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Zero Tolerance Policy Essay

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Imagine a world where a student could get arrested for failing to properly clean up a piece of birthday cake. This was the reality for a sixteen-year-old attending school in Los Angeles (Nolan 2011, pg. 19). Crime and violence that lives around inner-city public high schools has found its way inside some public urban schools. In order to counteract these problems, these schools have implemented zero tolerance policies and have increased police presence in these schools. While maintaining a safe school environment is necessary for students to learn, zero tolerance policies and high police presence have resulted in situations like the case of the spilt birthday cake. This case is one of the more extreme cases that these policies have caused, but many …show more content…
By looking at the repercussions of zero tolerance policies and police presence in some urban schools, one can see that these policies are unreasonably punishing these students and preventing student growth. This is important because these policies are in place in schools where most students are of color and poor. The policies created to derail violence have resulted in petty and extensive punishments in some urban schools. Small infractions, that typically would not result in punishments, lead to great consequences in these schools. In an urban public high school, over half were of the reported offences—that could lead towards suspension and arrest—were reported as ‘disorderly conduct’ (Nolan 2011, pg. 55). Out of the 110 disorderly conduct cases, “insubordination during an exchange with an adult, usually involving the refusal to show identification,” resulted in 65 reported offences (Nolan 2011, pg. 59). It is not breaking a rule that got theses student in trouble, but rather it’s the interactions between the

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