...Yellow Fever Endemic to Tropical Regions of Africa and South America name University professor date Yellow Fever Yellow fever is a viral infection which is potentially fatal. Statistics kept by WHO, the World Health Organization, estimates that out of 200,000 cases of yellow fever each year, there are 30,000 deaths as a result of the infectious process (“Yellow Fever Fact,” 2010). Yellow Fever is endemic to tropical regions. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that yellow fever is endemic to 30 sub-Saharan African countries and 13 Central and South American countries. In the 1900’s research discovered that yellow fever is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and the development of a vaccine followed shortly after (Hill, 2009). Despite the development of a vaccine, today yellow fever is a serious health risk to the inhabitants of tropical South America, Africa, and to any travelers visiting these areas. This paper will discuss the infectious process of yellow fever, how yellow fever is diagnosed, and its’ signs and symptoms. Next, the pathophysiological changes caused by yellow fever will be explained. Lastly, available treatments and education to prevent yellow fever will be explored. Disease and Infectious Process The vector of the yellow fever virus is the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Meanwhile, humans and monkeys are the principle reservoirs for the virus. The process of infection starts with a female mosquito that feeds on an infected carrier of the yellow...
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...CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Upon reading this research paper, efforts to prevent and treat dengue include various means of vector control , a number of novel methods have been used to reduce mosquito numbers with some success including the placement of the guppy or copepods in standing water to eat the mosquito larvae. Attempts are ongoing to infect the mosquito population with bacteria of the Walachia genus , which makes the genetically modified male and there are ongoing programs working on a dengue vaccine to cover all four serotypes. Dengue fever or also known as break bone fever , is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus . There are many symptoms include fever, headache , muscles and joint paints and a characteristics skin-rashes that is similar to measles . In a small proportion of cases the virus develops into the life threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting bleeding , low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage or into dengue shock syndrome , where dangerously low blood pressure occurs treatment of acute dengue is supportive , using either oral or intravenous rehydration fusion for ore serve cases . There are ongoing programs working on a dengue vaccine to cover all serotypes . One of the concerns is that a vaccine could increase the risk of severe disease and the most developed is based on a weakened combination of the yellow fever virus and each of the four dengue serotypes. It is hoped that...
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...Chapter I: The Introduction A. Introduction Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that has become a major international public health concern. Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world, predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), a potentially lethal complication, was first recognized in the 1950’s during dengue epidemics in the Philippines and Thailand. DHF affects most Asian countries and has become a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children. There are four distinct, but closely related, viruses that cause dengue. Recovery from infection by one provides lifelong immunity against that virus but confers only partial and transient protection against subsequent infection by the other three viruses. Sequential infection increases the risk of developing DHF.1 1 “Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever,” World Health Organization, March 2009, 15 Oct. 2011 <http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs117/en>. 2 There is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat DHF. For typical dengue, the immediate concern is the relief of symptoms. Adequate fluid intake for proper body hydration and rest is important. All else will depend on the person’s immune system. However, since the Philippines is abundant with herbal medicines, the Tawa Tawa is being touted as an alternative cure to DHF. The Tawa Tawa is described as having numerous flowers which measures about 5 to 8 centimeters each with...
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...Zika Virus 1 Zika Virus Hendricks Project C Moesha Banks Zika Virus 2 Due to Zika being very popular and spearing rapidly around the United States I have decided to conduct a research on the disease its self. I know you are probably wondering why I decided to do my research paper on the Zika Virus. The Zika Virus is a virus that just popped up all of a sudden, and during this semester in we discussed it a lot in our Biology class. I quickly grew interested in the virus and wanted to find about more about it. That’s pretty much how I got here. Before making the decision of writing my paper on Zika, I had to make sure that I could find everything I need to conduct a proper research paper. I knew that the Zika Virus was very new and unheard of, so I worried that I would not be able to find enough information on it. I was wrong, due to the virus spreading to quickly I was able to find many articles on it. The Zika Virus is a part...
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...Organizational Structure Paper Brianne Fluegel MGT/230 March 2nd, 2015 Sylvester Taylor Organizational Structure Paper There is no better way of knowing a certain organization than actually working for them. Sanofi Pasteur, my employer, is a global pharmaceutical company. Sanofi is broken off into a few different companies, Sanofi Aventis, Sanofi, and Sanofi Pasteur. Each division has its own distinct purpose. My employers purpose at Sanofi Pasteur is formulate, fill, inspect, and package vaccines. The motto of the company is that we may live in a world where no one suffers or dies from a vaccine preventable disease and that is what the company focuses on. There are constantly new trials and on going research for new vaccines, improving the ones we already have, and expanding our reach to the world. Some diseases that we prevent with our vaccines are Influenza, Tetanus, Meningitis, Yellow Fever, Pertussis, and Dengue Fever. In order for a company that is so large and influential to be successful, the organizational structure of the company must be strong and clear. Sanofi Pasteur operates within a vertical structure. The hierarchy is run from the board of directors, to the CEO and president, to top level managers, mid level managers, and lower level managers. The company just named a new CEO to start on April 1st, 2015 after removing the previous CEO. The board, CEO, and president operate the company from France, not on our actual production campus. On campus we have...
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...Comparison Paper Introduction The following paper will provide research information about the public health resources for Robeson county located in North Carolina, the state of North Carolina, and the national public health resources. It will describe the history of public health, including pertinent dates and significant events, and describe the differences between public and community health. County, State, and National public health resources The Robeson County Department of Public Health promotes the health and wellness of the residents of Robeson County by offering the following services; child health, animal control, dental health, environment health, health education, immunizations, preparedness and response, social work, women health, home health, and vital statics for the county ("Robeson County NC Health Department", n.d). The state of North Carolina public health resources are provided by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, which has a Division of Public Health (DPH) sector that provides both direct and indirect services to the public and local health agencies that promotes the healthcare services provided to the public. The (DPH) works with local health departments and other community partners to promote education on disease prevention and promoting a healthy lifestyle. (DPH) offers the following services; Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, Minority Health and Health Disparities, Oral Health, Women’s and Children’s Health...
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...the newspapers at the time, Joseph Pulitzer of New York World and William Randolph Hearst, the editor of the New York Journal and they competed in the Newspaper business. Their competition lead to yellow journalism, which is an exaggerated way of reporting news in order to gain readership, profits, and influence. The conflict between spain and cuba for cuban independence and yellow journalism grew during this period allowing the influence of newspapers to once again grow. The USS Maine, in havana harbor on February 15th, 1898 caused the SpanishAmerican War. To protect American citizens, the USS Maine was sent to cuba to keep out the cuban revolution or in order words, national security. When the explosion happened, the immediate question for Americans was whether or not this was done by spain. Joseph Pulitzer, the editor of the New York World published in February 17, 1898, a newspaper under the headlines “USS Maine explosion caused by bomb or torpedo?” The question is asking attack or be attacked. The paper implies that this is all perhaps spain's fault and we either need to attack now or be eventually be attacked. This was false Wong 2 actually, in 1976 the navy researchers concluded that the explosion was caused by an underground mine. The competition for readership fueled up this yellow journalism. It pushed...
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...Aspirin and plants might have something in common when combined. If Aspirin was added to a plant then the results might differ. Aspirin is supposed to affect humans. Aspirin is not made to fix nor cure plants from anything. Testing this out could affect something from the plant cell that's different from the animal cell. This paper will be diving deeper into each individual aspect and provide more information. First, Aspirin Is A drug that is supposed to to reduce pain and fever from infections. Aspirin is also an acid called acetylsalicylic, this as well helps with the irritation of cuts or illnesses. Aspirin interferes with blood clots, preventing anything bad to happen to them. Aspirin is a powder with the chemical formula C9H8O4. Aspirin...
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...Comparison Paper What is history? Why do we need to study history? When I first started this assignment, I wondered why we needed to describe the history of public health and include pertinent dates and significant events. Being a good student, I did what I was told. While doing the research I realized that history is what shapes us. We not only learn from our successes, but our failures too. History has transformed us into what we are and why we do the things that we do. The History of Public Health According to the “Southeast Public Health Training Center” (2012), “Leviticus is believed to be the first written health code in the world” (para. 1). The book of Leviticus was written around 1500 B.C. and dealt with such issues as personal and community responsibilities, hygiene, sexual behavior, and protection against infectious diseases (“Southeast Public Health Training Center,” 2012). I found this very interesting since here we are thousands of years later still dealing with basically the same issues. The middle ages (500 to 1500 A.D.) marked a time when sickness was thought to be a consequence of sin. Bloodletting and alchemy were prevalent during this time. The biggest mistake of this era was their failure to believe that the environment could be the culprit, thus leading to epidemics such as the bubonic plague which resurfaced in Europe during 1348. Two-thirds of the population died within two years before scientists and religious figures discovered the...
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...Generic Security System with Thermal Imaging Technology American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Abstract. In this paper, I proposed a model to build thermal imaging based security system which can be used to control the access on private places and computer systems. The security system will maintain a database in which the thermogram of individuals will be kept. To get access on those places and computers, recent thermal image of the person will be matched with database in a systematic way. Here, I derived some equations for considering the dispersion of body temperature to match with the database in different physical and environmental condition. Key words: Thermogram, Thermal imager, Infrared radiator, Biometric system, Image processing, Image patterns recognition. 1 Introduction Thermal imaging system is the one of the most prominent and advanced technology to detect the radiated temperature (as image) from any objects or bodies by capturing it’s emitted infrared waves. Since almost every object radiate several volume of thermal energy, special type of device called thermal imager can be used to build the detailed temperature pattern of any object which is known as thermogram. Thermal image is varied from person to person and it’s unique [1]. So for ensuring true identification and correct authentication on different security system, thermal imaging technology can be kept in our general interest list. Recently...
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...Traditional Home Remedies Of Guyana By Dmitri Allicock “A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his thought to derive benefit from his illnesses” [Hippocrates -father of Western Medicine] If you grew up in Guyana you would certainly be acquainted with some of these common over the –counter- medicines and remedies that brought relief for various afflictions and ailments. Corner stores carried a wide array of medicines found only in the Caribbean and Guyana. These were augmented with herbal medicines and treatments before a visit to the doctor was attempted. Home remedies have been around for thousands of years. Even these days about 30 per cent of prescription drugs are still synthesised from plants. In fact, the word 'drug' comes from an old Dutch word, drogge, which means 'to dry' - which is how many plant medications were prepared. However, it is always wise to remember, just because something is "naturally" growing from a tree, doesn't mean it's safe to consume. Our grandparents and older folks would swear of the healing properties of herbs, leaves, roots and seeds that cured diseases which they contracted. The fact that our ancestors survived proved that some of the many remedies used then, did work and have increasing practical applications today. Arrowroot is a common plant of Guyana. Napoleon supposedly said the reason for the British love of arrowroot was to support the commerce of their...
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...Vaccination Controversy Julie S. Bertram Excelsior College Author's note This paper was written for MLS 500: Graduate Research and Writing taught by Dr. Kyla Hammond Most healthcare professionals and leaders attribute vaccination as the single-most important reason for increasing the health of the human population during the past one hundred years. As a result, required immunizations are common in the U. S. and other developed countries. However, there is a segment of society who argue against vaccination due to worries that immunizing negatively impacts future health. More and more information is becoming available that presents allopathic vaccination in an ugly light. (Sharma, 2003) For the past century, vaccines for diptheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and now more recently, hepatitis B and varicella have programmed our immune systems to be powerful protectors of our health. Compulsory state immunization laws have increased the U.S. immunization rate to 77%, the highest ever. (Largent, 2012) Despite high immunization rates, there is an underlying progression of a movement of parents questioning whether the vaccines are contributing to health conditions such as autism. Contributing to the uncertainty are occasional anecdotal accounts of parents with children who experience adverse reactions. Fear causes many parents to entirely forego vaccines for their children. Regardless of mandatory school vaccine laws for school children, physicians can...
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...Comparison Paper Jessica Johnson University of Phoenix NUR/408-Epidemiology June 11, 2012 During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries public health had few formal positions. The people who were in charge of public health were usually those of a social elite class. The expectation of a public health officer was to act in the public interest and they typically were men of property and means. (Scutchfield & Keck,). Health regulations were prepared and rewritten not due to what the needs of the public were but were in response to political aspirations. After devastating plagues of diseases such as yellow fever and cholera the public health employees began to look at public health from a more scientific view, such as, sanitary conditions within the cities, quarantine and then the construction of hospitals. According to Scutchfield & Keck in 1864 New York, members of the Council of Hygiene and Public Health of the Citizens’ Association “conducted street-by-street investigations of tenement housing congestion, slaughterhouse and stable conditions, sewage drainage, garbage heaps, and filthy habitations of many sections of the city, and correlated these with outbreaks of infectious disease and premature infant deaths.” During this time Lemuel Shattuck advocated for a census and collection of data of citizens by their age, sex, race, occupation, location and economic stature. By 1860 the public health agencies were more interested in public health rather than politics...
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...Evelyn Ramirez Marlene Soto History Dolley Madison 5/4/17 Task: Research Report Introduction Dolley Madison was one of the most influential person at her time and her effects are still with us today. She lived through an epidemic that killed her first husband and second son. She even risked her life during the War of 1812 for a painting of George Washington when the British soldiers were going to burn the White House. Early Life Dolley Payne, later known as Dolley Madison, was born on May 20, 1768 in New Garden, North Carolina. New Garden is a Quaker settlement which her family left, 10 months after Dolley was born. They moved to a plantation in Virginia, which was...
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...Eucalyptus globulus Labill Eucalyptus globulus Labill, is a species also known as the Tasmanian Blue Gum grows mainly along the east coast of Tasmania. The specific epithet globulus is Latin for globe-like or spherical, which refers to the shape of the fruit it bears. Bluegum Eucalyptus is part of the Myrtaceae family. Bluegum trees are also native to many parts of Australia, and various sub-tropic climate regions. This species of Eucalyptus is a medium-sized tree, that grows 15-20 meters tall. Occasionally the tree can reach heights of up to 70 meters. It’s root system grows deep and spreads out far in range for sturdy attachment. The bark of the tree is rough and persistent, but peels to reveal long thin strips of smooth grey, green, or yellow trunk. The tree’s juvenile leaves are waxy and blue-green in color. When the leaves start to mature they become sickle-shaped, dark green, glossy, and develop many oil glands. Eucalyptus globulus is a flowering tree, which flowers from September to December, but seeds will remain on trees until mid summer. The flowers are white or cream, and produce massive amounts of nectar which is pollinated by nearby birds, mammals, and insects. Bluegum trees’ habitat is a tall, open forest with a wide range of soils. The bluegum eucalyptus tree was first described in 1799 by a French Botanist named Labillardiere, who was collecting specimens on the coast of Tasmania. Labillardiere noted that most forms of eucalypt can adapt to many different...
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