...Animal Planet unfolds daily at Wilson Southern Middle School, everytime sixth grade goes to recess. The front of the school is the cage. This massive amount of chaos caused by the younger students distracts many of the students and faculty at the school. This recess was like an episode of Spongebob, and the eighth grade students were being annoyed by the sixth graders, like Squidward is with Spongebob. Will these hectic events ever stop? On November 14, 2015, many teachers and students observed the behavior of the sixth grade students during their recess. Many comments were made such as “I can’t teach that in two years,”Robin Dautrich, an eighth-grade English teacher. Many questions were also raised, such as “Where we that insane when...
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...it. As we sit here today our middle school careers are coming to a close right before us. The next journey of our life is starting.looking back on the past three years, I feel confident that we are definitely prepared for facing whatever challenges or absences we may face during our time in high school. Middle school was no doubt a tough journey. In 6th grade, iIt was scary talking to people you have never seen before,. walking halls you have never been, or going to new classes on taking risks. And, knowing that youu were going to be in 8th grade one day. 7th grade was the year of learning, and growing and . Llearning that homework is harder. Learning how to find yourself amongst your friends . Learning how to be more confident to not be scared. Finally , how to be a leader. Our 8th grade year began with the subtle realization that we were now the upperclassmen, the leaders, of [this school] and concluded with the development of new goals and ambitions for our first year of high school....
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...Lexington Middle school has the mission to educate the young minds from grade six to eight and prepare the students for high school and some real world situations. Mostly preparing the students for the high school environment and expectations. The school prepares the students by using similar schedules and/or similar systems for example switching certain classes on certain days. While also teaching them the needed materials to prepare for future classes. While also preparing the students for CTE classes. While as this is the case I believe that some of their systems are failing the students. For example having students walk in a line and the “home base” class is wasting the students time because of how the high school is set up....
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...VISION STATEMENT Every school has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by which the school makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school stays faithful to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school, and the kinds of programs and services that a school implements to support student learning. The purpose of the Vision Statement is to provide schools with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the strengths and challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of how the school perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This statement is structured for the school to reflect on how it provides teaching and learning on a day-to-day basis. Mission Statement: The mission of Gardner Newman Middle School is to meet students' needs by providing quality educational and personal growth opportunities ensuring success in our ever-changing world. Our commitment is to guide and inspire students to be responsible, productive citizens, to nurture students to achieve full potential in the classroom, to maximize students' intellectual, artistic, technological, and physical abilities, and to seize every...
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...Ms. Kayla McCumber student taught with me at West Middle School in Sioux City, Iowa sixth grade math. During her time at West Middle she worked with a diverse group of students ranging from special education students to talented and gifted students. Her classes consisted of one sixth grade math class on her own, three co-taught classrooms with three different teachers and also a math enrichment group. All the classes ranged in sizes from 25 – 35 students. Kayla was always prepared with her lessons and always tried to incorporate hands on activities in math and was also able to relate real life situations to her lessons. Kayla was introduced to the district directive of Close Reading and even got a chance to plan one by herself and incorporate...
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...used as a guide, along with waist size, to help estimate the amount of body fat a person has. A Body Mass Index of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and a Body Mass Index of 30 or above is considered obese. Obesity can shorten your life and put you at risk of developing a number of serious health conditions. These are, but not limited to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer. It has also been noted that health risks are higher for youth who are obese, and the risks happens to increase as the degree of obesity increases. Youth who carry extra weight around their waist, rather than in their legs and thighs, are more likely to experience health problems caused by obesity. However, parents, the community, and schools can make a huge difference when it comes to preventing and solving the problems of overweight and obesity in adolescent. Physical education has been part of the educational curriculum for nearly 200 years. The physical education curriculum is designed to allow students to experience at least a minimum exposure to the following categories of activities: aquatics, conditioning activities, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, team sports, rhythms, and dance. It is vital that students should participate in physical education to keep their mind and body in peak learning condition. Therefore, the focus on physical education is more important than ever before....
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...Once we had moved to Virginia I had thought that the house edition of musical chairs was over. But I was wrong. We moved to Winchester the summer before sixth grade before moving to our current house when I was in seventh grade. Over three years and two schools, two yearbooks, and over a dozen embarrassing moments I drastically changed. During my sixth grade year I attended Daniel Morgan Middle School. I was a typical awkward, shy sixth grade girl that had no idea what I was doing. Roughly half way through the year my English teacher, Mrs. BP, asked if I would be interested in joining the school journalism staff. I jumped at the chance and soon became enamored with journalistic writing and being a part of something important. The paper consisted of “articles”, fluff pieces, and crossword puzzles, and even though it was most likely the most pathetic thing to ever circulate the school, I loved it. Journalism soon became something that would be the thread connecting my middle school yeas together. That December Mrs. BP passed out handouts about a thing called Forensics. She was going to make us participate in class, but it would be our choice if we wanted to compete. At the time I hated public speaking with a passion, but after reading my prose piece to the class I realized I enjoyed it. Competing with a prose...
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...teacher that understands their students’ physical development may find it easier to identify a possible cause to a problem a child is having in school. Understanding the stages of cognitive development is of the utmost importance. Knowing a child’s starting point is essential for a teacher so they can plan the right way to help move the child through their zone of proximal development. It is a teacher’s job to promote thinking abilities in their students. By asking higher order questions a teacher will help in their cognitive development. A child’s development of personality and self-esteem is important to not only their schooling, but in their whole life. A teacher can help their students establish this personality and give them multiple ways to develop their sense of self. My purpose in this child study is to be able to analyze an individual child’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development and determine how the changes she is going through will affect her learning and behavior. Making my decision on which child to study was not an easy one. I sat with Kimberly Mach, a sixth grade language arts teacher at Memorial Middle School who has become a mentor for me in my internship. We discussed the child study project and the specifics it would entail. We discussed several students that could be used in this study; all of the choices were middle-level, average students, that...
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...love delving into a good book. Though I have had a hand in several activities throughout my life, I have found my niche to be playing the trombone. I began playing the trombone when I entered the sixth grade. As a twelve year old, playing an instrument was a trying task. The night I brought my instrument home, I assembled it and made the most atrocious sounds anyone had ever heard. I had no idea what I was doing or even how to hold the tangled brass tubing, but as time went on, and I suffered through the ear-piercing first semester of sixth grade band, playing the trombone became second nature to me. I sat first chair throughout my middle school years. I auditioned and earned a spot in the Davidson County All-County Middle School band as a young seventh grader. In eighth grade, after placing in the county band once again, I auditioned for a position in the North Carolina Northwest All-District Band, and I made first chair. Knowing that I was dubbed "the best in my district" made me yearn for more. I began to practice more often and more thoroughly, I asked my band director for harder music to improve my overall performance, I joined my school's jazz band, and I student-taught other students. The school auditorium became an ecosystem that I thrived in all throughout my middle school years. I found peace and comfort there, but it was also...
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...Throughout sixth and seventh grade, I have worked hard to maintain averages in all my classes which allowed me to earn High Honors throughout both years. It is always my goal to earn straight A’s, and I always do. I’ve received straight A+’s sometimes as well. I always try my best in school and do the best work that I can on everything, even in the classes that I don’t love or find particularly interesting. I always do the homework and projects that are assigned and hand them in on time even if it means putting schoolwork over something else that I would rather be doing, like hanging out with my friends. I study hard for every test and quiz so that I can get a good grade to raise my average. I always work hard in school because I know that it will help me later in life and I want to put my best foot forward....
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...Here at Gulf Coast Academy Charter Schools the language arts program is my favorite. Each year the classes are interesting and engaging with a series a series of amazing books. Always remember to follow along with the book or risk failing the test that you will have each Friday. The test will review the previous chapter you have read so far. In language arts if you happen to fail a test you can stay after on language designated clinic days to repair the grade to at least a seventy percent. One of the Language Arts teacher at Gulf Coast Charter Schools says, “The best book the incoming sixth grade class will be reading is The Watson’s go to Birmingham, because it teaches you a lot about the civil rights movement.” You will have many writing assignments. One of the...
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...my experiences in junior high. It was a big and exciting change for me to move to the middle school wing of the school. I was really excited about having six different teachers opposed to only one for the whole day. I was extremely excited for my first day of junior high. The night before, I had laid out my uniform and got all my school supplies ready. I woke up at 6:00 am, ready for my first day of school. I went to the kitchen, and made my breakfast. Then I realized that my parents werent home. At that time my mom was pregnant with my little brother, so it crossed my mind a few times that she could be having the baby. Because I didn't have a phone at that time, I had to email my parents asking them where they were. My dad drove...
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...The teacher that I chose to read about is Sharon M. Draper from Cincinnati Ohio. Draper received the Teacher of the Year award in 1997. She taught the grade levels seven to twelfth for about thirty years. During those thirty years she passionately taught the subject of English/Language Arts. Not only was Draper a successful educator, she also has a successful outcome with her books. The books she writes targets young teens in hopes to spark interest in reading novels and learning. Also, she writes books targeted for teachers across the nation in hopes to improve the education of America. Sharon M. Draper has some similarities to my favorite middle school teacher Mrs. Brinker. I remember only one thing from my sixth grade Language...
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...I understood that I would be within the Fifty-Eight percentage of African-American children living without their biological fathers. I never let this stop me from becoming a teacher because that is what I wanted to be. I challenged myself by taking all Pre-AP classes in Sixth Grade and that was the best decision I have made academically. I continued to keep up that 4.0 GPA and Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance. My grades were up to par because B’s were unacceptable for me. My classes were demanding but promoted me to continue taking them all three years. Along with my academic accomplishments, I also conquered extra-curricular activities. In the athletic department, I was named “Seventh Grade Female Athlete of the Year”. I excelled in every sport! I was apart of the Varsity Girl’s Choir and a member of the National Junior Honor Society, NJHS. Middle School was a foundation on how to flourish into a well-matured young woman despite everyone who doubted...
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...In sixth grade i only knew a few people. They went to the same elementary with me but we didn't hang out back then or now. But i knew a couple of other kids that weren't in my class. In the first week i made a good friend who moved to Sahuarita this past summer. His name was Nathan Rios and we basically hanged out for the most of the school year.I later did sports in sixth grade for the third and fourth quarter only.I did sports because i am good at it and i like to exercise while having fun and trying to win. In the third Quarter i tried out for the soccer team with my second big brother Gabriel Fernandez because we played outside of school for different club teams and we both made it. I made some seventh grade friends through soccer and are still my friends to this day. I Knew a couple of seventh graders through outside school soccer and they joined the soccer team and we thought we were gonna make the championship.But a couple of kids...
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