Study Skills Essay Writing Essays remain an important method of assessment and enable examiners to discriminate between candidates, while also enabling candidates to display the skills and abilities which they possess. As the essay paper has evolved it has become more demanding with much more emphasis on posing questions which allow candidates to display the higher order skills. The following identifies a pyramid of skills which examinations try to test. [pic] The pyramid of skills: the bottom
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the day of the exam when you have to head into the math section after an hour of writing. First, you should be aware of the two types of essay you will be required to write. One is known as "Analysis of Issue." The other is known as "Analysis of Argument." They demand different approaches and need to be understood in their particularities. Let's talk first about "Analysis of Issue." In "Analysis of Issue", you will given a statement (the "issue"). For example, "Responsibility for preserving the
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instructor affect the revision of your blueprint, letter to the editor, and presentation? Ritu McDowell[19:32 ET]: 5 sources Ritu McDowell[19:32 ET]: •You are writing a paper that makes an argument. Its goal is to persuade others of the value of your Big Idea.•You are using outside research to support this argument, but your paper and presentation should focus on your own ideas and use your own analysis of this outside research to make the argument.Essay:Content: Includes a compelling introduction
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RECONSTRUCTING ARGUMENTS Deductive and Inductive Here we are to learn the techniques for PART I, Making a Critique- i.e., argument reconstruction, by doing the following “steps”: 1. Read the discourse; 2. Number and Bracket arguments; 3. Write an Index of Claims; and 4. Tree-Diagram the arguments. What is critiquing? Benjamin Samuel Bloom (1913 – 1999) - the creator of Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) following a framework for categorizing educational goals: Taxonomy of Educational
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below: 1. Red Herring: Red Herring is one of the logical fallacies that we see in some paper where there is uses of unrelated argument. So, I want to avoid the use of argument which is not related to my subject because uses of unrelated argument can distract my reader. Example: Before controlling the population, we must know how the animal suffers when there is global warming. Because, the argument that I provided in the example is not related to the subject. 2. False Analogy:
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Constructing an Argument Section 1: Big Ideas Many people believe that everything is an argument—every piece of writing, every image you see. That's because every time we write something down—with the possible exception of a private journal entry—we are anticipating that someone else will read or see it, and we hope to achieve some kind of response in that reader or viewer. So even if you are writing a description of your favorite vacation spot, you are probably trying—maybe without
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Argument template The given argument presents a couple of assumptions and facts to arrive at the conclusion that ______claim_______, (which in term) _________conclusion_______. The argument cities the (example, survey data) as an evidence in support of its claim that ____________. An overview of the argument would lead the reader to be convinced of the authenticity of the claim made. However, on closer scrutiny / on analyzing the given argument from all perspectives, one can indentify various
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Basic Elements of An Essay [pic] Introduction of the Essay The introduction should detail what is contained in the paper. The introduction is usually only a paragraph, three at the most. The writer should sum up the introduction with a TOPIC SENTENCE which supports the main idea of the essay OR CLARIFYING STATEMENT. This will allow the reader to know the subject of the paper and an introduction to that subject. This is one of the most important things cited by the professors. Writing a Purpose
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class: Revise Problem Statement to be a first paragraph Compose summary of the issue/partition Thursday, 4/3 In class: Devise a strategy/draft an opening Outline your argument Friday, 4/4 11:59 pm Due: “Argue a Position” Don’t compose the end of your Paper. Upload as a google doc; invite assigned classmates. Week of 4/7 to 4/11 Mandatory Meetings Tuesday, 4/8 In class: Editorial Meeting (Complete Peer Review letters) Due: Body of “Propose a solution”
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Statement Argument Exercise DIRECTIONS for question 1-20: Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong’ argument and which is a ‘weak' argument. Give answer (1) if only argument I is strong; (2) if only argument II is strong; (3) if either I or II is strong; (4) if neither I nor II is strong and (5) if both I and II are strong. 1. Statement: Should all refugees, who make unauthorized
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