Academic Performance Of The Students

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    Academic Performance

    LEARNING STYLES AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE GRADE 10 STUDENTS IN THE TLE SUBJECTS ENROLLED IN TAMPILISAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SY: 2015-2016 JESTONIE C. GABOTERO JUNCER M. HAMOY ROXY MAE j. LENDIO A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the College of Agriculture & Tech Jose Rizal Memorial State University – Tampilisan Campus Znac, Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION

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    being an irregular student in the College of Fine Arts and Design. This issue has been significant in all the universities due to its increasing number. But first, let us define what a regular and irregular means. Regular is for something to be normal, usual or customary. Irregular is for something to be not according to rule or unusual. In relation to our study, regular students are those who are following the normal flow of the given subjects to be passed, while irregular students are those who may

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    Influence of the Study Habits

    to improve their students or children study habits. This required the teacher to promote a new mind set of learning style theories to appreciate each students as a unique individual, instead of trying to force all student into one fixed or pre-set model. Learning style works for all ages, for it is not only children who need to enjoy while learning. Remember, the best way to help your children or students learn is to let them

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    Effects of Social Networking Sites on College Students

    Abstract This research paper is entitled, "The effects of social networking sites to the academic excellence of the students in SAGIS". The researchers had decided to study this because SNS is getting more popular among teenagers and students and curious of the effects of SNS to them. Since the students are still high school students, the researchers decided to conduct this research to gain students, teachers, parents’ knowledge. It only covered the whole high school department of SAGIS, from

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    Krizzi Docs

    the Reading Comprehension of Iranian Students Nasser Rashidi Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Email: Farman Faham Shiraz University, Iran Abstract—The influence of music on language learning and performance has been the subject of study for many years. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of classical music (Mozart Sonata) on the reading comprehension performance of two groups of Iranian students in an English institute in Iran. To this

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    but also on academic performance of a child. According to Rubin, the tendency of an individual associates themselves with others who share amount of similar attributes in social dynamic is what we called homophily. For example, adolescent peer groups who have been found to be more homologous than the other student body who reported in smoking frequency, intake of alcohol, use of illegal substance such as marijuana and coccaine. Homophily of peer groups has been found among the academic characteristics

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    greater possibilities and opportunities that affects various ways of life thus, making it easier. Due to these unfathomable advancements in Technology, People nowadays, specifically the students utilize the Internet and these hi-tech devices like the android devices to, in some way make life easier. In the students’ point of view, a phone is not just a simple phone that is used to communicate; Android phones are used to snap photos of writings on the board instead of jotting it down on notebooks and

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    Health Informatics News

    The low understanding level accompanied by discouraging achievements of the students has become cause of great concern of our country and has bothered badly the educationists, parents and government. The educationists have made a number of systematic efforts to find out the causes of deterioration and suggested remedies thereof. Almost all the commissions and education policies The quality of a nation depends on the quality of its citizens. Also qualities of citizens depend on the quality of the

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    In: Other Topics Factors Affecting the Academic Performance HOW DOES THE ALLOWANCE OF THE STUDENT AFFECT HIS/HER ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE A RESEARCH PAPER Presented to DR. THERESITA POBLETE Department of Community Development College of Public Affairs Mindanao State University In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course CD 160 (Techniques and Methods of Social Investigation) Second Semester, 2013- 2014 By COSARY B. PANGILAMUN March 2014 I. INTRODUCTION

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    Project Synopsis

    the study Academic qualification, normally is the initial introduction of any person. Academic process starts from 1st year of school and is further shaped during all the years of school/college education. Academic qualification is achieved by learning and education. Process of formal learning takes place throughout life as a child in school and later as an adult in graduation/post-graduation. As most of the processes have parameters which govern performance of the process

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