competitive environment. Competitive advantage is created and sustained only when a firm is able to perform the most critical functions either more cheaply or better than its competitors. The value creating activities of a firm, according to Michael Porter suggested that the is grouped under two headings: (1) Primary Activities - those that are directly concerned with creating and delivering a product . (2) Support Activities, which are not directly involved in production, but may increase effectiveness
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บทสรุปยอ ยุทธวิธีการแขงขัน (Competitive Strategy) โดย Michael E. Porter เรียบเรียงภาษาไทย โดย ดร. สมคิด จาตุศรีพิทักษ และคณะ บทที่ 1 กลยุทธทางธรุกิจ กลยุทธ (Strategy) ในทางเศรษฐกิจ หมายถึง วิถีทางหรือแนวทางที่ถกกําหนด ุ ขึ้นเพื่อการระดมและจัดสรรการใชทรัพยากรของประเทศในอันที่จะชวยใหบรรลุถึงซึ่งเปา หมายทางเศรษฐกิจ ในทางธุรกิจปจจุบัน หมายถึง กระบวนการในการกําหนดเปาหมายที่แนชัดของ ธุรกิจทั้งในระยะสั้นและระยะยาว การสรางหรือพัฒนาวิถีทางในทางปฏิบัติ ตลอดจน ึ การระดมแลจัดสรรทรัพยากรขององคการธุรกิจ
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we believed, were of the most importance e.g. what issues Starbucks faces on an international scale and also what Starbucks can do strategically to change for the benefit of the company. We looked at the work of one theorist in particular Michael Porter and ways in which his concepts and theories could be applied to this particular case study. We chose to adopt the infamous Porter’s Diamond as a theoretical framework for our analysis. If this model is applied to a company in the correct manner it
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Abstract Ethics and social responsibility occupy an important place in our personal value system. Customer confidence in how business operates has been severely shaken by recent corporate scandals and collapses, such as Enron and bank failures. Hence it is important for companies to consider incorporating ethics and social responsibility into their strategic planning. This applies whether a company is involved with customers one-on-one, such as a Taco Bell or Dell, Inc., or their involvement
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Value Chain and its impact on Business Strategy Michael Porter presented the value chain concept as the whole series of activities that create and build value in his 1985 book Competitive Advantage (NetMBA, 2010). Porter developed the five forces model that many businesses and organizations utilize to address how well they can compete in the marketplace (Harvard Business School Press, 2005). In his book, Porter suggests that activities within an organization add value to the service and products
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segments most wanted- a convenient and affordable way to exchange currencies before travelling. Given the firm’s lack of success into breaking into the US market, Dorfman decided to run Mutual of Omaha’s foreign exchange business operations in 30 US airports before subsequently acquiring it. It also chose to acquire Assets and Capabilities: Dorfman did not let the firm’s current assets and capabilities (or lack thereof) limit his strategic decisions
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explosion about 16,000 feet in front of them. During the crash over 230 passengers died 4 flight crew and 14 cabin crew. The insurance company stated there was over $11 million in damage. The plane was scheduled to leave John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York to Charles
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PORTER'S DIAMOND OF NATIONAL ADVANTAGE What is the Diamond Model? Description The Diamond Model of Michael Porter for the competitive advantage of Nations offers a model that can help understand the comparative position of a nation in global competition. The model can also be used for major geographic regions. Traditional country advantages Traditionally, economic theory mentions the following factors for comparative advantage for regions or countries: 1. Land 2. Location 3. Natural
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diamond model by Michael Porter 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Diamond model Theory 4 1.2.1 Factor Condition 4 1.2.2 Demand conditions 5 1.2.3 Firm strategy, structure and rivalry 5 1.2.4 Related and supported industries 6 1.2.5 The role of Government 6 1.3 Criticism of the framework 7 1.4 Practical Example 7 1.5 Conclusion 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. The diamond model by Michael Porter 1 1.1 Introduction
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Are You Sure You Have a Strategy? Author(s): Donald C. Hambrick and James W. Fredrickson Reviewed work(s): Source: The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), Vol. 15, No. 4, Themes: Business Strategies and Employee Development (Nov., 2001), pp. 48-59 Published by: Academy of Management Stable URL: . Accessed: 17/01/2012 13:33 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .
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