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Personal Narrative: My Experience In Middle School

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In this chapter, will be talking about my experiences in junior high. It was a big and exciting change for me to move to the middle school wing of the school. I was really excited about having six different teachers opposed to only one for the whole day.
I was extremely excited for my first day of junior high. The night before, I had laid out my uniform and got all my school supplies ready. I woke up at 6:00 am, ready for my first day of school. I went to the kitchen, and made my breakfast. Then I realized that my parents werent home. At that time my mom was pregnant with my little brother, so it crossed my mind a few times that she could be having the baby. Because I didn't have a phone at that time, I had to email my parents asking them where they were. My dad drove …show more content…
I was reading my schedule, and I was totally confused about it. I had no idea where all the classes were. My plan was to follow people who I thought know what they were doing, but nobody really know what to do. The teachers were all really nice when we first started junior high, but later on they started being more strict with us. My homeroom teacher Mrs. Salomone taught social studies, Mrs. Sextro teaches English to the 6th and 7th grades, as well as religion to the 6th grade. Ms. Hutchens used to teach science but she left the school and now it's Mr. Mulligan, Mrs. Heithaus teaches literature, Mrs. Lightner teaches 7th and 8th grade religion along with 8th grade English. I really liked the traffic of the hallways when switching classes. For one of our field trips we went bowling. We had to keep score using a paper and pencil, and we were graded on how well we kept track of the score. My favorite field trip was to Camp Sherwood for 3 days. When we were at camp a snake came outside of the boys cabin. The girls were yelling at us through window, telling us not open the door. We couldn't hear them so we opened the door, then when we saw the snake we all ran

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