Premium Essay

Young Female


Submitted By ohaniana
Words 315
Pages 2
A young female manager must decide whether to terminate two poorly performing managers who work for her. T he company has a performance rating system in which when an employee receives a 2.5, as four being the highest, that employee is subjected to performance improvement plan (PIP) which is really a venue for firing off an employee. The company also implements a bell curve system in evaluating employees, where a 30-40-30 sharing is enforced. The manager has a dilemma about the two weakest links in her group, namely Terry and Phil. The case shows the practical and ethical issues involved in firing decisions or What should the manager of the case do to Terry and Phil’s current poor performance in her group and what could be done in improving the current flaws in the HR practices of the company?
Ethical Problems
• The company is not fair in the hiring process of employees and is influenced by associations and connections as in the case of Terry. they need to do an observation of the assigned task. they need to set target and goals.
• The company is not fair in designating employees to their proper job specialization due to company acquisitions; as in the case of Phil. they need to re-design job description as call center manager and software PR. they need to change the job status.
• The speaker is having a hard time in firing Terry and Phil due to the knowledge of their personal life and the possible scenarios for the firing them.

* Terry have connections with top management . * Terry owns a gun which he stores in his car, the manager fears that Terry might be hysterical for being fired. Phil is recommended to be fired by the biased reason of her boss. * The manager also considers that Phil’s unemployment will affect his support to his family and little

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