unit. Suggested teaching time This is based on a two year teaching course of five and a half terms with one and a half hours of history teaching each week. This would be a seventy week course with total teaching time of approximately 100 hours. The schemes suggest the following timescale for the different sections: * Paper 1: 20 hours for each of the two topics: Total 40 hours. * Paper 2 Section A: 20 hours for the topic: Total 20 hours. * Paper 2 Section B: 25 hours for the topic since it covers a longer period in time. Total 25 hours. * Revision: 15 hours. Possible options for those with less teaching time * 20 hours for Section Paper 2 Section B * 10 hours for revision. Other course planning support You will find other support for planning the course in the Teacher’s Guide. This is a free downloadable resource that you can access at www.edexcel.com/certificate. Edexcel Subject Advisors Edexcel has a team of specialist subject advisors available to help you with implementation of this specification. You can contact them by email...
Words: 19278 - Pages: 78
...ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Free American History Essays and Papers www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=American+History Free American History papers, essays, and research papers. History Essays | Find Your Free History Essay - UK Essays www.ukessays.com › Essays View hundreds of history essays online from the most reliable custom history essay writing services company in the UK. American History: Speeches and Essays - Download free content ... https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/american-history.../id384514823 Download or subscribe to free content from American History: Speeches and Essays by University of South Florida on iTunes. Free Essays On History - eCheat www.echeat.com/26/Free-Essays-On-History.aspx Free essays on History available at echeat.com, the largest free essay community. Free history essays website | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/freehistessays Free history essays website. 3 likes · 0 talking about this. History Essays - Free Essays :: Paper Writing www.freeessays.cc/db/26/history/ Research database of history essays for...
Words: 740 - Pages: 3
...Search thousands of free essays... Search Type in your essay topic: ex. Vietnam War JOIN LOGIN CUSTOM ESSAYS HELP CONTACT Concord Book Paper Essay Below is a free essay on "Concord Book Paper" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Join Anti Essays to read full essay. Already a Member? Login Now Please upgrade your account to view this essay on Concord Book Paper. Running head: CONCORD BOOKSHOP PAPER Submitted by: jmb529 Concord Bookshop Paper Jonell Benson HCS/587 Ginger Weatherston University of Phoenix Concord Bookshop Paper This paper will discuss the organizational change process from the readings of, “Tales of Woe at Concord Bookshop.” The variety of change processes gives change leaders and administrators the ability to visualize the internal and external components of change that will go against the status quo and possibly cause a clash between the owners and the workers. The phases in the organizational change model are strategic responsiveness, behavioral change, employee participation and resistance to change. Also included, are the three faces of change and trigger events and change. I will describe two portions of the change process that were not completed or implemented at the Concord Bookshop, which caused failure of the change process. While attempting to implement change, the change leader must first assess the need for change. There was an increase in the amount of competition with...
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